Egg allergy kid... What is egg's role in cake/cookies?


Hi there,
I just found out my 2-yr-old has egg and penut allergy. I've been wondering what is exactly the egg's role in baking recipes. Does egg interact with some other ingredients like sugar does with yeast? What happens if I just omit all eggs from these recipes I love? I know one way to find out is just try to make it without eggs but I still want to find out how important to have eggs in recipes. I appreciate if someone would help me. Thanks.
Nobuko -

I'm no Martha Stewart (my kids will be the first to agree) but I tried to make some healthy banana muffins a few nights ago. I'm trying to watch my cholesterol and was wondering the same thing you are about the eggs. Well, I had a bag of soy flour in my pantry and on the back it said for baked goods, you could substitute 1 T of soy flour and 1 T of water for 1 egg. I tried it (the recipe called for 2 eggs) and the muffins turned out great!!! My kids are super picky and they loved them!


My 10 year old has been allergic to Eggs and Dairy sense birth. Eggs help baked goods rise. I've used a product called
ENGER EGG REPLACER it is in a yellowish box. I believe it is like using potato startch. I buy it at a health food store. I use it in a varity of baked products; cake mixes, pancake mixes and muffins also in home made breads. I've even made mayonaise salad dressing with it. There are other substitutes you can use, like vinegar is one. I'll have to pull out my book for exact measurements. If you would like more infor just email me.

Thank yo for a very helpful info. I'll have to find the enger egg replacer now! I really appreicate if you wouldn't mind giving me more info. Again, thanks.
My 4 year old is allergic to eggs. I found out the first time I fed him eggs at 10 or 11 months, he developed a rash around his mouth. It took me a while to figure it out, but after vomiting every time he had baked goods or anything with egg in it, we figured it out. He doesn't feel deprived that he can't have cookies, cake, pancakes, etc. In a way it's a blessing! It's interesting to read these substitutions, because the poor thing can't have cake on his birthday, only ice cream.
Try looking up vegan recipes. They don't use any eggs, and there are a lot of truly delicious baking recipes out there.
There are some really excellent egg- (and dairy-) free recipes in "Sweet Treats," a vegan cookbook. The cakes are moist and delicious. The bars are tasty. They rely on the combination of baking soda/baking powder plus an acidic liquid (usually vinegar, sometimes lemon juice) to produce a reaction that makes the cakes rise. You mix the dry ingredients (including barley flour--a whole grain flour that is light, and sweet and gluten free) and wet ingredients separately, then add them together at the last minute.

Eggs are used both as binders and to help the recipe rise, depending on the recipe.

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