My new 'Original' THE STEP came today.......


but alas, I am not allowed it until December 25th :'(

It is excellent, talk about bouncy... well, I had to get it out of its wrapping to check it is OK :7

4" high is comfortable
Mmmmm, 6" is not so comfortable, and......
8" well, forget that, I will never be able to step that high, especially if I want my ceiling lights to survive.

Looks like I am going to have to step at 4", what a wimp !!!!

Shhh, don't tell DH, I had a little go on it......Mum's the word !

Anna :)
How exciting! I want to get one, as I have an old, cheap step. I didn't realize the original step would be more bouncy - that should be better on your joints, I would imagine. Have fun!

I have an original Reebok step and had a Step Co. step from a garage sale but my daughter wanted it so I got a brand new Step Co. step about 2 weeks ago and I love it.

Yes the surface of the Step Co. step and the Reebok step are more shock absorbant!!! How nice. Really does help a lot.

And Anna, I use a 4 inch step about 1/2 the time too. I'll set up the Reebok at 6inches (lowest it'll go) and the 4inch Step Co and do 1/2 the video on one, and half on the other. ;-)

Anna - LOL that you can't use it til the 25th! I'm in the same boat with my boyfriend. My Christmas gift is all 4 Intensity Series DVD's. For shipping convenience they'll be shipped to me here at work, but I'm not even allowed to open the box let alone you them until we have our official 'gift exchange' day (I'll be in Chicago w/my family on the 25th). What is it with these men - why do they torture us so?!
I also have the original Step and love it. It is great for weight work also. Don't feel bad about using it at 4". I just started using 4" last week and I'm really enjoying my workouts more. Before I was staying away from Cathe cardio because it was just too hard for me, but on the 4" step it is a lot better.
Oh, Anna, I'm so excited for both of us. I had already ordered mine when I read your note and was waiting for it to arrive. It took f o r e v e r. But I finally got my STEP last night. I've been stepping on (don't tell anyone--very unsafe) a beat up old money box. Very unstable. I had to keep my eye on it all the time because it had a way of wandering away from me when I least expected it. Nothing like stepping up (or even worse--down) onto nothing. But I earned a little money on the side, so I get to begin using mine now. Today in fact. In just a few minutes. I could hardly sleep last night! Bet you can't wait until Christmas. Do you have any of the new videos on order?
You are not a wimp. You'll be on 8 inches eventually at your height (if you don't have knee problems). I was on 4 and 6 inches for the longest time because I had an old, cheap step (almost 1 year). At that point I was ready for a greater challenge. As soon as I got my Original step, I went right up to 8 inches and have pretty much stayed there ever since, with the occasional 6-inch usage (especially with IMax or having a blah day). These things do take some time and getting used to. Give yourself permission to work into it!
hi everyone
my husband bought me a step with KATHE video i love it, mine has two risers which are about 4 inches, which is plenty for me im only 5 ft, i have mine about two weeks now, i use to go to the y.m.c.a. daily and do step classes i missed it really bad but my husband and i had to get a second job working mon/fri 6:00 pm/9:00 pm, i work my full time job mon/fri 7:30 am/4:00 pm
so when i get home at 4:15 pm i step until 5:20 pm and then go to work again wow, i have lost about 6 pounds, step has always been my favorite i just love it.

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