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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - Tues.

    RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T... May consider buying them. My "Wanna-be-Cheetah" husband (LOL!)wanted me to ask you guys a question about running. Does the length of your stride matter when you run, and if so, do the different strides affect different parts of...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - Tues.

    RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T... Question about BBC. Is it really worth the money? I have been reading a lot of posts about it and they all are positive. I have many, many Cathe DVDs, Jari, and Amy Bento. Should I skip the BBC or is this a good collection to add to...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - Tues.

    RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: tryin' to beat the heat! 6.19 - T... Good Morning Everyone!!! Update on last night's walk/run. HUMIDITY ABOUT KILLED ME!!! Other than that, hubby and I had a great time. 3.2 mile loop and did the walk 2 min, run 2 min, walk 2 min, run 2 min routine. At one point, we...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: June 18 ~ Monday

    Hi All! All of these nice welcomes! DEFINITELY takes the place of the welcome basket - except no wine !!! LOL! Shelly: My husband isn't home too much because of his job. Between both of our strange schedules, we see each other "maybe" 3 full days a month. Sometimes (like tonight) he will...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: June 18 ~ Monday

    Hi, Shelly! All of these nice welcomes! DEFINITELY takes the place of the welcome basket - except no wine:-( !!! LOL! I just went to the website you posted. I like it! I think the prices are reasonable, too. My husband isn't home too much because of his job. Between both of our...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: June 18 ~ Monday

    Thank you, too, for your advice, Wendy. I'm into cute stuff, too. I actually never thought of TJ Maxx - may have to go there on Wednesday. I plan on run/walking tonight. I am dragging my non-running husband out, and I think I'll try to get him to do more running than walking (it's going...
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: June 18 ~ Monday

    Gayle, Thank you for your response. I'm kind of cheap, too. However, I wanted to get maybe one or two good ones. I would like to stay around. This group of girls is like a little family - it's great reading some of the posts by them. (Yeah.....I kinda figured I'll probably go into...
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    Cheetah Question

    Thanks, Wendy.....just went there. :-)
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    ::: CHEETAHS ::: June 18 ~ Monday

    Since I'm getting back into running, I would like a good running bra. I should say that I'm like a "Negative A" cup (if that makes a difference in your suggestions). Actually, I would like suggestions on a good running tank (shelf bra), too. Thank you for any help you may be able to give...
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    Cheetah Question

    Since I'm getting back into running, I would like a good running bra. I should say that I'm like a "Negative A" cup (if that makes a difference in your suggestions). Actually, I would like suggestions on a good running tank (shelf bra), too. Thank you for any help you may be able to...
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    Good Morning!

    Hi, Gisela! I usually go to bed around 8:00 p.m. I work 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Not every day, though. More like 3 days on, 3 days off, 4 days on, 4 days off. At the end of July, I'll be working 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. I've never worked nights and I'm interested to see what my body does when it...
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    Good Morning!

    At work and just wanted to say hello to everyone! Got up at 3:30 a.m. and did a Muscle Max premix (Upper Body Only) and increased the weight on a couple of the exercises. Over the weekend, I went kayaking, so some of the shoulder exercises were KILLING me, but I muscled thru them. Was...
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    Baby Cheetah Here!

    Oh, and Carole? YOU'RE 48???!!!!! You look fantastic! You've really been working hard!!
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    Baby Cheetah Here!

    Thank you for your comments! :-) I will be 44 in a couple of weeks and think I'm doing pretty good. I always feel motivated when I read the different posts and am certain I will be able to reach my goals. I don't think I'm going to stop at the marathon, either. I've been searching the web...
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    Baby Cheetah Here!

    Hi All! You now have a new addition to the Cheetah check-in! A little cub, I am! I am just getting back into running. A little history..... I am presently in the U.S. Air Force assigned to the Maryland Air National Guard. Prior to taking a fitness test, we had to answer a questionaire...
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    I've decided to run

    Cheetah check-in.....I like the name! Very fitting! On my way over......Thanks! :-)
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    I've decided to run

    Carole/Mattea, Thank you both for your kind words and support. I'm so excited about my this. I'll post how I'm doing from time to time. Carole, your pictures are BEAUTIFUL! Mattea, what a great shot with Cathe! Take care,
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    I've decided to run

    Well, the day finally came. A couple of my friends (who are runners) begged me to start running. I am really a walker, and have been telling them "no-way" for a long, long time. Maybe it was the nice weather, or the fact I just wanted to keep up with them and not feel left out in a...
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    Yes! It hurts soooo good! I am actually looking forward to doing it, again. Why are we all such a glutton for punishment?! I have to agree with you.....I got more of a workout from PLB than I do from B&G. I didn't think I would. B&G has soooooo much more going on than PLB. Who would think...
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    Oh my aching legs! I thought I was in GREAT shape until I did the Pyramid for Lower Body. OW! OW! OW! That was two days ago, too. The problem now is I'm at work, at a desk, with very little walking. Whenever I get up, I wish I hadn't!!!! OW! OW! I guess I know now what I need to do...