Recent content by jamaica55

  1. J

    On Demand and ICE

    That's great, thanks for the info!
  2. J

    On Demand and ICE

    Does anyone know when Cathe's ICE DVDs will be available on demand (the roku channel)? I subscribe to Cathe Live and On Demand and realize the ICE series hasn't been released yet but I was wondering how long it takes for a new series to be available on the roku channel once the series has been...
  3. J

    Butts and gutts/high reps question

    Low Impact Circuit, Body Max 2, Drill Max and Cardio Fusion (complilation DVD) were all released with Butts and Guts (if I recall correctly;))
  4. J


    I agree with White House Black Market for jeans, the Blanc fit are awesome! They do have stretch in them but they are so flattering. Plus with their vanity sizing, most people are a size smaller at WHBM:D Buckle jeans are my favorite right now. They are expensive, but you can get a custom...
  5. J

    XTrain Cardio Leg Blast vs Lower Body Blast

    Lower Body Blast arrived last night and I plan on previewing it tonight - can't wait! I'll be sure to post my thoughts. I like doing Cardio Leg Blast then adding an upper body premix from ME, MM, MIS, or pyramid upper body for an awesome total body workout. I did that every Saturday for a...
  6. J

    XTrain Cardio Leg Blast vs Lower Body Blast

    Thanks for responding, Nathalie - I appreciate it:) I can't wait to try Lower Body Blast now!!
  7. J

    XTrain Cardio Leg Blast vs Lower Body Blast

    So I loooooove XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. I love the cardio first, weights second format and have become a bit obsessed with this workout!! For those of you who have both workouts - is Lower Body Blast set up in the same format? Or is there just random cardio thrown in here and there? I've...
  8. J

    XTrain User Guide - Thank You, Cathe!!

    Hi Cathe! I just wanted to say a big thank you for the X Train User Guide - it's full of information and a FANTASTIC way to familiarize yourself with the workouts before doing them. I've read and re-read it and have it handy when I'm doing the workouts. Knowing the breakdowns of the...
  9. J

    X-Train Ride Question

    Those are great suggestions, thank you! Okay, you talked me into keeping it and trying it on the treadmill. I'll report back how it was!
  10. J

    X-Train Ride Question

    Hi Jenniferlove - Thanks for the reply! My husband bought me the XTrain bundle for Christmas and also got Ride not knowing it was a spinning workout. I have a treadmill that I could use but before opening it I was wondering if it was possible. I was thinking about selling it (unopened)...
  11. J

    X-Train Ride Question

    For those of you familiar with Cathe's spin workout dvds, do you think you could sub a treadmill for the bike? I understand it's supposed to be a low/no impact workout, but I was wondering if you wanted, if you could do Ride on a treadmill. Thanks!
  12. J

    Advanced supersets-style weight lifting dvd

    Being the original poster, I do not feel at all as if anyone was steering me into a Beach Body direction. I appreciate ALL feedback from the forum members - which is the reason why I asked my question in the first place! I own all of Cathe's workouts except STS and love her workouts. I was...
  13. J

    Advanced supersets-style weight lifting dvd

    I didn't realize 4DS was super setted. I have 4DS and used it a few times for cardio, but the step cardios are too complicated/dancy for me so I never really used it much after that. But I'll check it out this weekend for sure and didn't even think about the premix options to do just the...
  14. J

    Advanced supersets-style weight lifting dvd

    I haven't heard about Body Beast. Guess I'll see what it's all about at Beach Body. Thanks!!
  15. J

    Advanced supersets-style weight lifting dvd

    Can anyone recommend a weight lifting dvd set up in supersets style that is advanced? It can be Cathe or other instructors. I know Cathe has a supersets dvd but from what I remember it's not too advanced. How about premixes on that workout - any advanced ones on it?? Thanks for your...