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    Resistance bands

    Where can I find the resistance bands used in the Gym Style dvd's? Thanks!
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    Calculating Daily Calories

    Thanks so much Corrie!
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    Calculating Daily Calories

    Hello, can anyone point me to a website that will help me calculate my daily calorie needs to lose weight? Thanks! Ashley
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    Fit moms-easter/post easter week

    RE: Guess who's pregnant? Thanks ladies for the welcome. I did Kick Punch and Crunch today and hit a record for my self. Previously, the farthest I have been able to get in this video was thirty minutes. But today, I did all but 10 minutes of the aerobics, plus I fast forwarded to the abs...
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    Fit moms-easter/post easter week

    RE: Guess who's pregnant? Hello Ladies, I'd like to join in the accountability. My second son is 6 months old and I have lost 30 pounds of my baby weight. I have 4 more pounds to lose to be pre-pregnancy weight, and then I have about 50-70 pounds to lose on top of that to be back to a weight...
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    Good sports bra?

    Hello, Does anyone have any suggestions for a great sports bra for large chested ladies? I tried to do Kick Punch and Crunch for the first time today after having my baby three months ago and I had to stop after twenty minutes because the sports bra I was wearing was giving me no support (well...
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    Pregnancy weight gain and exercise

    Everyone is going to gain differently, there is no magic number. I think your weight gain is right on track! Your body knows how much it needs to gain to make a healthy baby. As long as you are not going hungry, but following your hunger cues you and your baby will remain healthy. My midwife...
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    Starting an exercise routine in pregnancy

    Hello, I ordered the body blast series and starting easing my way into the tapes five minutes at a time for about two weeks before I learned I was pregnant. I never got up to doing a full tape in that time. I started feeling bad with morning sickness, so I stopped exercising. I am now 18...
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    Step Benches

    Thanks everyone, I guess I need to just start saving my dough!
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    Step Benches

    How important is it to buy the $60 step bench Cathe uses(can't remember the name of it)? I saw one at Wal-Mart that was around $23. Would that work for a few months until I have the extra money to buy the expensive one, or should I just wait? I don't suppose a short Firm stool would work...
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    Kick, Punch, and Crunch first time Cathe exerciser!

    So, I did what I could of the video today, I got a little further, about five minutes I would say. Wow, two straight days of exercise, I think that is a record for me! Ashley
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    Kick, Punch, and Crunch first time Cathe exerciser!

    Thank you so much for all of the encouragement! I can't believe that I really am looking forward to working out today, that has never happened to me before! I look forward to getting to know everyone here better! Ashley
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    Kick, Punch, and Crunch first time Cathe exerciser!

    Hi Everyone, I ordered the Body Blast series, having never done Cathe before, and having not worked out for a very looooong time. I did as much as I could today of Kick Punch and Crunch. I was hoping and praying that I would be able to make it through the warm up, but I suprised myself and...
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    How long to get through first video?

    Hello, I am going to be buying the Body Blast series with Christmas money that I get. I have never done any Cathe videos before, and used to do Firm videos way back when. My current level of fitness I would say is low. I had my first child a year ago, and have taken off all of my baby...
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    Does dilation mean anything?

    I was four centimeters dilated at 36 weeks, and went ten days over. I figured since I was already half way there before actually going into real labor that by the time I got to the hospital I would be ready to push. Wouldn't that have been nice :) I ended up laboring for 16 hours before...
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    Submitting my HealthyMoms test today

    Jeni, Congratulations!!!!! Would you mind telling me where to get information on the homestudy course. I would be very interested in taking the course. Thanks. AshleyB
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    I have great news!!!!!!!!!

    Shanda, That is soooo incredible! I read your post about two weeks ago and have been praying for you ever since then. I know you must be so relieved, and I do believe you made the correct decision in changing doctors. I have the same belief about doctors as you, that is why I used a nurse...
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    How do you motivate yourself???

    I have taken two days off of exercising because "I just don't feel like it". How do ya'll motivate yourselves to do your exercise when you are in the same situation? I know that I should, and I know that I need to, but I just can't seem to get off of the couch. Ashley Bx(
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    New to Cathe, would like video suggestions

    Thank you both for the video suggestions. I think I will be placing an order very soon! I can't wait to try these tapes, even though I am sure my body will be screaming at me for a few weeks. It really is true that it is so much harder to lose the darn weight than it is to put it on. Thanks...
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    Francine: Seeking Your Advice !

    Francine, Thank you so much for the added information. I am going to check out that web-site right now. It is so kind of you to help us out with this fantastic information, I really appreciate your time and assistance. Ashley