anyone who has run a half marathon?

hi. i'm interested in training for a half marathon. i work out 5-6 days per week and am advanced. however i have not run regularly in over a year. i used to run a lot but quit due to overuse injuries. i was wondering if anyone out there could recommend a training plan that really worked for them? one that is geared towards a novice would be best so i can restart slowly and avoid the risk of aggravating those old injuries (shin splints mostly!)

thank you in advance.

Hi Angela,

I'm currently training for my 5th Half-marathon. I use Hal Higdon's workplans...they work really well for me.

Check it out and see what you think...

Good luck!


I ran a half last fall (the only one that I have done). I also used Hal Higdon's training programs to give me some guidance.

Because I don't have access to a track, I used the Imax workouts in place of sprints/intervals on the track.

I also think it is important to do a well-rounded stregth program. Lower body work will help you prevent injuries and upper body work will help you maintain proper form as you start to fatigue after several miles.

Lots of the runners here, really like Legs and Glutes to complement their running program. I used Legs & Glutes, as well as Muscle Endurance and PUB.

Since you have already experienced injuries, be sure to give yourself a lot of time to prepare for your race. Atleast 4 months, but even more time would be better.

Best Wishes,

I have run marathons and run 1/2 marathons about every two months. I use the training plans on the Runner's World web site.

Using Cathe's IMAX workouts in place of tempo runs has helped me increase my running times. Her weight training DVD's help alot too.

When I was training for a marathon that I ran last October I had a couple of injuries that set my training back a bit. After the marathon I decided to run two to three times a week and use Cathe's workouts to supplement the runs. I make sure I do at least one IMAX every week and whatever cardio I feel up to (I love Low Max and SB). I also use one of the three day split weight lifting DVDs. I just finished using PS for three weeks and have just started SH. I also do one full body workout a week. Ususally ME.

This has worked out wonderfully for me. As I previously said I have made significant endurance and strength gains and (knock on wood) no running injuries.

I'll be running a 1/2 marathon on the 21st of this month. Can't wait because we'll be traveling to Utah to do it. My husband will be running the full and I'm relaying with a friend doing just half of it!!

Hope this helps. Good luck!:) :)
Hi Angela...I have run quite a few half marathons...:)...I am crazy and prefer longer distances now. }( You have gotten some good advice and I think Hal has some great training programs as others have posted. For shin splints be careful not to slap down your toes on any downhills and make sure you start with some NEW shoes. I also agree with the Imaxes for replacing speedwork and an overall body lifting program for strength and injury prevention. My chronic injury seems to be achilles tendonitis.[/img] I find injuries more suseptable as you age.....good luck...:)...Carole
My best advice is to not run on concrete- find a track or trails to do your longer runs. I had a stress fracture in my leg (from running primarily on concrete) but ran 18 miles on it anyway... that was a year and a half ago and I'm just now back to training.

Pay attention to all the advice you find from places like Hal Higdon and Runners World- and then go for it!!

Good luck and have fun!!
Oh Carole, I hear you my running sister. Chronic injuries and age seem to go hand in hand. Getting older is a bummer.
BOY - there's some GREAT advice on this thread, take it all to heart!! I ran a 1/2 marathon two years ago and all I can add to this thread and advice is that it was one of the best experiences of my life. I'm soon going to be training for another one in late August.

Maybe we could all keep in touch and keep each other motivated - some of those long runs can really get to you after awhile. It has gotten so that if I don't get out there and run at least once a week I get pretty crouchy :) I LOVE running outside in the fresh air and it clears my head, too.

Good luck and keep us posted on your training.

wow, thanks SO much for all really helpful information and guidance. i already do work out with cathe. i have imax2 and intense moves by gin miller but that's it for interval style workouts, unless you count ctx step and intervals. anyway, i will continue doing those once per week as recommended.... I also do PUB and PLB once each per week and then do another full body workout such as PH (it kills me for some reason, worse than any other workout!) and i have started to incorporate 2-3 yoga sessions (2 20-30 min and 1 45-50 min) per week in order to loosen up.

i am going to post another question about half marathons in a different thread. thanks again for your help everyone. i'm so impresses at the fitness levels and accomplishments of those on this website.


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