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    Amy Bento

    If anyone has these DVDs could you please let me know how long they are? I am very interested, but I do not like to do step that is less than 40 minutes, not including warm-up and cool-down, Thank you very much! Kim:)
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    Anyone else disappointed?

    How long are they? Thanks! Kim
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    Hello Michigander's!

    What a small world! My daughter dances at Linda's Dance Works on 12 Mile Rd.! Let's all try to get together, I am always interested in meeting new friends.......:)
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    Hello Michigander's!

    I am from Royal Oak, I would be interested....Kim
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    TLT question

    Hi everyone, I just have a quick question, I am one of those people that unless I am pouring sweat during my workout I don't feel like I accomplished anything, Will the TLTs make me sweat? I don't mean to sound gross, but as fellow exercisers I knew you would understand! Thanks in advance, Kim
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    Let's all remember that Cathe did say that you can have a full refund at any time...........:)
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    Thank you for your positive feedback, I think I, or really we, may go ahead and try one more time, I will let you know how it goes! :-)
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    Hi everyone, just looking for some input. I am 34 years old and have two wonderful children, a couple months ago I had a very unplanned pregnancy that ended up a miscarriage, I am so tempted to try again, but I am very concerned about my age, any comments or advice would be very welcomed...
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    FitPrime...on the fence

    RE: Hi! All I have to say is you people, especially Amy have way too much time on your hands! Why don't you get a life instead of sitting in front of your computer on these forums 24 hrs. a day!
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    SNM: What is the best way to use the mix and match portion?

    Hi, I would love to know the answer to this too! Thank you!
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    Imax 2

    I just have to say that Imax 2 is so much better than Imax , I loved it! I liked it better mostly because it was so much easier on the feet! So to anyone who thinks that they can't do this tape because Imax was too hard or hurt too much, I say "try it, you will not be sorry!"
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    Could anyone tell me what type of results they have had from using bodymax on a regular basis? It says this tape is for "endurance", does that mean it tones rather than builds muscle? I am confused, please let me know, Thank you, Kim
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    Am I crazy?

    I am sorry, but I just did not find cardio with weights challenging. And no, I am not bragging, I am the first to admit that Imax is too hard for me. Does anyone else feel the same?
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    I Love Cardio & Weights!!!!

    Is it just me? I found this tape super easy! I will save it for a light day!
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    Has anyone tried the fitprime videos? I was just wondering if they are any good, Let me know, Thank you, Kim