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  1. W

    Is there an Oct 2015 rotation?

    Is there a rotation this month?
  2. W

    Barry's Bootcamp and inches

    I just ordered Barry's bootcamp and it shall be here very soon. For those who have used Barry's bootcamp, how long was it before you noticed inches or fat lost?
  3. W

    Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes rotation

    RE: Great results using Aug '04 Body Fat & Leg Glutes r... Ange, Congratulations on your results. I'm interested in the BFL plan also. Which Cathe DVD's are you using? Have you noticed a difference using this plan? Stacie
  4. W

    Fat Loss

    I have 5lb, 10lb, and 20lb dumbbells. I could purchase a barbell and a step. I do have several Tae-bo tapes and I usually walk about 10 miles a week. I will be increasing that to jogging. I read some of the previous comments and Power Hour seems to be the one for fat loss and muscle definition...
  5. W

    Fat Loss

    Hi. I just read about Cathe in Muscle & Fitness Hers. I've been working out at the gym for awhile and now I will be working out at home. My goals are to lose bodyfat and sculpt my muscles. Which tapes will allow me to achieve my goals? I'm at the intermediate/advance level and I already have...