8 weeks--need suggestions


I'm 8 weeks pregnant and normally a Cathe person. The only series I have is CTX, which I love.

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I had a little spotting and was advised to lower my exercise intensity. I've done so; however, other (non-Cathe) workouts make me feel like I'm hardly doing anything at all.

This week I started with CTX workouts again, with a much lower step and decreasing some of the more jumpy, intense moves. No further bleeding has occurred (not that you'd expect any more).

Does anyone have any suggestions for an intermediate-level workout that makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something? I am a physician, so you think I'd have good access to health advice, but my fellow docs (all specialties) are all horribly out-of-shape and don't know anything about "regular" health advice; they're all eating Big Macs and never exercising.

Thanks and I'd really appreciate any help!!!!!!
:D :D :D
Hi Brigitte! Saw your reply under my thread and was excited to see someone with so much in common! I have been an advanced exerciser with Cathe for several years, so it has been very humbling these past few weeks to realize I just can't handle some of the tough stuff I used to do regularly. A lot of the impact is too much - mainly because my newly bigger chest is a lot more sensitive. For cardio I've been doing some of the "slower" Cathe workouts, like those on the Classics DVD (Step Heat, Step Jam, Step Works). Still some impact but not as fast-paced as her later workouts. I must say I tried CTX All-Step the other day - one I used to think of as easier - and I couldn't get through without MAJOR modifications (no ricochets, thanks). I've also enjoyed Rhythmic Step and Cardio and Weights for cardio - again a little slower-paced without quite as much impact (and C&W has some good light weight work too). For weights I've had to shelf S&H for now, but am still using CTX, Power Hour, ME, PS, MIS - in other words pretty much all her others! I have had to drop down the weights on certain exercises that just felt a little too strained.

I imagine the spotting must have been a little scary, and I can imagine you want to be extra careful about not straining yourself. Sometimes I have to remind myself not to overdo it - a complete change in mindset from just a couple of months ago! So whatever you do - whether walking, light weights, low impact, whatever - just be proud that you are up and moving!

By the way, I ordered Basic Step and Body Fusion earlier this week. When Cathe announced this videos I was a little disappointed, thinking I would never order them. How things have changed - the descriptions now sound like workout heaven!

Best of luck and keep in touch! So excited to find someone with so much in common.

RE: 8 weeks-Anyone doing Pilates?


I wanted to add that I'm also in my 8th week, pregnant with twins. I'm so inspired that you've been able to work out already!! I've just been able to function -BARELY-and taking care of my 20 month old toddler is plenty for now!!
I'm wondering if you've bought any pregnancy workouts? I have the Method Yoga tape for pregnancy, but nothing else. I'm more interested in a Pilates Pregnancy workout. I did almost buy the new beginner/intermediate Cathe DVD's. I'm still debating that, too.

I know what you mean about the spotting -that's actually how I found out we're having twins. I went to the ER because I was bleeding and the did a pelvic ultrasound. I've had intermittent show (very little, and it's a dark brown -not the bright red type I had at first). My OB says as long as I'm progressing, it's not to worry about it. I must say - I feel like my attitude has been very positive, and that's what has gotten me through the scary stuff so far.

Sorry this is long, but as Melanie said - it's nice to find someone who is at the same stage!! Keep us posted regarding your workouts and everything,

RE: 8 weeks-Anyone doing Pilates?

Congrats on TWINS!!!! You must be very excited.

No, I haven't ordered any pregnancy workouts. I really don't know what to do about that. I've checked the clips at www.collagevideo.com in their pregnancy section, and frankly, most of the workouts don't excite me that much.

A lot of folks like Kathy Smith's Pregnancy Workout, but it's a little outdated, and you're really not supposed to do stuff lying flat on your back when you become really gravid.

Leisa Hart's Fit Mama also seems to be a customer favorite, but it's not an official "Staff Fave" at collagevideo.com. Also, most people who like this workout are people who have never exercised, except during their pregnancy/-ies. Experienced exercisers seem to find it a little boring.

Customers seem to like Fusion Pilates for Pregnancy--but again, some of the opinions come from not-regular-exercisers. The Pilates videos don't seem like much now, but I bet they're a lot tougher when you're really big!

(All this info comes from Collage Video, Amazon, and other sites.)

I guess I won't get a special prenatal workout until I'm a lot bigger and can't keep doing modified "regular" workouts.

Other than that, I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see when we get a lot bigger!!!

Glad to hear that you are doing well, and that the spotting was nothing to worry about. Typically it isn't, thank God. Keep everyone posted!!!!!!

Good luck!

Thanks for the link - this looks really interesting...Alot more along the lines of what someone who is used to Cathe would like to do!!
I haven't ordered it (yet), but if I do I'll let everyone know what I think. (I'm still not up to working out yet -and I'm not going to push it!)


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