P90X Check for Thursday May 18th


Hey All!

I decided to sub Legs and Glutes for P90X Legs and Back. I enjoyed this! It was nice to be lifting to Cathe again although I do have to admit that I did NOT miss leg presses!! x( I'm going to go for a "run" on the elliptical this afternoon. My foot is a lot better, but I'm not going to risk hurting it again.
Hi Christine...are we loosing people on this thread??

I did the same thing today....I really missed Cathe, and some good stepping. So I did Step Blast. Love that one! Then I tried Yoga X...(today was supposed to be Yoga day) well, I only lasted about 25 minutes into it. I like the stretches and poses, but way too long of a DVD.

Hope your foot continues to improve for you...
I know Alicia ... That's why I proposed doing the thread once a week. I may try that next week. I guess there's not a lot of people tough enough to do Tony - eh? :p Thanks Alicia - it seems okay right now. We'll see.
Hi Alicia and Christine. Maybe a once a week thread will work better?

I worked my legs yesterday but will do P90X Back & Legs without the legs...:)..also some abs and a 6 mile run in my new shoes!!!

Glad your foot feels better Christine...
Thursday was Shoulders and Arms day (my absolute faaaavorite P90X workout). I was able to up my poundage for most moves, and for the first time went to 20# on the alternate shoulder presses. I even got to failure on several moves (but no DOMS yet, which I hope is due to nutritionally providing stuff that helps with repair, so it happens sooner...but I may start feeling things later!).

Ab Ripper or substitutes became "Ab Skipper"! Maybe I'll catch up on that today (though I ended up skipping abs quite frequently when doing my previous rotation, and it didn't seem to hurt).

May I ask what equipment is needed for P90X Shoulders and Arms? I am completely new to the P90X workouts - haven't even bought any yet - but I'm thinking about it! I have a bunch of dumb bells and a barbell already. Do you need a pull-up bar for Shoulders and Arms? Also, is the Ab Ripper workout included with Shoulders and Arms?

Thank you!!

Hey Dakinu, I am not Kathryn, but am doing P90x right now and can answer your question. You do not need a pullup bar for Shoulders/Arms. It is a great w/out! You need dumbbells and a chair (for tricep dips and seated shoulder presses). Ab Ripper is included in all the P90x strength workouts. The rotation requires you to do Ab ripper after your strength workouts. We'd love to have you join our thread! Let me know if you have any other questions. We actually have a TGIF thread started for today.

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