UPDATE 1/5/06

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I just got back from the doc's and before I go into the ongoings of todays visit, I think I need to back up a few weeks for it all to make sense.

Just before December I felt a strange pull in the back of my knee while doing a front kick in kickbox class. Knowing we were fairly close to filming, I didn't mess around and went straight to my orthopedic surgeon. He was kind enough to move promptly and within 4 days (including the weekend) I had X-rays and an MRI done with the reports back in his hands. That visit showed no torn ligaments, no torn meniscus, and no torn cartilage. So that ruled out a lot of long term concern. Further evaluation (since now ice, advil, and rest had time to kick in) showed that it could be a calf/plantaris pull. The plantaris is actually a pretty insignificant muscle from our ancestry days however, if you injure it, it still hurts a lot and you have to deal with it like any other pain or pull.

SIDE NOTE: In case you are interested, here is the definition of the plantaris: a small muscle of the calf of the leg that arises from the lower end of the femur and the posterior ligament of the knee joint, is inserted with the Achilles tendon by a very long slender tendon into the calcaneus, and weakly flexes the leg at the knee and the foot at the ankle.

So, I was to rest for three weeks and come see him again. Well, being that that landed right through the holidays (when we weren't going to be filming anyway), I figured we would be in the clear to film on schedule. About two weeks ago I was feeling much improved so I returned to teaching and went lightly. All was good. The next class I taught was kickbox. Again, I was going very lightly and once in my modified boxers shuffle, I simply looked back to wave to a member who came in, and POP. Uh oh, that concerned me immediately. I talked the rest of the class through and asked my friend taking the class to make a phone call to my doc so that I could get in ASAP. He was on vacation so I saw another two doctors in his practice who both tested for ligament tears. They said no ligament were torn and all still looks to be a strained calf, whew! Well, this time around things didn't seem to be healing as quickly as the first time. I was told to rest and come back in a couple of weeks. This time I did NO exercise until my appt.

That brings me to todays appt. It appears that my calf is improving but still quite tight. He injected an anti-inflammatory to help promote healing and I am allowed to exercise lightly as tolerable.

So that is the whole story. Now it looks as if I am the only hold up for filming. All others have returned from their vacations and waiting, as we all are, for the green light.

Although one can't rush these things, let's hope progress continues a wee bit faster as these localized meds take affect. Believe me I am just as anxious as you are to film these DVD's and the wait is killing me too.

Your patience is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Thanks for the update Cathe. I've had pulled muscles before, ouch, and I know how badly they hurt. Take your time and let it heal. I really want the workouts, but I want you to be at your best when it is time to film them.
Oh Cathe, I am so sorry for you, not for us. Take care of that injury so you can be 100% going forward. I know you are smart enough not to risk a more serious injury just to get the filming started sooner. The new DVD's and their time table are not as important as taking care of yourself and making sure you will have many many more years of providing us with excellent fitness training. Take care of yourself!! {{{{HUGS}}}}}

I'm so sorry that your calf is still bothering you. I've had a few injuries in the past couple of years and I know how frustrating and painful they can be. Just take your time and let it heal...we'll all be here waiting. And, of course, thank you for the update!

Take care.

Hi Cathe and thank you for the update. I'm so sorry for your injury and I can't imagine how trying this must be for you. Please, take the time you need to heal and be well. You've left us with enough DVD's that we can't possibly get bored in the meantime!

God bless you!

I know the frustration of an injury and at the time, it seems like you will never, ever be normal again. But, I'm proof you will be! Well, not sure how normal I am, but my injury healed! Ha! :7 Prayers and thoughts coming your way for a speedy recovery but also know we will wait as long as it takes for you to be 100%. We don't want any setbacks because you are rushing to keep us happy. You've already made us happy with the zillions of workouts we have from you. Wishing you a very healthy & happy 2006! Keep us posted!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Thank you for the update. I am soooo sorry to hear about your injury! How frustrating this must be for you. Please know that we all are wishing you a smooth recovery. As several posts indicate, we have plenty of DVDs to hold us until you're ready to film. Also, we have that tough January rotation to do, too. ;-)

Am sending you healing vibes your way.
Cathe - I am so sorry about your injury! But I agree with Jane - taking time to heal is *the* priority here. We can certainly wait for our workouts :) .

And now I think I'm going to follow your example. I have pulled my lat/shoulder muscles and they are just not getting any better. So I think it's time to quit feeling guilty and trying to force the exercise. I'll just tell myself that if it's okay for you to take a break to heal, it's okay for me too ;-) .

See - even in your pain and suffering, you have helped me! You rock, Cathe!
I am so sorry about your injury. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Take it easy and don't rush back into anything. The filming can wait! We want you in tip top shape. ;-)

Take care!
Cathe ~

Thank you for the update...you are such a sweetie to worry about us!

Take ALL the time you need to heal. I, for one, have plenty of Cathe DVD's to keep me busy. HECK! there are still a few oldies I haven't even tried yet...let alone all the premixes on my new KPC/L&G DVD that good ole Mom and Dad bought me for xmas.

Take care!
Thanks for the update but your health is top priority. Take care of yourself and don't rush things. I'd rather have you wait until you're 100% than for you to be sidelined with this injury in the future. I have all of your other amazing workouts to keep me busy. :)

Sending healing hugs,
Cathe- So sorry to hear about your injury. I'm sending healing vibes your way. Hope you make a full recovery soon. This must be very frustrating for you. Take care, Helen:)
Thanks for your update Cathe. Well, I guess it could have been much worse. Thank goodness for that! Take all the time you need to heal it properly. I'm glad to hear that everything is ready to start filming when you've recouperated. Take care, Robin
Most important to take time to let yourself heal. Please don't rush too much for the sake of filming. Just take care of yourself first.

Thank you for the update Cathe. I am glad to hear that there is no serious injury. Please do not rush back to film for us - take your time. Your health is more important, in my opinion, than the filming. Your true fans are patient and can wait. :)

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