protein powder


Hello all,
I was interested in getting some protein powder to make smoothies, etc. with for in between meal snacks and as a quick meal for when I am at work and only have 5 minutes to eat (I am a nurse and sometimes can go for many hours without eating and sometimes I don't get a lunch so I thought a protein shake would be fast and easy). Does anyone have any suggestions for brand of protein.

:) :) :D :D
I consider myself something of an expert in this matter, having tried pretty much every brand out there in a quest to find one I could stomach. Most of them have a pronounced protein odor and taste, which turns my stomach.

I had almost given up when I found Unjury. No aftertaste, no protein smell - have I died and gone to heaven? The Unflavored can be put in anything and is undetectable - soups, mashed potatoes, coffee, pretty much anything you can think of.

The chocolate is wonderful mixed into my morning coffee. I'm not a vanilla person, but the vanilla along with some DaVinci sugar-free syrup (many flavors available) is fantastic.

The Unjury folks are so nice and easy to deal with.

Here's a link - hope it works:

Also, for Davinci -
I use American Whey Double Dutch Chocolate. It mixes up really well for me. There are alot of kinds the ladies can tell you about. This is just what I like to use.

How about EAS Myoplex "ready-to-drink" shakes? I just pour them "over ice" (they are best super cold).

The Myoplex Lite has 25g P and 20g C. And the Myoplex Carb Sense has 25g P and 5g C. I use the "Lite" one as a meal replacement (if I'm in a hurry or out). And I use the 25/5 more for a boost about 30 min before I do a workout. The rich chocolate is my favorite. (Myoplex also has a few other formulas with a higher P amt, also). I've tried the Cappucinno, and if you add lots of crushed ice to it, it tastes like a Starbuck's Frappucchino! yum!

If you have access to a blender, at work. The Designer Whey "Strawberry" protein powder is great. IF you also add in about 1/3 of a small banana, it gives it a better flavor and consistency (thicker). I add in one scoop of DW to skim milk, and add a few strawberries and the sm pc of banana, and blend. Then, pour over ice. Don't crush the ice in the blender, as I find it really makes the shake too watery. This is another great pre-workout drink (without the fruit added), or a nice meal replacement (with fruit added). FYI: the chocolate flavor in DW, I found to be very horrible tasting.

I always carry a protein bar with me, in my purse. I've tried a ton, and Zone Perfect Bars are the best tasting, though I have others I rely on more for real protein gain, but the taste factor is lacking (ie, in the Dr Sears protein bars -- which are actually a better quality bar, but Zone Perfect Bars taste good! lol) And they do "hold" me for a good 2.5 hours, until I can get in a meal. Or you can use 1/2 bar for a snack.

Here are the sites, if you want more info:

A tip I recently learned about: Add a TBSP or 2 of Jello non fat, sugar free pudding mix to your protein drink. It's fabulous and only 5-10 calories a serving.
Hey fitness Jedi (love the name!)

I use Shaklee's Energizing Soy Protein for my protein shakes (you can read more about these on the "UGHHHH DH is driving me crazy" post, but if you are actually using it for meals, Shaklee also makes Meal Shakes (they come in bavarian cocoa or french vanilla and taste absolutely WONDERFUL!!!) If you are making these as a meal, make sure what ever you decide to take has some vitamins and minerals in it too.
Here is the product blurb for Shaklee's meal shakes:

Fast Food, Smart Nutrition

"Lunch is served - in minutes - with these delicious and nutritious shakes. Blended with low-fat milk for a creamy taste, they turn any meal or snack into a nutritional powerhouse. In fact, they provide 45% or more of the Daily Values for 19 essential vitamins and minerals, and are a rich source of calcium - the basics that growing kids and teens need to stay strong and healthy. They're also an excellent source of dietary fiber and protein, and they weigh in at just 240 calories per serving when mixed with low-fat milk."

You can read more about these meal shakes at:
I like Carb Solutions Shake Mix in Dutch Chocolate and also Creamy Vanilla. You know you have a winner when it tastes good blended with water and ice! Reminds me of cake batter! They get thick like a milk shake if you let it blend for a few minutes.

I prefer the low carb so I can add my own if I want.

I get mine at Wal-Mart, best price I've seen.
I get mine from Costcos. Huge amount that last forever. SportPharma, the chocolate kind. I think it has 22grams of Protein and is low carb and cost $19.99.

I use Jay Robb's protien powder. I think his protien powder is the BEST I've tried. I've tried vanilla, strawberry and chocolate and I prefer strawberry. It's all organic and has no artificial sweetners or anything in it. I think it tastes so much better than other protien powders. Plus, it has no fillers in it, too. You can find Jay at or at Whole Foods.

I would also like to suggest Designer Whey protein powder in Strawberry. My brother turned me on to this product and I really like the Strawberry as well as Vanilla and Chocolate. For the most part, I always make a shake with them in a blender a few times a week after my weight workouts or after a really taxing workout. I use a blender, skim milk, fruit (ex. banana, blueberries, raspberries, strawberry) ice, and then blend. Yesterday I used the strawberry powder, 1 cup skim milk, 3/4 cup blueberries, and 10 ice cubes to make my was delicious. Good luck finding one that works for you...please share if you find something new!

I recently switched from Designer Whey to Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey. I only use chocolate. I like both of these powders. They both mix well in a shaker bottle in just a few seconds and taste great mixed with yogurt, fruit, ff milk or water. Make really great smoothies too.


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