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  1. R

    What should I do?!?

    Take a online course of something that has really interested you but have not had the time to do. there is alot of online courses out there. Also if you have ever been interested in learning a new language, this would be a great time, it really keeps the brain busy. Good Luck!!!
  2. R

    Core Max

    thanks for your reply. Is a kettle bell the same as a medicine ball? Never heard of a kettle bell. I am going to try the workout again with a heavier ball like has been suggested. This is just the first time I have done a ab video and not feel sore the next day. I will let you know how the...
  3. R

    Core Max

    Me and my sister have worked out to core max for 2 days in a row. We feel nothing. No pain, nothing I expected to be so sore the next day. But even when I was doing the video I was not hurting it was easy. I did the one on the stabilty ball and today went to the one where you use the...
  4. R

    cardio dvd

    I don't have any Cathe cardio videos. Any suggestions, the best fat blasting ones. Thanks........
  5. R


    I just bought four Cathe videos, Core Max, Gym Style Legs, Gym Style Chest and Triceps. But I need a Cardio video that gives me the same as running on the treadmill. I am trying to loose 10 pounds, so please help me find the best cardio video. I am going to start my first video tommorow, I...