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    Lunch suggestions?

    Hi everyome, I am having a hard time with lunches right now. I am a SAHM, so I don't need things that I could pack or whatever, but I'm just getting tired of turkey and pb&j sandwiches. I really want more protein at lunch, but I don't want to cook a huge meal. I don't have a huge budget...
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    weightlifting during pregnancy

    You're welcome :-)
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    Weight lifting during pregnancy?

    LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-01 AT 09:48AM (Est)[p]Debbie, I forgot to add this. I found it hard to modify Cathe's step tapes because of the impact, but her weight tapes were modifiable. I used a lot of Firm tapes because I could easily lighten my weights and modify the moves to low impact. Next...
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    Weight lifting during pregnancy?

    Hi Debbie, I'm certainly not an expert, but I just had a baby 6 months ago, so I was in your situation pretty recently. In my opinion, it is fine to keep lifting weights during pregnancy as long as it is something you're accustomed to prior to pregnancy. Even someone who has never lifted...
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    Check-in 9-22-01

    Hi everyone, I finished my S&H rotation, so I am starting a CTX rotation. This was my first week doing it, and I enjoyed it. Some days, I wish the cardio was longer, but usually I don't have more time anyway. The strength portions of this series are Cathe's best, I think. Anyway, I hope...
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    Step tape without to much complex choreography

    Hi Shanda, I've heard a lot of people recommend Step Heat, How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding and Step Max for first time Cathe tapes. Someone else will probably know better than me because I only have the newer tapes, but those are apparently less tricky in trms of choreography. You will...
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    Re; check in for 9/13

    Hi Everyone, I had a really good workout week, which I needed after all the tragedy. I hope no one here was directly involved in that. Anyway, here is what I did: M: Circuit Max; walk with baby T: S&H Chest/Back; walk with baby W: Cardio Kicks T: S&H Legs/Shoulders F: CIA 7005 hi/lo S: Body...
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    Exercising thru pregnancy book

    I don't have this particular book, but I do have Birgitta Gallo's Expecting Fitness. She uses the Clapp book as a resource, and from what I understand, her book is very similar to his. The main difference, I think, is that her book is much less scientific and technical while still presenting...
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    Help me find Leaner Legs

    Hi all, I stupidly traded this tape after I had the baby thinking I would never be able to do all the high impact in CTX. I traded the whole set away, and now I am trying to re-collect them. I've gotten all but this one. If someone has an extra copy, please let me know. Thanks!!!! Emily...
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    CTX revisited

    If anyone has an extra copy of Leaner Legs for sale, would you please email me?? Please?? [email protected] Emily
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    CTX revisited

    I'm so mad because I traded away my set after I had the baby thinking that I would never be able to do all that high impact again. What was I thinking?? :-( I have managed to get all of them back except Leaner Legs, so I'm hoping someone on the Firm Swap will have pity on me and decide they...
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    Let's add some new fans!

    I can't remember if there's anyone in Arkansas besides me? I'd rather NOT be here, but I will be for the next two years, so if there's anyone else I'd love to know? Emily
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    Power Max Circuit Max Swap?

    Annette, You could always try the Firm Swap, too. Things go pretty fast over there. I don't have the link, but go to then go to the forums, and there is one for exchanging and selling. Good luck. Emily
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    Congratulations, Cathe! I had mine in April of this year, and it is a wonderful time to be pregnant and have a baby! Good luck. Emily
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    strep b

    Hi Michele, I also tested positive for Strep B, and it was fine. The only thing they did was give me penicillin. They like to give you two doses of antibiotics before you have the baby, so just make sure you start early enough. I got to the hospital in just enough time to get two doses in...
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    Let me know if this picture shows up

    RE: Beautiful! Thanks so much! She is 3 months old in the picture. Yes, I do have it framed on a shelf in her room. They grow so fast, don't they?
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    Let me know if this picture shows up

    Okay, just copy and paste the address, and it should take you there.
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    Let me know if this picture shows up

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-01 AT 06:18PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-01 AT 06:17 PM (Est) Does this work? Emily
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    Let me know if this picture shows up

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-01 AT 04:22PM (Est)[p]nfm
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    Announcing the birth of

    I can't believe it! That was so fast. Congratulations on your precious little baby :-) Emily