Core Max

Robbie Dru

Active Member
Me and my sister have worked out to core max for 2 days in a row. We feel nothing. No pain, nothing I expected to be so sore the next day. But even when I was doing the video I was not hurting it was easy. I did the one on the stabilty ball and today went to the one where you use the medicine ball, it was easy for us. Though this is the first time her and I have used the ball maybe we are doing it all wrong. Can someone give me some insight aren't we suppose to feel something. I have almost all of her videos and love them. But I must be doing something wrong.
Some people don't get the same muscle soreness as others. You do want to make sure when doing CM (or any ab w/o for that matter) that you make each contraction deliberate and really concentrate on what you are doing. It is easy to zone out and not really give it your all. Pay attention to form in every move and try to mirror exactly what Cathe & crew are doing. If it is still too easy, up the weight in the med ball version. See if that doesn't help some.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
I have problems feeling certain ab workouts too. As Debbie stated, you really need to focus and concentrate on contracting that area. I find when I am really focused that I get the best workout. I may be stronger in that area so I really have to work hard and give it my all. I usually will up the weight when the workout calls for a weight or medicine ball. I've been doing some kettlebell work, so lately I have been using a 18# or 25# kettlebell in some spots. I really notice the difference when I use more weight.
thanks for your reply. Is a kettle bell the same as a medicine ball? Never heard of a kettle bell. I am going to try the workout again with a heavier ball like has been suggested. This is just the first time I have done a ab video and not feel sore the next day. I will let you know how the heavier ball works out.
A kettlebell is made out of cast iron, has a handle and a ball at the end. They come in various weights. You can goggle kettlebell and see what they are all about. They are fantastic for increasing strength, endurance, agility and balance and they challenge both the muscular and cardiovascular system.

I'm sure with a heavier ball you will be sure to feel your abs. Yesterday I did a tough ab workout on a bosu. I really felt it while I was doing it but feel nothing today...yet.

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