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  1. M

    Best and most informative book(s)

    I am 16 weeks and I have already read many books! Many of my friends said that the "What to Expect" book was not the best, so I didn't read that. I did read (and LOVE) the "Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy". For a first-timer it gives you the real scoop on all aspects of pregnancy, even the...
  2. M

    Ab and core work while p.g. - blecch!

    Okay I admit that ab work to me is like eating spinach - don't hate it but don't love it, and usually do it because I know it's good for me. So now that I am p.g. I have pretty much stopped doing traditional ab work because it doesn't seem comfortable (and because I am happy to have an excuse...
  3. M

    I lost my baby

    I cannot even imagine what you are going through now. My thoughts and prayers are with you; take care of yourself and please let us know how you are doing. Melanie
  4. M

    What are your favorite Cathe workouts during pregnancy...

    Hi Tricia - I am just about 11 weeks along with #1 so we are in the same boat! I also have discovered over the past week or two that I have a lot more energy than I did for a while there, which is welcome. I still do Cathe workouts almost every day. For cardio I like her older step workouts...
  5. M

    Newly pregnant with first!

    Fun to hear there are others due in January - doesn't it seem like a loooong way away? Oh well, plenty of time to prepare I suppose! Look forward to chatting a lot with you guys as we go through this crazy stuff together! Melanie
  6. M

    8 weeks--need suggestions

    Hi Brigitte! Saw your reply under my thread and was excited to see someone with so much in common! I have been an advanced exerciser with Cathe for several years, so it has been very humbling these past few weeks to realize I just can't handle some of the tough stuff I used to do regularly. A...
  7. M

    Newly pregnant with first!

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I look forward to joining the check-in and getting to know you all better. This is a fun "club" to be in! Melanie
  8. M

    Anyone else think 40 weeks is just tooooo long???

    Allison I am also only on week 6, and I was just looking at the calendar yesterday thinking it is a long, long way to January 22! They told me I was 7 weeks until my ultrasound yesterday (got to see the heartbeat - amazing!) when they realized they were off a week and I am only 6. I know it's...
  9. M

    Newly pregnant with first!

    Hi All! I have been reading this forum off and on for a few years figuring that one of these years I would be ready to settle down and start a family. Just a little background - I have been married for 5 years, will be 30 in August (yikes!), and just found out two weeks ago that I am...
  10. M

    Where can I buy a 4ft. bar?

    Bally's barbell at Target I bought a 4-foot barbell at Target called Power Flex by Bally's (came with a tape too). It's in with the sporting goods. It cost about $50, and I put foam pipe insulator around it for padding. The only problem - it only goes up to 38 pounds. Now when I bought it...