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  1. C


    Can any new moms out there help me? I am an avid advanced exerciser and worked out almost daily during my pregnancy until the day i delivered, actually. Now my baby is almost 8 weeks old and I have barely been able to work out. I couldnt have done it for the first two weeks post partum bc i...
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    first pregnancy: exercise and weight gain questions

    Hi Jennifersmom, thank you for your post. i'm doing okay. it's really hard for me to get used to the idea of modifying everything i do and i also have a pretty nasty cold, which means my heart rate elevates really quickly. i feel so guilty that a couple of times or maybe more, i've allowed...
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    first pregnancy: exercise and weight gain questions

    thank you so much to everyone who posted. it's so nice to have support and a source of information from like minded people (staying in shape and eating clean etc). some just dont understand. some of my friends never exercise, pregnant or not, so they just didnt quite understand. thank you...
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    first pregnancy: exercise and weight gain questions

    Morris and Suzanne, thanks for your replies. i do feel better. I know what you said is true and that if i relax, eat right and exercise, the weight gain will just be what it is and when it is. there is nothing i can do to control it. In your first tri, when you had the energy, what...
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    first pregnancy: exercise and weight gain questions

    Hi! I've been reading on the boards but dont usually post. Hopefully you experienced ladies out there can help me. I'm almost 6 weeks along and I already feel like i'm getting chubby! I am trying not to focus on it and I'm eating a healthy diet and still working out at least 5-6 times per...
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    Merck Mandating Vaccine

    I'm sorry that you are naive enough to believe that the FDA has everyone's best interest at heart and is not subject to lobbying and personal interest groups and MONEY. You only have to take a look at the list of drugs and food additives that they have embraced with open arms...the same ones...
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    Moms...flu shot for your kids???

    "and took aspirin as kids, but that doesn't mean that they are safe" exactly! we did a lot of things on the advice health professionals, that are NOW known NOT to be safe. I believe we should have more faith in our bodies and strive for emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health...
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    keeping up with cathe during first pregnancy? suggestio...

    thank you shopaholic! i appreciate your suggestions and insights.
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    keeping up with cathe during first pregnancy? suggestio...

    hello! i've been reading on this forum for a while but have never posted here yet. i guess now is the time bc we just discovered that we are pregnant with our first! i'm excited...but of course, i do not know exactly what to expect and i am trying to picture myself doing workouts with a big...
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    beachbody workouts? comparison to cathe workouts?

    hi everyone, i wanted to mix up my routine. a friend of mine got great results using burn it up from the slim in six series by beachbody. i have a couple questions: 1. how is the intensity compared to cathe workouts? and which workout would it be the most similar to? 2. has anyone gotten...
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    necessities for half marathon training?

    you ran faster WITH walk breaks? wow, that's interesting but i guess if i think about it, it really does make sense. you give your muscles a break and then return to running more efficiently and maybe at a quicker pace. thanks for the info. ange
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    necessities for half marathon training?

    hey again, i thought i'd ask this question too since i got so much help with my last one. for a half marathon, to really train properly, what do i need to have? i assume a good new pair of shoes for my foot/gait type (i overpronate) do i need a heart rate monitor? should i buy...
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    anyone who has run a half marathon?

    wow, thanks SO much for all really helpful information and guidance. i already do work out with cathe. i have imax2 and intense moves by gin miller but that's it for interval style workouts, unless you count ctx step and intervals. anyway, i will continue doing those once per week as...
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    anyone who has run a half marathon?

    hi. i'm interested in training for a half marathon. i work out 5-6 days per week and am advanced. however i have not run regularly in over a year. i used to run a lot but quit due to overuse injuries. i was wondering if anyone out there could recommend a training plan that really worked for...
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    cathe, i love PUB and PLB! one question

    hi cathe! i love the pyramids and would like to thank you for putting together these great workouts and SO many others!!! you're such an inspiration, motivating, and fun!! i have one question: to get lean and increase muscle definition with out adding any bulk, how many times per week should i...