Search results

  1. H

    Leaner Legs vs. LG, GSL & PLB

    I have LG, GSL and PLB. I am considering purchasing Leaner Legs, but I am wondering why this workout is ranked the hardest of them all in the "Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts." What makes it so hard, effective and/or different from LG, GSL and PLB? This may have been discussed before, but...
  2. H


    Obviously I am not Cathe, but I noticed you were a new user and so am I so I thought I would throw in my two cents. :) Perhaps you are not doing anything wrong, but maybe your back muscles are weak. I never would work my abs b/c it hurt my back (mainly lower back)during and after. However...
  3. H

    what happened?

    If you don't know how many calories you are eating I would suggest trying I had absolutely no idea what my caloric intake was and it helped me. It takes a little bit of time to figure out but is helpful.
  4. H

    Does anyone have a coworker who does Cathe with you?

    Newbie here...just wondering if anyone out there has a coworker that they do Cathe with? My coworker and I are new to Cathe and are each other's accountability partners. Each morning begins with a run down of our last workout and how Cathe killed us! We are crazy....we are both sitting on...