I've decided to run


Well, the day finally came. A couple of my friends (who are runners) begged me to start running. I am really a walker, and have been telling them "no-way" for a long, long time. Maybe it was the nice weather, or the fact I just wanted to keep up with them and not feel left out in a conversation, but I did it.......I started to run! Right now I'm walk/running for about 3.5 miles - quite the change from my 5 mile walks, but I'm doing it! Woo Hoo! So now I'm REALLY a gluton for punishment in that I signed up for the Baltimore marathon (October). That's a good goal, I think.

No.....I won't be running that, just walking. But it's a start.

Thanks for your earlier responses to the questions I had about shoes.....I bought some really good running shoes to walk/run in.
Heather....that is great!! And running with friends is really fun....Wow!...even walking a marathon is a great commitment...:)

That's awesome! :7 Which I say mostly because I had a GREAT run yesterday, thanks to an iTrain and the coolness of running indoors on my treadmill---with a fan}( You're in for a whole world of endorphin addiction, running paraphenalia collecting (thought it was just running shoes didn't you?), and the flat out fun of racing. Even if it's "just" walking a marathon.

Welcome---may plantar fasciitis, shin splints, and IT Band syndrome never darken your door :+


Thank you both for your kind words and support. I'm so excited about my this. I'll post how I'm doing from time to time.

Carole, your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!

Mattea, what a great shot with Cathe!

Take care,
Hi Heather! Welcome to the wonderful world of running! There's just nothing like it. Your marathon goal is awesome!!! If you want some continued advice and support hop on over to the Cheetahs check-in (we're there daily) on the Check-In and Challenges Forum. We'd love to chat with ya! Good Luck

Heather...thank you for the compliments on my pictures...:)

Shelly beat me to the punch, as I was going to tell you to visit the cheetah check-in too. Lots of fun and advice from many levels of runners and at various ages....:)

Oooohh, you'll love the Cheetah check-in! When you have questions, and believe me, you'll have questions, they'll be right there for you. I used to have the time to check-in with that fab group of ladies, but, alas, I have fallen into honorary Cheetah-dom. Still running though. And loving it:7 I miss the Cheetahs and I still lurk all over that thread}(

Hey Heather!

Did you keep up with the running? I am fairly new to running too (after 10 years of taking time off from it!).

I am with the Cheetahs too and love them!

Good luck!

A few quotes from me :):
"Life is short so be the best you can be every single day of your life!"
"My game face is on almost every morning at 5AM!"

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