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  1. M

    New Healthy Recipie

    Thank you so much. I will check Amazon. I purchase books from them all the time. I just wanted to get that discount. Thank you again. KB
  2. M

    New Healthy Recipie

    Hi there- I just tried to locate this book at half-price book. It sounds like a wonderful book. Any clues about the website? Thanks so much. KB
  3. M


    What a wonderful question- Okay.... I just wanted to let you know that I have tried to reply to this thread for two days but had so many interruptions that I could not. Motherhood-that's what it is all about. But truly I am really is much more than that. I debated for about two...
  4. M

    Interval Max Support Group Check-In

    Hi Dana- I notice you have CAthe's weight loss rotation. I would love to have a copy of this rotation. I'm not sure if I have all the tapes but I might be able to modify. Please let me know. Thanks so much. Also, I did(tried) to do IM this morning. I made it to interval 7. It's a...
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    What Are Your Quirks?

    1. Rude people!!!!!! I live in a tourist area were many New Yorkers come and the biggest complaint of all "US" locals is the rudeness. 2. I dislike people who have no considerations of others or forget their manners. I won't mention anything that my husbands does that drives me banannas...
  6. M

    What keeps everyone motivated?

    RE: Motivation! So sorry-didn't mean to post three times here. This is what happens when you are having conversations with twins and posting at the same time. KB
  7. M

    What keeps everyone motivated?

    RE: Motivation! This is great! All these points are inspiring. I love reading them. I'll take them with me when I don't want to workout at 5:ooam and can't drag my old bones out of bed. ;) KB
  8. M

    What keeps everyone motivated?

    RE: Motivation! This is great! All these points are inspiring. I love reading them. I'll take them with me when I don't want to workout at 5:ooam and can't drag my old bones out of bed. ;) KB
  9. M

    What keeps everyone motivated?

    RE: Motivation! This is great! All these points are inspiring. I love reading them. I'll take them with me when I don't want to workout at 5:ooam and can't drag my old bones out of bed. ;) KB
  10. M

    What keeps everyone motivated?

    Rachel- Your motivational techniques are hilarious-Thanks!!KB
  11. M

    What keeps everyone motivated?

    Hi everyone- I need a few words of advice. Every so often I just don't feel like exercising. I need good thoughts and vibrations here. What keeps everyone motivated? If I take one thought everyday it may help me though those "Slothy" days. Also-those of you who teach exercise classes-what...
  12. M

    How do you use MIS?

    RE: Thanks for the rotation idea! Hi again JillyBean- I did a search for MIC last week and could not find anything. Thanks for your advice. I read a previous post from you about older videos. I too wonder the same thing-should I go backwards or not? Well I bought Mega Step Blast. I hope...
  13. M

    How do you use MIS?

    RE: Thanks for the rotation idea! Thank you too for your wonderful suggestions Jillybean. I will try using MIS this way. I have been debating MIC. Do you like this video? Is it too intense? I have been doing Interval Max-I should rephrase this-I have been trying to do Interval Max is MIC...
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    How do you use MIS?

    Thanks so much- I used it this afternoon with Cardio Kicks-CTX series only. I skipped the weight training on the CTX. I can see where a person can mix it with others. Thanks
  15. M

    How do you use MIS?

    Hi everyone- I used MIS for the first time today. I thought it was a great strength workout but missed the cardio. I am wondering how you use it? Does anyone mix and match it with anything on the same day? I do not have MIC but am thinking about buying it. I do have Cardio Kicks, CTX...
  16. M

    Cathe's w/o at 35 weeks

    RE: Wow!! Mogambo You are too funny. My DH took my pregnancy just like a woman. Not only did he have the sympathy pregnancy and gained twenty-five pounds, he also passed TWO kidney stones in one night. It's a good chuckle that always makes us laugh. KB
  17. M

    Cathe's w/o at 35 weeks

    RE: Wow!! Susan You are too funny. All pregnant women deserve to be major whiners at the end of their pregnancy. :)KB
  18. M

    Cathe's w/o at 35 weeks

    RE: my experience Hi Kelly- Yes my twins birth weight was amazing. My son was the largest baby in the nursery and he was a twin. I was the talk of the town. People I did not know were stopping me to tell how shocked they were. The mother of twins club reported receiving phones calls from...
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    Poor you! I do know that feeling. Having twins one would sleep, the other was wide awake. Both took catnaps forever. I would drive around in my car so they would both sleep and my arms could get a rest. I agree with Erica, a good stroller could be a great alternative to the workout tapes...
  20. M

    Breastfeeding & Exercise question

    Hi Melissa- What an exciting time for you! A new baby on the way. I have never heard about time limits and breastfeeding between workouts but I can tell you that your baby will let you know. Have fun with that baby. There is nothing like a beautiful newborn or a really messy toddler! KB