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  1. F

    Does anyone attempt Cathe's step workouts without the step ?

    hi everyone yes i just recently got me a step and i have managed her moves finally, im did step for at least 15 yrs, and never had any trouble learning any of the new instructors at the y.m.c.a., but i really get a good workout, i think she is awesome.
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    Battling depression and maintaining healthy lifestyle

    hi deni i have suffered major depression, i spent six weeks in a mental hospital in 1984, the doctors told me then i would have to get some type of exercise or i would have to take nerve medication no no no i said i want a natural high so i joined a gym back then and have been exercising since...
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    My new 'Original' THE STEP came today.......

    hi everyone my husband bought me a step with KATHE video i love it, mine has two risers which are about 4 inches, which is plenty for me im only 5 ft, i have mine about two weeks now, i use to go to the y.m.c.a. daily and do step classes i missed it really bad but my husband and i had to get a...
  4. F

    Why should women weight train?

    hi everyone i like the sound of what weight training can do for you, but i hate weights, i love high impact areobics step/cardio, i have just started having to take fosamax i had a bone density test in august she said my bones were getting slightly thin, not because of my age but b/c i had a...
  5. F

    want to tighten up the loose skin under my arms/tummy

    hi honeybunch thanks for replying, i have worked to tammy lee webb abdominal tape for 10 years or more and i have done 10/15 pound weights for my arms for a long time but that sagging skin is so so hard to tighten uponce you loose it you know, but my arms are really really muscular all over but...
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    want to tighten up the loose skin under my arms/tummy

    thanks getinfit well i have never been relly over weight, the most i have ever weighed is 164 pounds this is the most weight i have ever lost in my life time but if you add all the times i have lost 20 pounds i guess you could say that i have lost around a hundred pounds beleive it or not...
  7. F

    I hate my butt !!!

    hi darli i am new here and i cant say to much about this subject, i have always teased about our mom took an overdose of noassatall lol, i havent got a flat butt but i do have to work on what i do have lol, i carry my weight in my tummy area i wish we could move the areas around that we have...
  8. F

    want to tighten up the loose skin under my arms/tummy

    hi all i am new here and i want to say that i am proud of my acomplishments i have lost a total of 34 pounds, i will be 50 in may i am 5ft1 inch and i now weigh 135 pounds but the ugly skin that hangs under my arms is my problem i have done everything i know to do weights/overhead pulls lost...
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    getting rid of those bye byes

    hi cathe i just joined and i want to ask you how i can get rid of my flabby under arms? i have used weights/lost weight/whatever nothing seems to help. i am going to be 50 in may so i registered as fablousfifties lol, i have thought about lipo suction and getting a tummy tuck, i have lose skin...
  10. F

    getting rid of those bye byes

    hi cathe i just joined and i want to ask you how i can get rid of my flabby under arms? i have used weights/lost weight/whatever nothing seems to help. i am going to be 50 in may so i registered as fablousfifties lol, i have thought about lipo suction and getting a tummy tuck, i have lose skin...