Shovel Max workout for 29 states by Wed


If you've been listening or reading the weather reports, the Ohio Valley towards the east coast and southern Great Lakes from Texas to PA could see up to a foot of snow. Of course, where you live the actual snowfall may vary.
The Weather Channel is calling it "The Colassal storm of 2011."

Make sure the elderly around you have enough food and meds, keep the furry family members inside and don't overdo it by shovel max.
Gosh say it ain't so! could someone please put an umbrella over NYC, understand they've already spent their budget!

Snow Blower has now paid for itself!
I actually shovel a long steep driveway. the guys use their snowblowers after I am done.
We've got 100' plus a turnaround, so if it hits here there will be four of us doing shovel max. And if we also get the winds, we'll be doing it more than once because the wind has free reign out here in the boonies and loves to shift our piles around!
I don't have any place to put more snow! I can't see over the piles as it is!! My area is expecting 20 inches! :confused:
I am really not looking forward to another storm. My driveway is over 500 feet long and has 2 hills, one at the top and one at the end. I also have a creek I have to drive over. Right now, the driveway is still covered from the last storm. We had a farmer come and plow, but he couldn't get all the way down to the gravel without messing it up. I literally say a prayer every time I attempt to make it out of my driveway without flipping my car down into the creek (no room for error). Sometimes I hate winter... If it's a bad enough storm though, I get to stay home and I'll take that.
We're supposed to get about 8-ish inches which is not big deal. I'm not dreading the snow so much as the insanely frigid 25 below zero temps they are forecasting! :eek: Blizzard like conditions tonight- we're all stocked up and ready to hunker down in the warmth of our home!

Stay warm & please stay safe!!

the local stations in west MI are predicting over a foot from Grand Rapids to Kalamazoo, south of KZ is supposed to get close to two feet of fresh stuff. Detroit is supposed to get about 10."
Since becoming a runner, I have a different relationship with snow. I've always loved shoveling snow, but never had to do it much. I used to absolutely love snow, and now I have mixed reactions. I love it coming down and running in the snow when it is coming down, but I hate running and even walking in huge amounts of snow and slush and ice after it sticks around. So, in the past I would have loved storms like this, but now I just think to myself that it's messing with my rotation and training. Here in Toronto we are going to get walloped with it, but it won't be as bad as south of the border.

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