Power Max Circuit Max Swap?


Good morning, all! I truly hope I'm not doing a serious foo-paw here on the Cathe Open Discussion forum, but I wanted to find out if anyone is interested in swapping their Power Max video for my Circuit Max video.

As cool as CM is, I really have not found a place for it in my program, and I've got a hankering for an all-step Cathe tape. My husband has gently pointed out that he's going to have a heart attack if I add one more video to The Collection this millenium, so I thought I'd check here first to see if someone needs to make room (maybe for their Cathe DVD collection?) and swap. And I really didn't want to monkey around with any other video swap forums for now.

Any takers? Or swappers? I'll throw in a Keli Roberts 4-part ab tape as well! (Wouldn't surprise me if there weren't any takers - these ARE Cathe videos, after all!)

Thanks! :) :) :) :) :)

I already have CM but just wanted to say that I hope it is OK to propose a swap here because I would probably like to do it sometime in the future. I went to that videofitness swap thing and did not like it at all. It was confusing and I will probably never go back to it.

Good Luck,
Kristie Schultz

You could always try the Firm Swap, too. Things go pretty fast over there. I don't have the link, but go to www.firmdirect.com then go to the forums, and there is one for exchanging and selling. Good luck.


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