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  1. B

    Thanks Cathe and friends! Baby's 16 mos old now...

    I did CTX a lot before I got pregnant, and a little after I found out. Throughout pregnancy I did Yoga for Preg, Kathy Smith's 1989 Pregnancy Workout, and FitMama. Third trimester, again feeling refreshed, I did select CTX workouts, GREATLY MODIFIED; about half the time, I did them without the...
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    Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!!

    Jennifer, Congratulations on almost being there! Pregnancy is very exciting, isn't it? Yes, I did manage to stay totally, completely regular for the entire pregnancy by making sure I ate the right stuff and had lots of water, juice, and milk to drink. Good luck with everything...
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    Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!!

    RE: Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!... Wendy, Congratulations on quitting smoking. I had my last cigarette on December 25, 1999. Although I don't really think about smoking during my waking hours, and I don't feel like doing it, I dream about it all the time! So...
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    Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!!

    RE: Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!... This is a reply to everyone. The baby's name is Marie Ellen DeMoss, named after 2 of her great-grandmothers. Thanks for asking! She is doing great, and for this I am very thankful. I did a little--LITTLE--exercise last night...
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    Follow-up to 'put on too much weight'--THANKS ALL!!!

    Hi, My beautiful baby girl arrived on January 19th, 2005. She was 7#8". She is currently healthy as a horse. Every day I thank God for her and for her good health. She is wonderful. I've forgotten all the back pain, tiredness, swelling, etc. I love her so much. I wonder why I never...
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    Put on way too much weight

    Well...I'll tell you, Wendy: I'm a doctor. I work at the hospital where my OB is, so I'm probably better off being at work right up till I deliver than I am being at home, which is about 30 minutes away. So maybe not everyone will work right up till--but in my case, it's ideal. It really...
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    Put on way too much weight

    Thank you so much for the advice. It really helps a lot. I need the support these days, being so unwieldy and all. I did find out today at my 39-week check that if Mother Nature doesn't get things started, I'll be induced next Monday night! What a relief! Do you think I'll be able to...
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    Put on way too much weight

    Sandra, Thanks for the information. Everyone here has really boosted my spirits. It really means a lot that you would be helpful toward a total stranger. By the way, congratulations on losing all that weight and getting into shape. That is quite an accomplishment. It really takes a lot...
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    Put on way too much weight

    Hi Wendy, Thanks for the advice! It makes me feel a lot better. Also, congratulations on your baby! This is an exciting time. If you are a regular exerciser, you should feel pretty good till almost the end--barring anything really dramatic. I'm at work, 7 days before my due date, and I...
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    Put on way too much weight

    Hi everyone, Thanks for your suggestions regarding postpartum exercise. I really appreciate your help. Anyway, tomorrow I'll be 39 weeks! I've put on 43 pounds--way too much. WAY. Everything is fine with baby, however: no polyhydramnios or anything like that. I come from a long line...
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    pregnancy workouts...

    Here are my recs: 1) Leisa Hart's Fit Mama--NO. BORING. I previously recommended this video, but for those who were regular exercisers before pregnancy, this thing is BORING. It's very repetitive, and it's clearly for those who were not regular exercisers before pregnancy. A) You will...
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    Good postpartum workouts?

    THANKS TO EVERYONE for your suggestions!!!!!! They have really helped a lot. I don't have a stability ball, but I'll get one. Thanks again! You are all a big, big help. Brigitte.:-) :-) :-) :-)
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    Good postpartum workouts?

    Hi all, My baby is due soon. I've really been looking forward to getting back to "real" exercise! Unlike a few of you, I've been unable to keep doing my usual level of exercise because of my awkward new center of gravity. Any recommendations, Cathe-wise (or Firm-wise) for starting to get...
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    Some good workouts for preg

    Hello, I am now 24 weeks pregnant, and everything is going along just fine (thank God)! I have been able to gain steadily and keep in good health thus far. I was an avid CTX user before pregnancy, but found that I could not keep up the intensity as things went along. I bought several...
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    8 weeks--need suggestions

    RE: 8 weeks-Anyone doing Pilates? Congrats on TWINS!!!! You must be very excited. No, I haven't ordered any pregnancy workouts. I really don't know what to do about that. I've checked the clips at in their pregnancy section, and frankly, most of the workouts don't...
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    Newly pregnant with first!

    Hi, Melanie! I just posted my own message, so if you have suggestions for me, let me know (see newer messages). I also am newly pregnant with my first! I am 8 weeks now--due on January 18th. My husband and I were also not trying, but not NOT trying. I am 31. As you can see, we have a...
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    8 weeks--need suggestions

    Hello, I'm 8 weeks pregnant and normally a Cathe person. The only series I have is CTX, which I love. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I had a little spotting and was advised to lower my exercise intensity. I've done so; however, other (non-Cathe) workouts make me feel like I'm hardly doing...
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    Have you ever played Hookie to workout with CATHE?

    I DID play hookie to workout with Cathe. A couple of months ago, I bought the Step-brand step, and LOVED the All-Step tape that came with it so much, I bought the entire Cross Train Express on DVD. I knew it was coming UPS Second Day Air, so I left work early to be home to receive it. I was...