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  1. L

    The Perfect Prenatal Workout

    Hi! I'll also be very curious to hear what you think of this one. I am seriously considering purchasing it as soon as I become pregnant again and have read many outstanding reviews of it on Amazon. Let us know:)
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    Confused on what DVD to get next

    Hi! You can also purchase the full size original health club step with risers at Wal-Mart for $57. With shipping, it runs about $70. Your local Wal-Mart might be able to order it for you so you don't have to pay shipping. It would be worth checking out! I'm asking for the full size step...
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    Has anyone tried these prenatal dvds?

    Hi! Just wondered if anyone has tried Jennifer Gianni's Fusion Pilates for pregnancy (available through or the 15 to Fit prenatal workout (available through If so, I would really appreciate any feedback on these workouts. I'm not pregnant at the moment, but hope to...
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    Cathe, have you considered doing a prenatal workout dvd?

    Hi Cathe! Just wondered if you have ever considered producing a prenatal and postnatal workout dvd? There seems to be a real lack of quality prenatal and postnatal workout dvds out there, and I would think there would be a lot of interest in these types of workouts produced by you! Thanks:)
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    Will new dvd's be available to order on Cathe's web site?

    Hi! This question may have already been asked and answered, but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere: Will the new dvd's be available to purchase on Cathe's website separate from the package deal at Target? I would be interested in purchasing these dvd's invidivually (but missed the presale)...
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    Floor Aerobics - Low Max

    I agree this would be a wonderful option, especially for those of us who are just getting started with Cathe or just want a lower impact workout. Perhaps a dvd like this could offer different workout lengths also, and even different intensity levels (i.e. a beg/int option and a more advanced...
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    Check out Mom's Rock in the open discussion forum

    Hello! Just read some really wonderful comments in the open discussion forum that I though all you fit mamas would enjoy reading. Check it out, it's called Mom's Rock under the Open Discussion forum. :):)
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    Moms rock!!

    What a wonderful topic and a great group of women! I agree with what all of you have said about staying fit during and after your pregnancy. I've had two toddlers (ages 4 and 2). After my first pregnancy, I hardly did any exercise and as a result, felt awful. After the second pregnancy I...
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    Which step should i purchase to use for Cathe's weight r/o/p & TIA

    RE: Which step should i purchase to use for Cathe's wei... Hi! I haven't yet purchased my step yet, but on the advice of all of these smart ladies that are part of the forum, I've decided to go with the original health club step (like option 2 you listed above) that is available at Wal-Mart...
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    Is there a rotation for Beg/Int or pregnant exercisers?

    RE: Is there a rotation for Beg/Int or pregnant exercis... Thanks Kathyrn! I just looked through some of the posts in the fit moms forum and found some great ideas for rotations. I hope to see a beg/int rotation in the future that will incorporate all of the new ones as well as past beg/int...
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    Is there a rotation for Beg/Int or pregnant exercisers?

    RE: Is there a rotation for Beg/Int or pregnant exercis... Thanks so much Kelley! I think it's so great that these rotations are posted for us to follow or modify as needed. Hopefully, Cathe will post an updated beg/int rotation once the new workouts are released. This is very helpful;)
  12. L

    Is there a rotation for Beg/Int or pregnant exercisers?

    Hi Cathe! I'm new to your workouts and to the forum and just wondered if you've ever posted (or plan on posting) a rotation for the beg/int level exercisers or for those who are pregnant? A rotation for the beg/int level exerciser might be really great considering you now have produced several...
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    Help! What is the best size step to buy (especially if...

    RE: Help! What is the best size step to buy (especiall... Thanks Wendy! After seeing the responses back to my question, I definitely think the larger step just makes more sense. I'm so excited to get started on these. I think I'm going to purchase Basic Step/Body Fusion, as well as the new...
  14. L

    Body Fusion set at Walmart?

    Thanks for the information and response. What I've decided to do is go ahead and invest in a full sized step (they have a decent price on the original health club step at Wal-Mart), and then just purchase the BSBF dvd, stability ball, and resistance band separately. Also, I plan on purchasing...
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    Help! What is the best size step to buy (especially if...

    RE: Help! What is the best size step to buy (especiall... Thanks so much! I was thinking that the larger step would really be a better investment too. I like the idea of having a bit more surface area to move around on, especially as I'm new to these types of workouts. Good luck with your...
  16. L

    Help! What is the best size step to buy (especially if...

    Hi! Please help, I'm new to Cathe (but have been dedicated to health and fitness since the birth of my daughter 2 yrs. ago), and plan on purchasing the basic step & body fusion workout as well as the new beg/int. series. I understand that the step that is included in the set will be a smaller...
  17. L

    Body Fusion set at Walmart?

    Hi, I'm new to Cathe Friedrich and am interested in purchasing the Body Fusion set that is available at Walmart. It contains the dvd, the step, stability ball, band, and light dumbells. Just wondered if there's anyone who has purchased this who could give me any feeback on it? Particularly...
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    How old were your little ones when the moved into a toddler bed?

    Hi! We've actually been pretty lucky with our toddlers sleeping. I think what worked very well for us (and every parent has to determine what is best for their family and what they're comfortable with) is that we never had either one of our kids sleep with us (so they never got in the habit in...
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    Pregnancy Work Out

    Hi! I'm new to the forum and hoping to become pregnant with baby#3 this Fall. I also would LOVE to see some pre and post pregnancy workouts!!
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    Need Advice on 2nd Baby

    Hi! Well, your question is a complicated one and like others said, it really comes down to when you're ready and feel able to handle it. That being said, the only thing I can offer as a mom of two toddlers (19 months apart) is that should you decide to try to get pregnant now, you will...