*** STS COOLERS week of Feb. 9 *****

Hi everyone,
I haven't given up on you, just been busy trying to get the puckers out of the back of my quilt. My sister didn't tell me to stretch the back so voila... too many puckers. One more night of repairing them and then onto another part of the quilt.

Did Disk 8B this morning. Good workout. I'm tired now, have a little more pinning I want to do.

Night Coolers, I'll post tomorrow night.

Nice sunny cold morning, but hey I will take the sun! :D Today I will be heading to the gym right after work, since oldest has a track meet tonight. Apparently this school just built a brand new indoor track! Guess the residence of this community enjoy the high taxes.:rolleyes: So a spin on the stationary bike, and some core work.

DH will be fitting my overskirt on me tonight! Part of my dress is almost done! :eek: I'm making DH take progress picks for all of you so you can see what I'm talking about.

Patricia, Oh dang on not getting to watch Survivor. No CSI either because of the NCAA! :( Yes they give a big yahoo, or they put you on the saddle! Youngest would have killed me if I had embarassed her like that. Neither one of my girls wants a resturant to know it is there b'day because they don't want them to cheer and sing for them! :rolleyes: I just loved Natashai, and was so sad that she passed. :(

Kim, I was looking at the ab workout, and it really does look tough. I'm just wonder how I'm going to do some of the disc exercises. My flooring might prohibit some of those, and I might have to find something else to sub for them.

Jeanette, Oh make sure you don't have those puckers! Talk to you when you have the chance.

This morning did 4DS Bootcamp Cardi only and the 20 mins of aerobics that Cathe outlined in the STS cardio. It was harder than I was anticipating! Also bought some furniture gliders at Walmart this morning so tried the STS abs with plates/weights, they work better than the Dr.Seuss's books :rolleyes: but I still can't do too many reps :rolleyes:

No Survivor, but there was the 3rd last ER, I can't believe I've been watching this show ?15 yrs. I'm kind of glad it's ending, I'm tired of crying even Thursday night. This last year has been very emotional, thank GOd it's almost over.\

Good luck to your dd Laurie!

Sounds like you're getting close to done with that quilt Jeanette!

Hi girls,
Thought I'd take a break and sit and write some. I've got a pot of coffee brewing and don't have to work tomorrow. Bliss! After work today, DH and I went out to the desert and relaxed. I took my blanket and a pillow and wrapped up and slept. DH said I was asleep for about an hour. I couldn't believe it. Was kind of discumboobled when I woke up. Guess I needed the sleep.

This morning's workout was the cardio conditioning from KPC, then the abs from that workout. Yesterday was STS Disk 8. I'm looking forward to Disk 9B.

Kim, you are really doing well with STS! I was tired this morning, plus that hitch in my right buttock didn't make me want to work out this morning, but I wanted to be able to do legs tomorrow so got up off the couch. So glad you posted the picture of you 3 girls. You are the one with the blonde hair? I'm going to attach a picture of my sisters and my Grandma, taken Christmas of 2007. Grandma passed away last year in May. I'm in the bottom right of the photo. My sister with the gray hair is the one I've been sewing with. There are 2 years between the 1st and 3rd girls in our family, so we're pretty close in age. The baby of the family is upper right in the photo. My brother isn't in this pic (duh). I should have cropped the mirror behind us. Oh well. Just glad we got this photo with Grandma.

Laurie, I can't wait to see the pictures of the skirt! I'm going to try to get those puckers out but I've got some severe ones and without ripping out so much, nope, not going to do it. It's on the back of the quilt and it'll be a using quilt. No way am I ripping out a ton. I'll just learn a lesson from it. My sister says, "it's not like this is the last one you'll ever do". How was the birthday dinner at TR? No Happy Birthday song sung to embarrass her? But it's so much fun to embarrass them!

Patricia, I think that's a great plan to do the 4 and 5 star exercises. I did those and then some of the 3 stars. Worked out fine. I didn't do any of the leg 1rm's though. You're going to catch me soon, I'm moving so slowly... I'm envious that you can donate blood. My veins seem to collapse once they get the needle in. The blood just trickles to a halt... I had an order to do routine bloodwork, plus check for full thyroid back in November and I've still not done it. You might have to crack the whip on me. I'm bad and know I need to do it. Woohoo on no more diapers! What a great feeling. My DS would go hide behind a chair when he needed to go poopoo so he was easy to catch. Now my nephew could go poop while he was talking to you and you'd never know LOL!

Okay, I need to go pour me a cup of coffee and catch up on some more checkins.


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Morning All

I took yesterday off as just not feeling like a workout b/c it was Friday. How's that for taking a page out of your book Jeanette?:) I did get my w/o out this a.m. thought. Burn Intervals along with Extreme Abs. 2 more w/os to this rotation and I'm done then on to STS.:D

How do people w/o in the a.m. Barely enough energy and thats with being up for 4 hrs, 2 cups of coffee and 2 slices of french toast. I wonder if donating blood makes me more tired for several days. I'm going to try and track that.

I've been a busy camper this a.m. already. Made a CLX turkey recipe in the crock pot and had it for lunch. It was delish. Even DS ate who really doesn't care for chili. Started on a dessert made with jello so it has to set all day. Gave my hair a deep condition and trying to not to give into an impulse to go and get bangs.:( I'm sure I'll regret them but I'm in the MOOD for something today. Nothing too much planned today. Have to get a lip/eyebrow wax later today. Oh joy. Contemplating buying a BB set. How high in weights should I go?

Jeanette - coffee so late at night? I show you posted at 11:46PM which would be EST for me. Oh, relaxing in the desert sounds just wonderful right now. Did I mention it is lightly snowing here right now?:rolleyes: What kind of weights are using for STS so far? Boy, can you tell the family resemblance. You look so full of joy and it also comes through in your posts. Jeanette, I have never sewed or knit anything yet in my life that I have not had to rip some part of it out. And I thought those types of hoppies were suppose to be stress relievers. NOT me thats for sure. Consider the whip cracked. Apparently I have small viens and the last nurse I had was concerned with trying to get the needle in me. I did not want her again and when I saw her at the clinic I made sure I wasn't her patient:) No one has had trouble finding a vien except for her.

Saving this post.

I'm Back

Jeanette - LOL about your nephew. It's amazing watching how kids suddenly go still and beet red in the face and you KNOW what they're doing. DS did it in a store as I was trying to pay for something and everyone around me just knew b/4 there even any "smell". Oh well we all DO it.

Kim - I happened to come across the Gliders in a fitness store this winter so I'm all prepared. I tried one of the Glider w/o's and they're HARD. That's probably why I haven't tried the AB w/o yet with them.:D I agree with you on ER but I wonder what they'll replace it with. I'm finding that I don't get too hooked on series drama stuff anymore. Do you consider DEXTER series though? as I'm hooked on that.:D

Laurie - stop making excuses and just go out and get a floor that will work:D:D Anyone who has completed P90X I'm sure will have not problem keeping up with Cathe. Okay, put my whip back in it's case:D:D When do you start STS? I can't remember? Must be this towel wrapped around my hair. Can't wait to see pics of the new dress. A PT once told me not to run on an indoor track (like at the Y) b/c you generally only run one way and b/c of the slant to the floor you're running off-balance. Would the school's track be larger?

Okay off to dry my hair.
Good afternoon,
Today's workout was STS Disk 9B. Felt good. I like floorwork so that was a plus. After that, I showered, did some housework and played 9 holes of golf. It started raining, but I figured I have to walk by the holes anyway on the way back so might as well play them. I did okay. Got home and made a tamale pie. I put it in a dutch oven and it's cooking outside. I love to dutch oven cook.

Patricia, I thought I was reading something I wrote myself when you said you just didn't feel like working out on your Friday. We always get back on the horse. Working out is a way of life for all of us so I never worry about one day off leading to another and another... I've always had bangs. I don't think I have a great forehead so I keep the bangs. Mom used to cut all of us girls hair the very same way with straight across bangs. OMG, looking at old pictures of us with our big, crooked teeth, straight cut across bangs and pedal pusher shorts. I've been growing my hair out for the last 3 haircuts now (does that make sense)? I've always had it cut short around my ears and now it's way past that and getting near chin length. I just need a change. RE: STS and weights used, the highest DB's I have are 25#, may end up buying some 30#ers. I do have platemates that I can use too. My barbell is from Walmart and goes up to 55#, but you can easily buy more plates for it. The bar doesn't seem like it would bend or anything with more than 55#. I do have the 10# Cathe weighted vest, though I don't think I've even used it yet. I have a squat rack (I think) on our Bowflex that I'm thinking I'll use for Meso #3. My 8# and 15# DB's are the neoprene covered so my platemates don't stick to them. I'd like to someday buy some steel ones. I should try to scrape off the neoprene and see if the platemates would stick to them. Okay, you've cracked the whip. I am going to go get that blood drawn this week, but ask for their top blood draw person. Now I've got to be accountable. LOL about "we all DO it". Yep, no one is exempt, that I know of anyway, though some thing their's doesn't stink LOL!

Question for you guys, I've had this "burning" sensation that runs down my left outer thigh (and a little to the back, but not direct back hamstring). It starts to burn when I walk longer distances. It started this in November, especially when it was cold outside, like a burning numbness thing. Only affects my left leg. It's more like the skin is burning. I looked up IT Band symptoms but it talked about the knee being affected, which I don't have a problem with. I probably need to do more stretching for sure. Any thoughts?

Okay, must go out and lift the lid on the dutch oven and see if it's bubbling yet.

Hi Kim and Laurie!
Hey Jeanette

Wondering if you're having problems with your sciatic nerve? Symptoms sound familiar at all?


Thanks for all the weight info. All the sets of BB's either at Walmart or Sears are 100# so I might look into buying everything individually. Decisions, decisions. I'm reading for Meso 2 where some people are thinking of switching to using their DB as the BB is getting too heavy for them to life over their heads w/o a squat rack. I'm squatting with 2x20# DB with CLX and can definetly go heavier. I'm presuming once you get this high you're just holding them and not resting them on your shoulders.
I've maybe had a mild form of sciatica before, where it feels deeper and bothers the back of your thigh to sit, then runs down the leg and around the calf. This isn't like that, more like a repetitive motion thing, more surface-like, doesn't even remind me of anything initiating in the spine, though of course I could be wrong. More irritating than painful at this point, and only starts up when I start walking fast, or when it's cold. Feels like the skin in that area or patch of skin is getting "frozen". Not in my glutes at all, About a hands width from the side of my thigh (back part of leg), very localized. Weird, huh?

I just finished watching Survivor (the last episode). They are always scratching a lot, aren't they?

Going to go draw diamond shapes for the border of my quilt.
Woke up with a terrible head cold, ds had it as well. After doping up on cold med we did go SUV shopping for awhile, more confused then every. Came home had a long nap, watched a movie then decided I was feeling well enough to do disc #10:rolleyes: You, know how I hate messing up my schedule. If I don't keep going I won't finish Meso 1 by Las Vegas time. Now I feel awful :rolleyes: off to bed. I'll try and catch up tomorrow.
Take care of yourself. Get lots of rest and liquids. Whiskey and lemon? LOL. DH has a lousy cold again. We've been more sick this year than previous. Maybe having to listen to all the reports on the economy?
Can't sleep anymore. I hate being sick, first I'm too cold then I'm too hot :rolleyes: I'm bored but don't have the energy to do anything.

Jeanette Anytime a patient mentions "burning" to me I automatically think nerve pain not muscle pain. You also describe a numbness of the skin. Maybe some kind of nerve compression that starts to happen with certain activities. Maybe a different nerve than the sciatica, sorry I'm not much help I work on upperbodies not lower bodies:rolleyes:

LOL on the Survivor scratching, it's true, I've notice that before. Must be lots of bug bites.

Thanks for posting the pic! You can see family resemblance in all the girls, except for the youngest one not as much. I'm the one on the right in the picture.

Patricia Almost STS time! Cathe is supposed to be making a surprise announcement today, any guesses what it is?? A friend of my mom's gave me a barbell a few days ago, just the bar, no weights so guess I'll have to pick up some weights for it. I figure I might as well pick up heavy weights as if it's light I might as well use a dumbbells. maybe I should check out the Dexter series although I watch enough tv, I'm thinking I shouldn't get into any more shows.

Laurie Hope you're having a good weekend!


Now, what do I use that 20%off coupon for??

Got my w/o in already for the day. Yeah. Lean Circuit #3 (last time for that) then I got busy on my 1rpms. Did about 18 of them. Will try to get them into the w/o manager so I get familiar with that site.

Loved the Chili recipe that I made yesterday. Lets see, I had it for lunch and dinner and now lunch today. Love cooking just once for several meals. Making a new recipe now with the crockpot again with chicken thighs and spices and adding honey and vinegar for the sauce. Can't wait to try it. I'm on a crockpot kit right now, can you tell?

Kim - yuck about being sick and still doing an STS w/o. Move over Jeanette, I have a new hero:D You know the funny thing about the BB? When we moved here I threw one out. I think it was my brothers from 20yrs ago, the old ones that come with those gold covered plates I think filled with sand? Anyhow, it must have been an Olympic bar b/c I couldn't hardly pick it up. I think when my sister and I each bought our houses at the same time after living together for about 15yrs and somehow got it, but I think it was hers.

What are everyone's 1st thoughts on the new cardios. I wasn't too sure but I'm in. I hope the music is fun. I love the travel w/o (thinking cottage) and also the HIITs that are only 20min. I was thinking that I really didn't need anything more but I love Cathe's step. I'm also hoping that she listens to the Low Impact modifyer request. Really, not too many people have the spring loaded floors that she uses + I see the average age of the people on this forum is 44. Hey, Kim this is the one time I think its okay to below average.:p

Okay, off to the shower and grocery shopping and maybe BB shopping.
Hi Coolers,
Today was hmmmm...Lowmax intervals 4-7, then switched to Step Blast Challenge and tried to do that before it froze, then did the 3 blasts all in a row instead. After that was the abs from Butts and Guts.

Just read about the new STS Cardio and preordered. I'm Invoice #219. We're going on vacation the middle of September and that band workout would be great for that, but I'm not counting on it being out by then. Who knows though? I hope she does show a modifier. I hate tuck jumps, but don't mind plyo. I wonder if she'll use any of the fellas for the cardio?

Patricia, I told DH he's having tamale pie all week as it grew into a LARGE amount. Turned out good though. LOL about Kim being your new hero!! Believe me, you would not be in awe if you saw how I really live. I do a lot of stuff, but it's all that fun stuff. Housework, minimum in that area for sure. I have had dishes soaking so long this morning while I've been here on the laptop the water is probably cold now. I like the idea of those shorter tough cardios too. That way, I could (don't hold your breath), add some yoga or stretching in to keep it at 60 minutes or less.

Kim, hope you are feeling better. I'm thinking it's some nerve compression too, though not the main sciatic nerve. It's too close to the surface. A few years ago, I had an area on the side of my calf, close to the tibia that would feel weird occasionally. That one went away. Hope this one does too. Must be my big butt and thighs squeezing out the nerve. :confused:

Must get to those dishes, then sew the binding on to my quilt. I finished machine quilting the border with diamond shapes last night. No puckers :) on the borders backing, however, I couldn't get all of the puckers out of the back of the main part of the quilt. Like I said, Tillie won't care. Our power went out last night for a little while. DH and I lit some candles and just talked and enjoyed the evening, though it was after midnight. We had snow last night, but it's expected to be up in the 60's by this weekend. Crazy weather.
Oh, I got off the couch this afternoon and did RS and the med abs from STS. Laurie, I actually like these abs from STS. Besides that I made a cake and that was it on my busy schedule.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Starting to feel much better.

DS just got his bike out for the first time as the street is finally drying off. We're heading into a winter storm warning with rain/snow for the next 3 days which won't be too bad for us but Fargo, North Dakota just south of us has called a state of emergency. The national guard is there sandbagging the river. Okay, I'm selfish but I'm worried about our flight to Las Vegas, it just may be cancelled.:confused:

Patricia I'm not a hero, I'm obsessive,not what you want to be. I actually finished P90X in 92 days, I rarely take days off even when sick. Did you actually get a 20% off coupon?? Other presales that was only for Americans, I didn't get anything?? I love getting new workouts whatever they are. I have a short attention span and like to try new workouts.
Why do you think the average is 44? Do you think the younger folks prefer the gym to home workouts? There is sure a lot more fitness stuff to buy for home now.

Netta Where are you going in Sept?? Camping?? Sounds like you having some crazy spring weather as well! How come you seem to get so many power outages? Sleeping outside sounding nice and relaxing! I got to admit that I'm a bit obsessive about cleaning but not as bad as my mom and sister. My house is usually very tidy (laundry done and away, dishes done) but not necessarily scrubbed cleaned (floors, sinks). My mom and one sister's home are always immaculate.

My family thought I was pretty funny getting so excited about the new Cathe workouts. LOL Laurie are you ordering??

Todays workout was Back, Chest, Legs & Abs plus 20 min. jumprope.

Kim, Glad you are starting to feel better, I'm going to order the STS Cardio, but not until March 31st. Not to excited about the step workouts, but for the price that will probably be charged for the individual it will be worth it. Thanks for the infor on the med abs, even the sound of it sounds like a good one.

Jeanette, I agree with you, I'm not a big fan of the tuck jumps either. I would imagine that 11 DVD's that are all cardio will be quicker to make than making the strength DVD's. Have to wonder about the one muscle guy, if he is capable of cardio? Most of the muscle guys I see at the gym don't do any cardio. At least I don't see them. :rolleyes: Sounds to me like a nerve, but then I'm not qualified to know. :)

Patricia, I'm all for the low impact, but then again I'm using a jumprope!:rolleyes: LOL! I have not been having any problems with my knee, the only time is with the step. I'm thinking the athletic step might be something like Lowmax! But probably with the 2:1 pattern. At least that is my hope! :)

Hi Kim - in my email order confirmation there was a link or a code to use for the discount. Go back and read your email confirmation. I got one also when I ordered the calendar last year and it worked to problem. I just don't know what to order to take advantage of it? I don't want anymore DVD's as I pretty much have them all anyhow. I'm thinking the weighted gloves but they're out of stock. Hmm. maybe the vest? Have you actually booked a date for your trip to Vegas?

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