Recent content by fitnation

  1. F

    A Suggestion for SNM about the Glutes and Guns download.

    SNM, I think that the Glutes and Guns download should be offered for free to all who have On Demand and/or who ordered the DVDs. I would be an awesome gesture to those who have and had patiently waited on the Users Guide, the workouts to be loaded to On Demand and the arrival of the DVDs. SNM...
  2. F

    Workout Blender and Lift, Move and Restore

    SNM- when do you anticipate that the Lift, Move and Restore workouts will be avaolable in the workout blender. I know you said that they would be available after the downloads are released and that if you do not run into problems they should be available soon. Do you have a date when they will...
  3. F

    Get your GLUTES & GUNS download!

    I agree with you. yes that would be a nice gesture.
  4. F

    Lift, Move & Restore update as of 9/27

    SNM - Please list the premix times here and/or Facebook. Thank you.
  5. F

    Lift, Move & Restore update as of 9/27

    SNM, Could you share the workout duration times for the premixes. Thanks you.
  6. F

    All of the workouts in the Lift, Move & Restore series include comprehensive warm-ups

    I prefer the warm ups and stretches onn the same DVD as the workout. Aqua- When I create workout blender workouts, I sometime switch out the warm up or stretch to suit the time frame that I want for the workout.
  7. F

    All of the workouts in the Lift, Move & Restore series include comprehensive warm-ups

    I also hope that each individual DVD includes comprehensive cool downs/stretches (when appropriate). I do not care for having to swicth out DVDs to do a cool down or stretch.
  8. F

    Cathe's Core Blast Express Live Workout

    SNM, I do not see this Cathe Live "Core Blast Express" on the WEB site. I tried with my laptop, Ipad and phone.
  9. F

    Our 508th Cathe Live Broadcast

    SNM- I can not see today's Cathe Live workout on my laptop, or mobile device.
  10. F

    2 Balance discs?

    SNM -Can a bosu substitute for the balance discs?
  11. F

    SNM --- Upper Body 1 - Error

    SNM, thank you so much for the reply.
  12. F

    SNM --- Upper Body 1 - Error

    HI SNM- I am still awaiting a response. Thank you.
  13. F

    A request…..

    The bus driver exercise would be nice to do with the weight plates.
  14. F

    SNM --- Upper Body 1 - Error

    Hello SNM- I am just wondering whether you will you fix this error? Thanks.
  15. F

    SNM --- Upper Body 1 - Error

    In the workout blender for the STS 2.0 Upper Body 1 workout, Bicep Barbell Curls #3 is listed as Bicep Barbell Curls #2. ( i.e.. there are two bicep/barbell curls #2).