Newly pregnant with first!

Melanie H

Hi All!

I have been reading this forum off and on for a few years figuring that one of these years I would be ready to settle down and start a family. Just a little background - I have been married for 5 years, will be 30 in August (yikes!), and just found out two weeks ago that I am pregnant with our first!! We were not actively trying but not NOT trying either ;-), so it was a bit of a surprise but a great one! I am due January 15 (close to Julia Roberts it now seems!).

I have been working out with Cathe videos since 1999 and am so proud of my nice toned muscles (thanks you Slow & Heavy!!). Since I found out I am pregnant my energy level is definitely lower, so I've been turning down the intensity and sticking with more endurance-based strength workouts. I am going to try hard not to stress about gaining weight or losing muscle - I know this new project is way more important! - but still it is quite an attitude adjustment that I know you can all relate to. I'm lucky to be feeling good for the most part, but boy do I realize I need some more supportive sports bras!

Anyway just wanted to introduce myself for now and wondering if I can join in the weekly check-ins? I know it would give me some much-needed motivation. I have so much admiration for all of you who keep exercising through pregnancy - I just hope I can keep it up too. Exercise has always been such an important part of my life, and I know that while my reasons for working out for the next 9 months have changed it is still as important as ever.

I'm sure I'll be posting lots of questions over the coming months! Looking forward to getting to know you all better.

Due Date 1/15/2005
Hey there!

Congratulations! I think you'll find a lot of support for exercise and pregnancy here. Of course you can join the pregnancy check in (I'll just speak up for them all:7 :7 ). Then after you have the baby you can move on over to the post partum check in. Keep us posted.

take care
Congratulations, Melanie!
Yeah! Another new mommmie! How exciting. :)

Feel free to join us in the Pregnancy Check-In anytime. It's great motivation for keeping up with your workouts. Plus, it's nice to chat with others about the same things you are going through and ask all those questions.

Best of luck!
Welcome and congratulations!! Please join us in at the check-ins, you are more than welcome.

EDD (Dates) 07-19-04
EDD (U/S) 07-15-04
Welcome, Melanie, and congratulations! Please do join the check-ins. Just take your workouts day by day, monitoring how you feel. I, too, have had to try not to stress about the weight gain and loss of muscle tone, but at the same time, this has been an amazing experience. I know my body will bounce back and yours will, too. You have a great attitude.

EDD 8/11/04
Thanks for the warm welcome! I look forward to joining the check-in and getting to know you all better. This is a fun "club" to be in!

Congrats! I'm soooooooooooo happy for you. Being a Mom is one of my most favorite rolls in life. BTW, great name. :eek:)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi, Melanie!

I just posted my own message, so if you have suggestions for me, let me know (see newer messages).

I also am newly pregnant with my first! I am 8 weeks now--due on January 18th. My husband and I were also not trying, but not NOT trying. I am 31. As you can see, we have a few things in common.

Let me know if you have any issues similar to mine, since we are so close in gestational age and all. I think I'll be posting periodically with various issues, etc. Let me know if I can be of any assistance or whatever.

See you around,
Wow! I am 31 too! This is my second baby. I have a beautiful daughter. I am a little further behind the to of you. I am seven weeks.:7
Fun to hear there are others due in January - doesn't it seem like a loooong way away? Oh well, plenty of time to prepare I suppose! Look forward to chatting a lot with you guys as we go through this crazy stuff together!


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