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    Firming the buttocks

    Marla, I've had GREAT luck with The FIRM workouts. There are a lot of "tall box climbs" or step-ups in their videos. There are also floor work videos that help improve that area also. Check out
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    Which step tapes are low impact?

    If you are interested in trying Cathe, I suggest her earlier tapes. They are lower impact, but high in intensity and will really get your heart rate up. Also, she breaks down the moves so it is easier to follow. I think Mega Step Blast and/or The Wedding Tape are good ones to begin with. One...
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    Oop! sorry about the double post. I tried to edit my first post, but couldn't for some reason.
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    At your age of 40 your heart rate should really not exceed 145 bpm. At 180 bpm you are excercising anaerobically and are burning muscle, not fat. Maybe you should slow it down a bit. It would be interesting to see what other people have to say, but IMHO I think you might be overtraining. Do...
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    At your age or 40 your heart rate should really not exceed 145 bpm. At 180 bpm you are excercising at anaerobically and are burning muscle, not fat. I do think maybe you should slow it down a bit. It would be interesting to see what other people have to say, but IMHO I think you might be...
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    Calories burned

    Hi MasonK, I think as long as you look and feel better, I would not worry about what the scale says. The scale at my doctor's office (I don't have one at home) tells me that I've actually gained weight! But I'm wearing smaller clothes and I look and feel better also. Plus, friends and...
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    Hi Everybody, I have had diabetes for 35 years (insulin-dependent) and have never noticed diet pop to raise my blood sugar. And you would think it would have if it's true that diet pop has this effect. However, I don't drink it very often, simply because I don't like the taste. I do use...
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    DebbieH...How did you do that????

    I'm Gotta Try This, Too [marquee]You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Is Blowing
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    Just Did My First Cathe Workout

    I just did Mega Step Blast and I loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! I also love The Firm, but I have a feeling that Cathe may take its place. I can't wait to get some more Cathe tapes under my belt. I just bought a full size step so purchasing more tapes will have to wait until next month, but it...
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    step platform?

    The Sports Authority has a Spartan step unsale for $50, originally $79. I don't know how it compares to Reebok or The Step, though. Check out www.The Sports Authority: Aerobic
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    Where do you get all this information?

    The best way to look for information on aerobic steps is to go to the web site and type in the name of a particular sports store. For instance, go to to check out the Spartan step that's unsale for $50. Click on "Fitness" which is found under the heading "Browse The...
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    Aerobic Step

    I noticed that Sports Authority has the Spartan Step unsale for about $50, marked down from $80. Does anybody use this step? How is it? I don't think it comes with the mat but it raises up to 10 inches. It also is "full size."
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    Aerobic Step

    I was just wondering what kind do you use. I know that Cathe uses The Step. Does anybody use the step system by Reebok? It's about the same price. I'm not sure of the measurements but it is "full size." It adjusts up to 10 inches. I am looking for a step and was just wonderinig which one...
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    Shoulder ?Problem? With Lat Rows

    It's nothing to be concerned about unless you have pain. I snap, crackle and pop all over the place when I work out. I don't know what causes it, but I have been told that unless you are experiencing pain, it's nothing to worry about.
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    Question RE: ab workout for short people

    An interview with Sharon Bruneau in Muscle & Fitness Hers Apr/May states that short people (under 5'5 or so) should not do ab work because we tend to be thicker in the trunk than taller people. She states "that's a muscle that will grow". Has anyone ever heard this before? I'm 5'4, 10 lbs...
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    Thyroid Desease

    I also have a thyroid disease. I am hypothyroid. I don't have any problems with my weight as long as I take my synthroid every day. See your doctor. He will probably order a blood test and based on the results, he can give you medication that will correct the problem.
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    What Tape Should I Begin With

    Okay, this is what I decided to buy... Mega Step Blast Step Heat Wedding Video Maximam Intensity Strength Cardio Kicks Thanks everyone, for your suggestions.
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    What Tape Should I Begin With

    The only step workouts that I do now is by The Firm. I rented IntervalMax from the local library once and I think I would have really liked it, but I could only keep it for a couple of days. Those power plyometric jumps, however, really knocked me out and I don't think I am quite up to that...
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    What Tape Should I Begin With

    I want to get a Cathe F. step workout tape but don't know which one(s) to buy. Can someone recommend some good "beginner" tapes. I know that all of Cathe's tapes are intense and that there is no such thing as a "beginner." What I'm looking for is one with the easiest choreography, since I...
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    Quick Question

    I just have a quick question. Is "high intensity" the same as "high impact"?