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  1. T

    DH mad at me about baby question

    This question must bring out the lurkers.... I just can't help but reply to this one. I, like so many of you who have posted, don't have kids. I'm 33 and have only been married 2 years. The questions started immediately (NO KIDDING!) after we got back from our honeymoon- not from our moms but...
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    Cathe cracks me up...

    I believe that someone mentioned this in a past post, but I like the "get your balls out" or "I hope you have your balls" comment. Can't remember exactly how she words it. I know she didn't mean it that way, but oh boy, is it funny to hear. It's strange how she just says something like "are...
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    protein powder

    Parrillo has super protein powder. In the mornings, I put them in shakes along with oatmeal (chopped up) and frozen fruit. Their bars are also very good.
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    Not sure how to word this....

    I liked the whimpering comment. Maybe I'll try that! That's funny. I am def. into the workout so it's not like I am just sitting there waiting for the noise. I just try to really listen to Cathe's voice. It makes me focus more. I honestly think that it just goes with my personality. When I go...
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    Not sure how to word this....

    I have noticed that it is done right after the reps-remaining count is given. I am sure it's one of those things that you do without even knowing it. However, on something that is taped and played over and over again, it gets distracting, not to mention annoying. I love all the crew members...
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    Can you still be a member or not?

    I have a message board for my students (I teach 7th and 8th graders). I have two students who help me out with making sure the board stays clean. I've had the board for 3 years and never had any problems until.... last year when a student became angry at another student who was on the board a...
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    Not sure how to word this....

    Maximus- Sorry to bring it to your attention! Here's something for ya- Check out Pyramid Lower Body; it's even worse! By the way, I like the humor in your posts. You're funny :) I searched for past posts about my concern and actually found several. There is a rather long one from a couple of...
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    Once again, I am at a loss

    A couple of years ago I received a bill with a couple of porn movies. I was shocked. I would def. remember if I ordered them :) I called the cable co. and demanded to know what the deal was. I was so hot. They asked if there was anyone living in the household that would have ordered them. I had...
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    Legs & Glutes Substitution Moves

    Reba- Thank you for your encouraging words and for suggesting to lower the step. I didn't even think of that! Lunacat- You have so many great ideas. I guess everyone has their strengths and it's wise to just listen to your body. (How you sub in the static lunges for the other types of...
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    Legs & Glutes Substitution Moves

    I've been using the Legs and Glutes workout for 4 weeks now. I love it. I honestly didn't know that you could sweat that much from a weight workout! There is a move that I am having some trouble mastering. I think I'm just not advanced/stronger enough yet. The genie move is killing me. I've been...
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    Not sure how to word this....

    Lunacat, Thank you for your honest answer. I will certainly check out the series you suggested. It sure is a lot easier on the couch! Luckily, I've always been very active (running and working out at the gym). I love that high that you get from doing something for your body. It just feels...
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    Not sure how to word this....

    I am a new user to this forum, although I have been reading the posts and watching Cathe on FitTV for many months. Guess I just got the guts to actually work out with her instead of viewing the workouts from the couch. I am not sure how to word this question, but I am having some trouble...