How old were your little ones when the moved into a toddler bed?

How old were your little ones when the moved into a toddler bed?

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As we prepare for the arrival of our next one...I thought I'd see what you ladies have experienced in the past.

Thanks! :D
I know that I'm in the minority here but my 4 year old is still sleeping with us. HA!!!!!! He was the worst baby and the only time I could get any sleep is if I put him in bed with us - now he won't sleep in his own bed. Oh well, it could be worse.
Dana, we have a good friends who have an 11 year old that still sleeps with his mom. It's so bad that the mom & dad haven't slept in the same bed for years. If the boy has a sleep over the mom sleeps on the couch, otherwise the boy won't even go to sleep unless she's cuddling him!!!
Jory slept with us for a long time, I remember even reading books to him about how important it was for him to sleep in his own bed. Little Justin slept with us while he was real itsy bitsy...but now he sleeps like a fish out of water. No problem there...he sleeps in his OWN bed. ;) Ha ha

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94[/img][/url]
The thing is, if we move him to his own bed once he falls asleep, he usually stays there until the morning. We've been letting him stay in our bed b/c it has been so hot and we have a/c in our bedroom. I really hope that we can get him in his own bed once baby gets here. (crossing my fingers).
We decided to try the toddler bed around 21 months. DH and I decided from the beginning that we did not want to encourage our DS sleeping with us, of course there are always exceptions. I've heard so many stories of parents trying to stop that habit and how hard it is to break. We felt that DS needed to learn to sleep on his own. Luckily he goes to bed when we tell him it is bedtime with no argument and he has never left his bed without asking us if it is okay for him to sleep with us or even on our floor. We only allow it if it is really close to the time we would normally get up anyway (maybe an hour early) or if it is storming. I think the reason DS asks permission is because we used to keep the baby gate up so he could not leave his room. The stairs are right next to his room and we did not want him to accidently fall down the stairs in his sleep. He would have night terrors off and on due to not sleeping well or not taking a nap earlier that day and he would wander around his room.
we started at 24 mos. he's pretty good about it. he has his times when he has a bad dream or it's storming and it scares him then and only then do we let him get in the bed with us. we didn't want to start the habit and then have a hard time breaking him out of it. i am just wondering what he going to say now when the baby comes and of course he will be in the room with us for awhile.
We've actually been pretty lucky with our toddlers sleeping. I think what worked very well for us (and every parent has to determine what is best for their family and what they're comfortable with) is that we never had either one of our kids sleep with us (so they never got in the habit in the first place). Both kids (ages 4 and 2) sleep wonderfully. If either of the kids gets scared from a bad dream or thunderstorm, we just go into their rooms and comfort them (sometimes lay with them for just a few minutes for reasurance, but never for a long length of time).
As far as moving into a toddler bed, our son (who's 4 now), transitioned very easily at the age of about 2 yrs. 3 months. We will be moving our daughter (who is now 2 yrs. 3 months) into a toddler bed within the next month. Hope that's helpful! Good luck when the time comes.
I'll join you in the minority. We are still waiting for our 5 y/o to sleep in her bed. :) She went from her crib to our bed at about 2 1/2. It started one cold winters night when the electricity was out for 18 hours... had to stay warm. I don't mind since the kids' bedrooms are on the other end of the house... DH doesn't mind either. It won't be forever.
RE: How old were your little ones when the moved into a...

I had both children share our bedroom while they were nursing at night, and my 3 yo stayed longer because she had a lot of breathing problems and it was easier to have her with us where I could make sure she stayed propped up. I didn't have too much trouble with either one when we transitioned them to their crib (at 6 months or so, I think) DD#1 moved to a toddler bed around 21 months, when #2 came along. It was her prize for being a big sister, so maybe that helped her see it as a positive thing.

DD#2 is 18 months now, and we'll probably start her in a toddler bed within the next month or so. She's a climber and is going to hurt herself trying to get out of her crib. My main concern with her is that she is NOT going to be one to stay in bed, so we'll have to secure the room somehow. She's a wild girl, that's for sure! :)

I really don't know what the best age is, or if it's different for each child. I have learned a lot reading all the posts, so thanks for asking the question!

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