Strength in Numbers

Julie Sorry that your surgery didn't go quite as planned but at least they cut out all of the cancer. Hopefully the swelling and your black eyes go away quickly. Good work on pull up queen and circuit max. It is probably a good thing to do more yoga and mobility work until your stitches are out. My uncle is my mom's sister's husband.

Pam Great job on your 42 mile bike ride and your planting and cleaning out the pool. Good work too on Plyo Hiit 2 and abs from cardio and weights. I had my mammogram several months ago, it is nice to get it out of the way.

Yesterday I did S&H tris and bis. After that we went out to my parents to rake leaves and wash windows for them. While we were there a nurse came over to see them. They are going to help keep my dad's pain away as best as they can. It is nice that they can get some home care so they don't always have to go out to the doctor's office. This morning was CrossFire. I really struggled with it this morning. I got lots of sleep but maybe the time change is affecting me a bit too.

Have a great day.

Pam Great job on your 42 mile bike ride! That is a lot of biking. Are you training for anything or just increasing the miles over time. Glad you got some more progress on your yard work. Great job on Plyo HiiT 2 and C&W abs! I was really bummed about my calf and then when they told me I had to take it easy for a couple of weeks I almost cried but I really think it is probably a blessing in disguise. This morning I was able to go to work but I still have swollen eyes and nose.

Have a great day!
This morning was S&H Legs and Shoulders. I can't lift a lot of weight over my head so I used my weighted vest as well. After that I got the housework done and this evening I had a dragon boat meeting for the next season. I am going to go over to a more competitive team for next season. The two teams that I was on this year were not as competitive as I want to be. I will have to travel a little bit further for this new team but I will probably enjoy it a lot more. There will also be dry land training starting in January that I am also interested in doing.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Great job S&H bis and tris and doing all of that work for your parents. It is nice that they can get in home care. How is your dad doing? Get job on Crossfire, that one usually kicks my butt. I do think the time change is a problem for several days though too.

Julie We're not training for anything, just trying to do a longer ride every so often. I know what you mean about being upset about being told to take it easy for a couple of weeks. That is a really hard thing to do. I hope everyone at work was nice to you with your swelling.

Cheryl Great job on S&H legs and shoulders. That seems like a weird combination! I'm not sure if I have that one. Good for you for signing up for a more competitive dragon boating team. I hope that works out well for you.

I didn't realize that I forgot to post yesterday. Yesterday morning was XTtrain burn sets chest, back, and shoulders. After that I took my car to get the tires balanced, but they wouldn't do it because there wasn't enough tread, so I ended up getting 4 new tires o_O Not really what I was planning on, but now we are all set for our drive to Pennsylvania today. This morning was XTrain Cardio leg blast + core 2. Yesterday morning I also took a cake over to a friend. He had a bad bike accident last year and had surgery on his arm. On Monday they took out all of the hardware that they put in last year and he ended up having to stay overnight because it was more complicated than they were expecting and he was in a lot of pain. I understood why when I saw how much stuff had been in his arm. Holy cow. There was a rod, a plate a bunch of screws and these two long metal things. We are headed to Pennsylvania for a wedding this afternoon, so I probably won't be posting until today. Have a great weekend.

Pam Thanks for asking about my dad. They have the pain under control for now but who knows how long that will be. They will need to monitor him and change it as soon as it starts getting bad again. Great job on XTrain burn sets chest, back and shoulders. Bummer that you had to get new tires but at least you are set for you drive to Pennsylvania. Good work on XTrain Cardio Leg Blast and Core 2. Wow that is a lot of stuff to have in your arm. I hope he is doing better now. Enjoy your wedding this weekend.

This morning was To The Max. Another one that left me gasping for air. This afternoon I went out for a walk because it was nice out and it is probably our last nice day before it starts raining again. Our local mountains opened up for skiing today. I just hope all the snow stays up there and doesn't come down here.

Have a great weekend.

So I pretty much have been doing nothing exercise wise. My nose is doing a lot better but I can still sometimes feel the stitches stretching if I move my face muscles in certain ways and I still have to be careful when I sneeze or blow my nose. Saturday I did get a lot done around the house and even got the patio furniture covered for the winter. I feel like we just got it and didn’t get to spend much time using it but hopefully the winter goes fast and Spring starts early.

Cheryl Great job on S&H Legs & Shoulders! The weighted vest is a great way to add weight to the legs. Glad you are excited about joining a new team for next year. I bet that will be fun for you. Dry land training sounds interesting. Will it be inside? Great job on TTM! That one is a breath taker for sure. Glad you were able to get a walk in too before the weather turns.

Pam Great job on BS CBS! What a surprise to have to get 4 new tires when you weren’t expecting it. Great job on CLB + core 2! That bike accident must have been bad if he had all of that in his arm. I hope his pain goes away soon. After a year, I’m sure his body has to readjust to not having that stuff in there anymore. Everyone at work was nice to me with my swelled face. Just a few shocked faces and disgust when I explained the surgery. Hope you had a great trip to Pennsylvania!

Have a great day!
Cheryl I hope that they are able to keep your dads pain under control. Poor guy! Great job on TTM. I noticed both that and Crossfire on the calendar for this week so I guess I better eat my Wheaties! Is this early for skiing to start? It seems like it.

Julie Good for you for taking it easy, I know that it is not easy for you to do that. I need to bring our patio furniture in too.. so sad, at least you have nice new furniture to look forward to using in the spring.

The drive to Pennsylvania felt like it took forever. It was supposed to be 7 hours but it took us 8 because there was so much traffic. It was a great weekend though, the wedding was beautiful and a out of fun, we danced all night. The drive home yesterday was easier, I think we made it home in less than 7 hours, even with a stop for lunch. This morning I did KPC which is always a fun one. I’m always ready to quit on the pikes when she says let’s try 2 more, so I struggled through those last 2. Have a great day!

Julie I am glad that your stitches are healing though you still need to be careful. It did seem like you got your patio furniture in the last half of summer. Next year you will have it all and a nice deck to start the season off right. The dry land training will be inside so that will be good since we could have snow when it starts.

Pam This is a bit early for ski season to start, usually it is the last week of November or the first week of December before they have enough snow. I just hope it all stays on the mountains this winter. I am glad that the wedding was a lot of fun despite the traffic getting there. Great job on KPC and all the pikes.

Saturday I went dragon boating. It was borderline with the temperature but the water was nice a calm. Sunday I did S&H Chest, Back and Planks and then went to our local Winter Market to pick up some eggs and veggies. Today I did Supersets. It was really windy and rainy out today so I couldn't get out to go for a walk.

Have a great day.

Cheryl I do hope that the snow stays up on the mountains for you this winter. How nice that you were able to go dragon boat ingredient on Saturday. Great job on S&H CB and planks and supersets.

This morning was S&H bis and tris. I like that I am able to use the same weight as Cathe for this workout, unlike most of the newer ones. Have a great day!

Pam Great job on S&H bis and tris. It's a nice feeling when you can lift as much as Cathe can.

Well this morning was Imax 2 for me. I started out strong but on the 6th interval I started tripping on the step and my legs started feeling like lead. I tried the 7th interval but I could see myself tripping on the step and probably hurting myself so I decided to end the workout. After my shower I started having auras in my eyes which sometimes happens at the start of a migraine. So for the rest of the day I really didn't do much as I felt totally wiped out. I don't know why I felt so crappy today since I slept really well and have been eating healthy. Oh well tomorrow is another day.

Yesterday I took Ozzie to his chemo appointment and they said he is doing really good and they are moving him to a monthly chemo protocol. It has also been a week since my surgery so I am going to try to start a new rotation tomorrow. I am going to restart pullup queen and mix it with Strong Curves Gorgeous Glutes which is lower body only. I think last time when I was combining it with metabolic and circuits I was wearing myself out.

Pam Bummer about the drive up but at least you had a great time at the wedding and had a good drive back home. Great job on KPC! Great job on S&H BT! It is always nice when you can use the same weight or go heavier than Cathe (although that is really rare for me).

Cheryl Great job on S&H CB and Planks and Supersets! Glad you are able to keep dragon boating. I know the weather will proably not last so I am sure you are taking advantage of every opportunity you get now. Great job on Imax 2 and for knowing it was time to stop. Sounds like you might have needed the rest especially with the migraine. Maybe there is a change in the weather coming and that affected you?

Have a great day!
Julie That is great that Ozzie is doing so well and now he only needs to go for chemo on a monthly basis. It is possible that you were doing too much and it did wear you out. I don't know why I got a migraine yesterday. The weather has been pretty consistent in being crappy so I am not sure if that was it or not.

I have no idea what set me off yesterday but I was doing much better today. So I did Pyramid Lower Body, one that I haven't done in a long time. I used dumbbells instead of the barbell because I remember it really hurting my back bending over to change the BB all the time. Then I got the grocery shopping done and in the afternoon I got done everything that I had wanted to do yesterday.

Have a great day.

I did Pedal Power Scrambled today. It felt good to workout again. I was worried I would lose my motivation after a week of nothing. I was actually smiling during most of the workout. My nose also didn’t bother me one bit.

Cheryl So glad you are feeling better. Hmm, consistently crappy is not a good way to describe the weather. Great job on PLB! DBs are nice because it is much easier to get the next weight. Cathe changes the weights on the BB so fast.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on the first half of Imax 2 at least. That is weird that you started struggling like that after starting out strong, but you were smart to stop. Maybe it was because the migraine was starting....? Hopefully the restful day afterwards helped.

Julie That is great news that Ozzie is doing so well on his chemo. It sounds like a good plan to combine your pulp queen with a lower body workout.

Cheryl I'm glad to hear that you were doing better yesterday after your migraine the day before. Great job on PLB. It's nice that you got everything done.

Julie Great job on PP, it='s awesome that you were smiling during the workout and that it didn't bother your nose at all! Sometimes a few days off is just what I need to feel rejunenated about my workouts again.

It looks like I forgot to post yesterday but it was Crossfire for me yesterday. I wasn't really looking forward to it for some reason, but it felt great so of course I was much happier when I was done. This morning was S&H legs and shoulders. I was thinking while I was doing the legs that I need to put a weighted vest on my Christmas wish list. It's really hard getting that barbell over my head all the time. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on PP. Sometimes a few days off is all you need to get back into it again. Glad that your nose didn't bother you.

Pam Good work on CrossFire and S&H Legs and Shoulders. I used my weighted vest for that workout because I can't lift a heavy enough barbell over my head. It did make a difference with the weight.

This morning was Rockout Knockout. After that I got all the housework done.

Have a great day.

This morning I re-started pullup queen and added on Strong Curves gorgeous glutes. It felt good to do some resistance training. I go this afternoon to see how my nose is healing. Hopefully they say it is going good. I am so happy it is Friday. It is supposed to be icky weather this weekend but I am just happy to finally be the weekend!

Pam Great job on CF! That one doesn’t have a dread factor but some days the motivation or excitement just isn’t there. Great job on S&H Legs & Shoulders. A weight vest for Christmas sounds like a great idea!

Cheryl Great job on RK and housework! As much as I hated the idea of taking a week off, I think you are right and that is what I needed to get excited again.

Have a great weekend!
Julie Good work on pullup queen and Strong Curves and Gorgeous Glutes. I hope your nose is healing well and they got all the cancer.

So I saw that Cathe had On-Demand and Live free for a 7 day trial so I signed up. I always wanted to try it out but I wasn't sure. So I decided to do Fit Tower Live Total Body workout. Wow that was a great workout and I really enjoyed it. I will try it out to see if it is something I want to keep up.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on RK and getting all of your housework done!

Julie Great job on pull-up queen and strong curves gorgeous glutes! I hope that your nose is healing well.

Cheryl I can’t wait to hear how you like the on-demand and live. I might just have to do the free trial too. I was thinking that we have this week to sign up? Great job on fit tower total body.

Friday was a 24 mile bike ride and then I spent the afternoon cleaning out the boys closet. I couldn’t believe how much stuff they had in there! Saturday was To The Max and then I went and helped at the adoption event at the PetSmart. I came home with the same two cats I took though . I was expecting it to be a slow weekend though with Thanksgiving coming this week. This morning was S&H chest and back and I’m headed back to the PetSmart for today’s adoption event. I hope you are both having a great weekend.

Pam I do like the on-demand and live. I am on the fence with going forward with it though because our dollar is so low compared to yours that it will cost me more that $19.95 per month. Good work on your 24 mile bike ride, TTM and S&H chest and back. It is amazing how much stuff can fit into a closet. I hope someone adopts your cats today.

Yesterday I did a Cathe Live mixed Hiit workout. Then we went to my uncle's celebration of life. It was really nice and it was good to get together with my relatives that we don't see that often. This morning I did yoga and then walked down to the local farmers market. It was a very wet and nasty day so I didn't stay long.

This weekend seemed to fly by. Saturday I did ICE LIS 1 + Core 2 and the lots of cleaning that needed to be done. Sunday I did Pullup Queen day 2 and Gorgeous Glutes Day 2. Then I was pretty lazy and watched Netflix all day. This morning I did Cycle Max. I was looking at my work calendar and I have so many meetings this week. I think for a 3 day week this is going to be a long week.

Cheryl Great job on FT Live! I subscribed to Live and OnDemand for a year last year. I loved the Live workouts. I stopped my subscription but am thinking of picking it back up in the Spring. I like OnDemand’s Workout Blender but didn’t use it much so not sure if I will do that again. Great job on Mixed HiiT Live! I really like that more people are doing Celebrations of Life. It sounds much nicer than a wake. Great job on yoga! Hope you got some goodies at the farmer’s market.

Pam Great job on your 24 mile bike ride and cleaning closets. Closets are so easy to fill up and more. Great job on TTM! Bummer no one adopted the cats during the event. Do you think as it gets closer to Christmas there might be more adoptions? Great job on S&H C&B! Hopefully you have good news from the second adoption event.

Have a great day!

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