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  1. D

    Cardio Coach question

    Hi, I am interested in downloading an MP3 version of Cardio Coach - volume 4 probably - and I was wondering if that volume will fit onto an Ipod Shuffle that has 512mb of storage. Is that Ipod large enough for the Cardio Coach volumes? If I like volume 4 I will probably download 5 and 6...
  2. D

    help kathryn!!

    Thanks! If you were to pick between PUB and P90X Shoulders and Arms, which would you choose? I can get one or the other. I have most of Cathe's weight workouts and love them. Thanks again! Doria
  3. D

    help kathryn!!

    Hi Kathryn, What equipment is needed for P90X Shoulders and Arms? I want to make sure I have all that I need before ordering. Thank you!! Doria
  4. D

    P90X Check for Thursday May 18th

    Kathryn, May I ask what equipment is needed for P90X Shoulders and Arms? I am completely new to the P90X workouts - haven't even bought any yet - but I'm thinking about it! I have a bunch of dumb bells and a barbell already. Do you need a pull-up bar for Shoulders and Arms? Also, is the Ab...
  5. D

    Gym Styles and Slow and Heavy

    Thanks Kathryn, Weight training can get confusing for me with the varying opinions. And I haven't been at it long enough to know exactly what works for me yet. I have in the past been mostly a cardio person. I consider myself to be very advanced with my cardio. I am quite lean, low body...
  6. D

    Gym Styles and Slow and Heavy

    Hi! I'm trying to decide on my next Cathe purchase. I already have the Gym Style DVDs and love them. Do I need to get the Slow and Heavy DVD? I read so many great comments about S&H, but wonder if it is really that different from the Gym Styles. I am mainly focused on upper body opinions...