feet that fall asleep?!?


Active Member
Does anyone else experience both feet or just one foot that falls asleep/feels numb while working out? My shoes are not too tight and I've been through several pairs. I am beginning to worry. :(
Actually I'm seeing a nuerologist this week for just that reason at first it was on and off but now it is consistent plus I also have plantar facitis ...it's a pain but I'm not letting that stop my w/o's.
Hi KellyK!
Have you ever tried massage? I'm a massage therapist and I have worked on many people that have your problem. You could have really tight calf muscles or any of the other muscles in your legs and feet. If you havn't tried massage take a look into it. It can help! But, don't go to a spa for this. They usually only give "foo-foo" massages. Find a therapist that does deep tissue and/or sports massage. Good Luck!:)
I have a herniated lumbar disc and sometimes I'll get a flare up which will cause foot numbness, usually in just one foot but sometimes it's in both. And I sometimes get this numbness when my back doesn't hurt, but I know it's related to the herniation. I'd have it checked out anyway because it could be a circulatory problem, since you don't think it's your shoes.
YES! The last pair of shoes that I purchased I got from RRS. In the box there was that little pamphlet that's always in there. Long story short...turns out my problem is a high instep and changing my lacing strategy helped. You might check the sight. I don't think I still have the pamphlet but I could look if you're interested. I could scan it and shoot it to you via email if you'd like.


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