Strength in Numbers

JulieDon't you love how extra work gets presented as an 'Opportunity'?! :) You must be doing well though! Great job on Live Body Blast Boot Camp, I thought it sounded and looked like a lot of fun! I really need to remember to start icing my elbow too. My strap and flexbar arrived last night, so I will start the exercises today.

Cheryl I am looking forward to trying PHA, hopefully soon. We didn't get anywhere near as much snow as they were saying, maybe 1/4 inch! We did get some ice and it is going to stay cold for a couple of days though. Luckily we didn't get a huge amount of ice either though. Good for you for getting a walk in. You are so good about that!

So this morning was Power Max. That is one of the oldies that I really like, although the tempo seems to be a little bit too slow. DH ended up changing his flight and flying out last night. He flew to Minneapolis and spent the night there and is going on to Vegas this morning. As it turned out it might not have been a problem going today, but you never know what we are going to get around here. It's going to be really cold for the next few days, but it's supposed to be in the high 60s by the end of the week. I am looking forward to that! Have a great day!

I bought Cathe's calendar and I put (but in different order) her Jan. rotation. I'll start it this Monday. I can't wait.

I see you all are doing great. Good for you!

See you all Monday.

Take care everyone,

The weekend flew by again. Saturday I did Edge Booty Extreme 2 Upper Body 1 in the morning. That is probably one of the best upper body workouts in less than 35 minutes. It’s not fancy and probably would be considered boring by most but it is effective. After that DH and I took Ozzie to the vet for his annual checkup. He has a yeast infection in his ears so we get the joy of putting medicine down his ears twice a day for 10 days. He is actually pretty good about letting us do it but he whimpers every time and it breaks my heart. After that it was errands and chores. Sunday I did EBE2 Weighted Legs! That has to be one of the most effective workouts too. Not glamorous or fun but super effective. I can already feel my legs are going to be sore by this afternoon. After that it was lazy Netflix bingeing!

Cheryl Great job on your walk! You are so good going for a walk when it is cold. I just cannot do it. My feet freeze and it takes 30-40 minutes for the feeling to get back in them when I get home.

Pam Great job on PM! Better safe than sorry for your DH to change his flight. Icing is always the hardest part for me with an injury. I hate icing. I would rather do heat but I know icing is good for certain things like tendonitis. I hope you get some relief from the strap and doing the flexbar exercises.

Janie Sounds like you have your plan all ready for you to focus on. It can really help to have it written down in advance.

Have a great day!
Janie I have never gotten Cathe's calendar but I know a lot of people look forward to it every year. I hope you enjoy the rotation!

Julie Great job on EBE2 UB! Effective and short is the best combination. Oh boy, I'm sure that is no fun at all putting medicine in Ozzies ears. Poor little guy. Great job on EBE2 Weighted legs on Sunday! Southwest cancelled all of their flights out of Raleigh all weekend because they couldn't get the ice cleared from the runways, so DH was glad that he made the change. I mady an ice pack and stuck it in my sleeve to hold it on my elbow on Saturday. That seems to work pretty well. I also got the flexbar and started doing the exercises. It really hurts when I am doing them, but in general my elbow is feeling quite a bit better. I'm going to continue to take it easy for awhile though.

Saturday afternoon I went out and shoveled the driveway. It was more like scraping it since it was mostly ice o_O Yesterday was my rest day and it was cold and icy outside, so I stayed in and cleaned out my freezer, did laundry, worked on some stained glass and cleaned my stove. What an exciting day, huh? This morning was Hiit 40/20 and core max segment 1. It's been a long time since I did a core max segment. Happy Monday everyone!

Pam I think ice is worse than snow. At least you can walk in snow, ice is another thing. Good work on Power Max. It was probably good that your DH changed his flights around. You just never know what the weather will be like.

Janie I get Cathe's calendar every year too. Enjoy the January rotation.

Julie Great job on Edge Booty Extreme 2 Upper Body. I think effective is better than fancy when you are working out. Poor Ozzie, he probably knows that what you are doing is the best for him even though he doesn't like it. I have to give Taylis fluids twice a week so he doesn't get dehydrated due to his kidney disease. He is pretty good about it. Good work on EBE2 Weighted Legs. It isn't too much fun when it is really cold outside to go for a walk but it beats sitting inside all the time.

Pam I have done my share of ice shoveling this winter too. It is a lot harder than just shoveling snow. Great work on Hiit 40/20 and core max segment 1.

Saturday I did Step Works and went for another walk. Sunday I did Total Body Giant Sets. I have done something to my shoulder and it is a bit tender right now. I did try to do cardio slam this morning but I just wasn't into it and with my shoulder bothering me it was hard to get down for the burpees and squat thrusts. I only did half the workout this morning. I think I am going to take it easy this week to see if I can heal my shoulder as dragon boating season is only about 4 - 5 weeks away. If it isn't better by the end of the week I will look at going to physio. However on the plus side we just booked our flight to Hawaii at the end of May, though with the cold weather I wish we were going now. My brother is doing the half ironman in Kona and he said we were welcome to join him at the condo he rented. Well we couldn't pass that up since we don't have to pay for the accommodations. It has been about 26 years since we went to Hawaii so we are really looking forward to it.

Have a great day everyone.

Did Strong and Sweaty Rotation. I have it in places in different order. But on 2nd thought I will have it like Cathe's. I also have it on my Cathe's Calendar. YaHoo! Here I go.

Today was Boot Camp. I didn't use a premix to shorten the w/o I did all 45 min. of it. I did use Modifications that Cathe suggested. YaHoo! I'm so excited!

Julie, Great job on Sat. Edge Booty Extreme 2 Upper Body 1 in the am. I'm sorry poor Ozzie has yeast infection in his ear. Good thing he went for a checkup. Great job too for Sund. EBE2 Weighted Legs. You deserved a lazy Netflix bingeing! LOL!

Pam, Great job on Sun. snow shoveling. That's a workout? Glad to see you taking a rest day. But you worked hard on doing chores. Wow! You got a lot done! Also for this mornings HiiT 40/20 and core max seg. 1.

Cheryl, Great job on Sat. Step Works and a walk. For Sun. Total Body Giant Sets. Take care of that shoulder. Glad only did half a w/o this morning. Should give you time to heal this week. Do take it easy this week like you say. Bet you are looking forward to HI. in May. YaHoo! Nice your brother in Kona and doing ironman, and having to not pay for accommodations.. Wow!

Take care everyone,

Last night I did RWH Circuit Upper Body! As always fast and fun!

Pam Wow you had a productive weekend! Great job on 40/20 and core max! I know this will surprise you but I can’t remember the last time I did a core max segment! Glad your elbow is feeling better. The flexbar exercises should get less painful over time but I think it is helping with some of those small muscles that support the ligaments.

Cheryl Great job on Step Works and your walk on Saturday and TBGS on Sunday! Oh now, I am sorry about your shoulder. That joint is the easiest to joint to do harm to. I hope you are able to get healed without too much trouble. I’m so happy for you that you get to go to Hawaii. Winter would definitely be the best time to go to Hawaii but I think anytime is a good time too.

Janie Great job on S&S BC! That is awesome that you did the whole workout time with modifications! I bet you were so proud of yourself and you should be!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Ice is worse than snow, there is just nothing you can do in it. It is finally getting above freezing here this afternoon, and then the temp is going up up up to 70 on Friday. I am so looking forward to that. It has been no fun being cooped up in the house alone for 3 days! Great job on SW, your walk, and TBGS. I am so sorry to hear that your shoulder is giving you trouble. I think you were smart to stop cardio slam to give it a rest. The last thing you want to do is further injure it. How exciting that you are going to Hawaii in May! Your brother must be in great shape to be doing the ironman!!! That is very impressive.

Janie Great job on S&S Bootcamp!! All 45 minutes, that is awesome, you must be so proud of yourself!

Julie Great job on RWH CUB. That one never gets old. Hehehehe, I can't believe you can't remember the last time you did a Core Max segment! You are too funny. I'm definitely going to keep up the flexbar exercises. The elbow is still tender, but I'm not feeling it constantly like I was.

This morning was Body Max 2, the entire 97 minutes! I got up early so that I could get it all in before work. The elbow did give me some grief during the hammer curls, but other than that it wasn't too bad. I did drop down the weights for overhead presses since those were bothering it last time, but they weren't bad at all today. I think I had the strap in the wrong place though, so I had to take it off because it was really digging into me. We'll see how the elbow is feeling later today. Have a great day everyone!

Today I did Ramped Up Upper Body. OML! I did the full 48 min, but did about half the weight of what Cathe did on most exercises. Wow! I'm shaking! LOL, Love it! Eating yogurt now to help with the torn muscles.

Julie, Great job on RWH Circut Upper Body. It's always nice when you enjoy the workout.

Pam, Great job with Body Max 2 and for the entire 97 min.! WoW! YaY! Glad you modified a little bit so as not to hurt your elbow.

Take care everyone,

Last night I did Great Glutes! It has been a long time since I did that one. I forgot how much the floorwork would burn. I cried a little and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Pam Great job on Body Max 2! That is great you were able to do the upper body exercises. I do remember hammer curls were painful for me too. In fact I think it was that exercise that may have caused the tendonitis in the first place. Of course it was my fault trying to go heavier too fast. The strap takes a while to figure out the best place but it should be pressure on the ligaments just below the elbow which helps alleviate some of the pain and strain.

Janie Great job on RUUB! You did awesome! It is not about the weight it is about the effort and challenge and it sounds like you nailed it.

Have a great day!
Janie Great job on RUUB, I thought that was a great workout! You obviously worked hard if you are shaking! I saw pictures of your homemade yogurt on FB. Yum!

Julie Great job on GG. Oh yes, the floorwork on that is killer! There is no shame in crying! I think I had the strap up too high so am going to try it down lower today. They sent me a video showing how to figure out where to place it, but it was really rubbing on my arm when I was working out.

The good news is that my elbow didn't feel any worse after doing weights yesterday so I think I will be able to do them, just making modifications on the ones that hurt. I did ice it after my workout yesterday too. This morning was Rhythmic Step. I had just done it last week, but luckily that one doesn't get old. Have a great day everyone!

Janie Great job on Boot Camp and doing the whole 45 minutes of it. No shame in using the modifications it is still a good workout.

Julie Good work on RWH Circuit Upper Body. I wish I was in Hawaii right now with the cold weather that we are having.

Pam You sure do get big temperature changes. Though right now I wish it would get to 70 here. My brother does love his triathlons. He will only be doing the half iron instead of the full one but that is still impressive. I think I will be sitting back with a cocktail while he is out there working :D. Great job on Bady Max 2 and that your elbow didn't give you too much grief.

Janie Way to go on Ramped Up Upper Body. That is one of my favorites in the new series. Don't worry about not being able to lift as much as Cathe, it sounds like you lifted what was right for you.

Julie Good work on Great Glutes. Yep the floor work really gets in there. There is no shame in crying.

Pam I am glad that your elbow didn't feel any worse. Great job on Rhythmic Step.

Sorry but I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. I was busy all day and then in the evening I met up with some of our dragon boat team at one of the local breweries. Yesterday morning I did ICE Low Impact Sweat and this morning was Party Rockin' Step 2. My shoulder is a lot better today. I forgot that I had a foam roller so I started using that and it has made a difference. I am still taking it easy for the rest of the week and I will see if I can get back to the weights next week.

Have a great day everyone.

Did Step Jam today. Could only do 20 min. of it. body would not do anymore. But man I tried! LOL!

Julie, Great job on doing Great Glutes. I know what you mean when you put your best foot forward. Proud of you.

Pam, So glad your elbow is feeling better. Also glad you took measures not to re-injure it. Icing most likely saved it. Good thinking on your part. Great job on Rhythmic Step. I like this step w/o too. I'm thinking about making more yogurt to use up the milk I have. Then I'm going to try making Greek Yogurt with coconut milk and almond milk. In a week or so.

Cheryl, Getting ready already for dragon boating. Wow! Can you take photos of that? Would love to see it. Great job on ICE LIS and today for doing Party Rockin Step 2. Glad your shoulder is better. Oh yes, rollers are so useful in that way. I to forget we have a perfect tool to help with aches and pains. I admire you taking it easy and healing for the rest of the week.

Take care everyone,

Last night I did RWH Plyo HiiT 1! It started out feeling, dare I say, easy; but alas it caught up to me and I was quite red-faced for a while after I was done.

Pam Great job on RS! It might take a while for the strap to break in too. I’m glad you are able to get upper body still in with modifications. That will help with not having to start over.

Cheryl Great job on ICE LIS and PRS2! That is awesome that your shoulder is feeling better. I have a massage tool that is knobby (not a foam roller though) that I have used on my shoulder when it acts up and it is amazing how much it helps. That is great you got together with your dragon boating team.

Janie Great job on SJ for what you can do! Some days you just can’t do as much and that is perfectly ok. You listened to your body and now it can rest and get ready for another day.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Our temperature swings have been insane lately! I just hope they stay on the high side of insane for awhile! :) Doing any part of an iron man is impressive. I think even the half is harder than most typical triathlons. I would be on the sidelines with a cocktail with you! Great job on LIS and PRS 2. So glad to hear that your shoulder is doing better. I always forget about my foam roller too.....

Janie Great job on Step Jam. Just do what you can do and don't worry about it. Listening to your body is important and you are doing something so give yourself a pat on the back. Greek yogurt, yum. I love it!

Julie Great job on Plyo Hiit 1. I might have had to kill you if you had said it was still feeling easy by the end! ;) That one always kills me.

This morning was Step, Jump, Pump. I hadn't done that one in awhile. I love the Jump and Pump parts, but the step is not my favorite in that one. At least it's pretty short though. I forgot to tell you that Eunice and I are going to try to sign up for Cathe's roadtrip this summer! I had looked at it and was thinking about it so then when she suggested it I decided we need to do it. I know it can be hard to get in since this is the one at her gym, but we are going to try. Anyone else want to join us??:D Have a great day!

Janie Good for you in getting what you could in. I have those days too when it is really hard to do the whole workout. I posted some pictures of our team below. Two of them are from the regatta we were in and there are a couple more when we were out for our practice plus one of all the seals on the log booms.

Julie Good job on RWH Plyo Hiit 1. Lucky you to say that it started out easy but I am glad that the whole workout wasn't easy :p.

Pam Great work on SPJ, I haven't done that one in a while either. I would love to go to the road trip but I won't be able to do it this year since we are going to Hawaii. It is on my bucket list though, maybe next year I will be able to swing it.

This morning I did RWH LI Hiit 1 and abs 2. Then I met a friend for lunch today to catch up on things and then I got all the housework done. Whew it was a pretty productive day. Janie asked if I could post a few dragon boat pictures so I have attached a few. The first two is of the regatta we were in. You can't see me in the first picture but in the second one I am in the front seat with the orange and black life vest. I also included one with all the seals on the log booms.

Have a great day everyone.



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Tonight was PHA Training 44 min. Of course I did half the weight Cathe did, some even lower. But I know that's OK. Wow! My heartbeat was up the whole time. Yikes! Loved it! Sweaty too.

Julie, Great job last night on RWH Plyo HiT 1. I like those w/o that sneak up on you. Good for you!

Pam, Great job on Seo, Jump and Pump. Good going on Eunice and you signing up for the Road Trip this summer. Wish I could. Maybe next time. Have FUN! And lots of pictures and stories.

Cheryl, Those are fantastic photos of the dragon boating. Wow! Looks like a lot of fun. Thank you! Great job on RWH LI HiiT 1 and abs 2. Always nice to meet up with friends. And for doing housework. You look awesome!

Take care everyone,

Last night I did Live Legs with Weights & SB! It is one of my favorite legs workouts from Cathe. She actually goes really heavy in this one which is rare for Live workouts. I am so happy it is Friday. This week has been crazy but I already know looking at my work calendar next weekend is going to be crazier. I am going to try to really soak up this weekend.

Pam Great job on SJP! LOL I don’t think the HiiTs ever truly get easy. It all just depends on the day. I would love to go the roadtrip but I don’t think I can swing it this year financially or work wise. I hope you both can get in that would be awesome!

Cheryl Great job on RWH LIH 1 and abs 2! That is great you were able to get together with a friend and get a lot of housework done. Love the pictures. The one with the seals is so awesome!

Janie Great job on PHA! Even doing no weights is good. The point is to feel the exercise and you did a great job!

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Well I think I would rather be going to Hawaii than the roadtrip too....:D Great job on RWH LIH 1 and abs 2, getting your housework in, and getting to have lunch with a friend. I love the dragon boat pictures! I bet you are ready for that to get started again.

Janie Great job on PHA! I still haven't tried that one, but I think I will be ready to soon since the elbow continues to do better.

Julie Great job on Live Legs with Weights & SB! I hope you enjoy your Friday and the weekend! I hope we both get in for the roadtrip too! I know the one in her gym is usually tough to get into.

This morning was Imax 2 and all 128 Jeannie hops! Happy Friday everyone!

Janie Great work on PHA Training. That one does keep your heart rate up switching from lower to upper body. I am glad you liked the pictures.

Julie Good work on Live Legs with Weights and SB. Enjoy your weekend. We love seeing the seals when we go out. It is really cool when they come up close to the boat, you can almost touch them.

Pam Yep I am ready to get out on the water. I don't care that it will still be really cold when we start again, it is just fun being out there. Great work on Imax 2 and your favorite jeannie hops :p.

This morning I did yoga relax and then it was a kinda relaxing day. DH and myself headed down to Starbucks in the afternoon for a coffee and then walked over to the library. It was nice to take it easy.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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