Recent content by GreenEyedLefty

  1. GreenEyedLefty

    Help! Forgetful (Unappreciative?) 9 yo daughter

    I think the natural consequence is she doesn't get to wear a jacket for a (short) while. My younger daughter left her sweater and both jackets at school once. One chilly morning at the bus stop cured her of that. If she is that forgetful, you'll have to keep after her. As an aside, my older...
  2. GreenEyedLefty

    Why do you work out?

    Great article. I got a Bodybugg for Christmas and was amazed at how "worked out" I feel at the end of every day where I get 10,000 or more steps - even more so than if I went to the gym. A non-gym, typical day of 10K+ steps includes walking my kids to and from school, then taking a long...
  3. GreenEyedLefty

    Need tips on how to get my cat to stop urinating on the floor...

    My cat did this around Thanksgiving. He started peeing at the bottom of the basement stairs (off to the side, though, so no one stepped in it, thankfully). My friend who is a former vet tech told me that my cat was trying to tell me something and that I should take him to the vet. I did, and...
  4. GreenEyedLefty

    This was a recent topic but I just need to vent!

    I confess that I am one of "those" people. If I don't RSVP right away, it doesn't get done. Sorry! As for your friend, she told you before she doesn't like parties. I gathered from that, that she doesn't like parties in general, not necessarily *your* parties. Knowing this, if attending...
  5. GreenEyedLefty

    Polar Heart Rate Monitor

    "I went to the Y the past couple days and the machines pick up the monitor too! So I don't have to look at my watch, and they correlated perfectly...a bit unsettling to have one's heart talk to the treadmill - and I wonder if they talk behind my back...." ICUmom, this is so funny, my...
  6. GreenEyedLefty

    how cathe lost her baby weight?

    I seem to recall her saying that she relaxed when she was pregnant and didn't work out so hard. She looks terrific now!
  7. GreenEyedLefty

    Let's talk Green Tea

    I recently started drinking green tea. I'm not a fan of blends (like green tea with citrus, etc.). Trader Joe's green tea is pretty good. Right now I'm drinking Twinings, also good. I like to go to a sushi bar once a week and drink theirs, too. :)
  8. GreenEyedLefty

    12 Year Old and Running Question

    That's awesome! I'd make sure she has the best running shoes you can afford. That's all I got. :)
  9. GreenEyedLefty

    gross but need advice

    It sounds like a blister to me. I got something very much like you described after a course of antibiotics. Lovely. It supremely painful, but it was not a hemorrhoid. What worked for me was keeping the area clean and dry, and applying hydrocortisone ointment 2-3 times per day. Briefly icing...
  10. GreenEyedLefty

    Weight Watchers On-Line

    I think WW online would be great if you don't have much to lose (say, 25 lbs. or less) and are self-motivated. I've done WW online and did okay (lost weight but ultimately did not keep it off), but IMO there is no substitute for meetings.
  11. GreenEyedLefty

    Any Weight Watchers?

    I give myself 1 AP for every 100 calories. I also wear a heart rate monitor when I work out. It gives me better feedback, IMO.
  12. GreenEyedLefty

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    Congrats! That is so terrific! I'm also on WW and found that my scale at home is not accurate, so I only WI at my weekly meeting.
  13. GreenEyedLefty

    Economic Crisis

    The money will be borrowed, of course...from foreign banks, most likely China will be the biggest lender. I wonder how many people realize how much the United States of America is being parceled up and sold to other countries.
  14. GreenEyedLefty

    Economic Crisis

    I'm astounded at the nerve of these institutions to ask for taxpayer help when their practices have been questionable at best, and illegal at worst. I don't think there's enough money in the treasury to save them all... I guess it's sink or swim for most of them.
  15. GreenEyedLefty

    How much do you spend??

    DH and I decided to make a budget not too long ago and looked up in Quicken to see where our money was going. We were astounded to see how much we were bleeding money on takeout, restaurants, etc. We stopped that in a hurry! So, I spend a portion of my weekend meal planning and shop...