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  1. N

    Break Making Question

    Hi everyone, I'm just hoping that someone would give me some advise on baking bread. I usually make dough with a bread maker and roll them into rolls. For some reason, these rolls turns out perfectly except the bottom gets black and hard.... How can I get rid of this problem?
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    Need help on baking a pie

    Mattea, Thank you for your advise. Now I have a question though... If I have to precook these apples, I'm assuming that I need to cut down on the "baking time".... I've been baking a pie for about 45 min. How much baking time can I cut since these apples are cooked?
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    Need help on baking a pie

    Hi all, Lately I've been having a problem with apple pie. My pie tastes pretty good but just don't look right.... I started having a pocket between the filling and the top crust. Yes, I do I put a slit on the top crust but still get the pocket.... I don't pre-bake the apples and would...
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    Sports Pouch(??)-Where can I buy it?

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone would be kind enough to tell me... I'm trying to buy a "pouch" to keep the microphone trasmitter while I'm teaching a class. I really appreciate if someone would tell me what the pouch thingie's real name and where I can buy it. Thank you.
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    What is your favorite hi-lo 32-count routine?

    Hi everyone, After having a 4.5 yrs of long break, I'm back into teaching aerobics again. I love teaching STEP but this time, I have to teach hi/lo, too which I haven't taught for almost 7 yrs or so.... Now I'm hoping to get some help from you all. My hi/lo routine is very limited and...
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    "NuBra" Has anyone tried these bras?

    I'm also wondering... Hi, I actually bought them thru HSN thinking it was the ORIGINAL Nubra. But now I'm now sure if they are the ORIGINAL one or not. The one I bought came with some adhesive tapes which they didn't mention at all while advertising on the show. The bra stays on BUT it...
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    Alitol, freckle remover

    Hi there, Has anyone tried the Alitol? I've been noticing freckles (or some spots) under my eye that makes me look like I've got some tan with glasses on (or should say it looks like panda-bear...) I've been looking for something it WORKS to at least to fade these freckles etc. I appreciate...
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    Egg allergy kid... What is egg's role in cake/cookies?

    Elaine, Thank yo for a very helpful info. I'll have to find the enger egg replacer now! I really appreicate if you wouldn't mind giving me more info. Again, thanks.
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    Egg allergy kid... What is egg's role in cake/cookies?

    Hi there, I just found out my 2-yr-old has egg and penut allergy. I've been wondering what is exactly the egg's role in baking recipes. Does egg interact with some other ingredients like sugar does with yeast? What happens if I just omit all eggs from these recipes I love? I know one way to...
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    How do you find the best hair color for you

    Hi everyone, I enjoy watching these makeover stories on TV I'm always amazed when these pros figure out the best hair color for people. And now I'm wondering how I can find out what the best color for my skin tone. I appreciate if anyone could advise!
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    Is your 2-yr-old still on a bottle?

    RE: Thank you everyone Sorry I shouldn't be laughing but I thought thowing a bottle away from the window was just funny. Well, my daughter woke up this morning and asked for a bottle. She cried for a few minutes then she was ok after my husband told her that we said bye-bye to all bottles...
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    Is your 2-yr-old still on a bottle?

    Thank you everyone I just want to say thank you to you all for taking time to read and reply. My daughter and I had a bye-bye-bottle ceremony this afternoon. We put bottles in a garbage can together and said good bye to them. She waived and blew a kiss to them, too. I've been telling my...
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    Is your 2-yr-old still on a bottle?

    Hi everyone, My daughter just turned to 2. At her 2-yrcheck up, I was told by a doctor that she needed to be graduated from bottles completely very soon (like 6 months ago). She can drink from regular cup/glasses just fine but still uses bottles also... I appreciate if someone would shares...
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    Silicon Implants-how long has it been for you?

    I just read an article that the most of silicon implants break within 10 yrs. Does it mean we have to replace them every 10 or less yrs for the rest of our lives if to choose to keep them? How long has it been for you since you've had your surgery?
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    Apple pie 911

    Hi everyone, I've been trying to bake a good-looking apple pie. My apple pie tasts good but has a big gap between the top crust and apples inside... Some cooking site suggested to precook these apples partialy before putting inside the pie crust but do you know any other tricks?
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    Stupid question-how much toilet paper do you use?

    Hi everyone, I'm sorry to ask you all a stupid question. But my husband keeps telling me that I use waaaay too much of toilet paper. Actually a single roll doesn't really last that long... So I've been wondering what's the "average" usage when you go to a bathroom.
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    Steve Sabados, the Designer Guys

    I'm just wondering if anyone out there knows his profile such as age, marital status (is he gay?) etc. All I can find is how he succeeded in what he does but I'm dying to know more!
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    Baking question-Custard cream

    Thank you!! I looked at the site you gave me and I think I know the reason why now!
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    Baking question-Custard cream

    For some reason, for the very first time using the same recipe, the custard cream I made for banana cream pie didn't get hard.... Anyone could tell me why?
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    Bread Maker
