Push It

Fargomom good job!
I need to do push again maybe tomorrow, my chest is sore from PUB yesterday.
I hope everyone is having good time.
Kara - Great job on your pushups. You are two-thirds of the way there already. How awesome!

Stacie - sorry to hear about your Friday. Hope nothing is severely wrong with your car. Your Saturday sounds CRAZY busy, I hope you are able to rest today.

Natty - so gald the party was good, and what a bonus that everyone left early!!!! I totally agree with your thoughts on Plyo legs, I love the slower plyo moves and I too kept up with Cathe. It made me feel so accomplished. I took a look at that rotation, it looks good. If you can't buy STS total body, how about subbing another whole body workout? I think STS total body is heavier weights vs. endurance, if that is right, do you have Muscle Max? That might be a good substitute. I was reading some of the comments, and everyone said it works their butt HARD. I might have to copy you on this one :)

Today I did Butts and Guts, as part of the Feb 2012 rotation. I am a bit more than halfway done, and I do think my lower body has firmed up, but it could be mental. One thing I know is my strength has increased as I was able to go up from 5lb dumbells to 8's in B&G, and moved from the 35 lb barbell to 40lbs. I changed the weights for the 2nd set. Not sure if I can use the higher weight for the whole thing, but next time I am going to start with these weights. Plus a few weeks ago, I upped my ankle weights to 3lbs each (from 2.5). Natty - yes, I am a big fan of this workout, if for no other reason that I can see my improvement. When I first started I couldn't do all of the reps (especially the plie jumps), but I progressed to completing it all, to now increasing my weights. There are these 1 legged squats that kill me, and really put strain on my hip flexor, but today I only felt the pain in my booty, so that was good.

I am looking ahead to plan my next rotation. Natty - did you do the December 2011 rotation? If so, what were your results? I am not sure if it's a good idea to go into another bottom blasting rotation or not. Any advise from anyone? I hate to give up my lower body gains, but not sure if I should go easy on it for the next few weeks.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone. Boy these weekends go by fast :(
Happy Sunday ladies :)

Got in a great w/o of 4DS hi/lo step cardio (60min premix) and then spent the beautiful day outdoors at this pretty park/trail/ravine by my house. Brought a loaf of bread to feed the ducks and geese, played at the park and harassed a few dogs (my daughter is IN LOVE with dogs!). This weather is wonderful.

Wow on the push-ups!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! :)
Yup, I have Muscle Max. Perhaps I can sub with that if it is similar to STS TB.
Yes, I did the Dec 2011 rotation (as closely as I could) and enjoyed it a lot. I am a big fan of high impact/low impact and loved incorporating the two. I actually did this rotation for Dec & Jan, and saw great results. I never intended to lose weight, but I dropped a few pounds and I lost an additional pant size (very unexpected). I don't diet, I just eat healthier and control my portions. I guess my body was shocked with the variety and responded well. I think you would enjoy it, give it a try and see. As for continuing with the Feb rotation, I say perhaps do another lower-body rotation if you want to continue to focus on that area. Here are a few I found:
If you want to keep the tone/strength in your legs, I think Cathe suggested doing 2 LB w/o's per week alternating every other week with plyo or something to that effect.

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)
Susan----congratulations on your barbell weight increase!

Natty----I am trying to get in 2 leg workouts lately also. I used to hate leg work and made a promise to myself 1 and 1/2 years ago that I would do at least 1 leg workout a week. I could tell the difference after one year....my legs had more shape last summer. Then my shins started bothering me so I eased up a while on the weights. Now, I just recently started trying to get in my STS leg workout along with a short premix. I lik the idea of a weight and a plyo. As Cathe can say " envision the results". :D

Fargomom---congratulations on your push ups! We are both getting closer to our goal.

This morning I did pushup before STS. Today's push up sets called for a 60 second rest in between and I was back to being able to do all 5 sets. I did 19,17,15,15,20. The next day of push ups this week calls for 8 sets with a 45 second rest. The reps are somewhat low but I am dreading them already. I will try to stay positive. This is the part of the program that I never got to and would always give up so I have to push myself through this one. Anyway, after doing all those push ups---I moved on to Meso 3 Chest and Back. Of course, after all those push ups I could barely lift the 32 1/2 dumbells for chest press. It got better after the first set. I also did timesaver #1 premix from Gym Style Legs.....WOO HOO....I have sweated today.

Have a great day ladies!
Good afternoon everyone! Everyone is doing a fantastic job on their pushups! I don't have much to report in the way of workouts. Last night we got back kinda late and I watched the Season Finale of the Walking Dead instead of working out. I regretted it though when I couldn't sleep! I have a headache all day today from that and the dreaded TOTM starting.

Tonight I will do my STS chest and back workout and one of the premixes from Cardio + Weights. Hopefully, I will get some pushups in as well!

Good to hear that party went well! I am sure everyone had a great time. Mario is gorgeous isn't he? My mom even keeps pictures of him. One year he was in the Avon catalogue and she still has it to this day! Lol!

Great job on the pushup! That's an awesome number! And you did a four mile run too? Good for you!

Susan & Kara
The check engine light turned off after I filled up my tank. The car was kinda low on gas at the time. It makes me wonder if the injectors are a little clogged and the small about of gas with the clog triggered the light. I should probably at least take it to Auto Zone and have them tell me what the computer on the car says the light was. Last time the light kept coming on and off, it turned out that a sensor was going bad. Thanks for the sympathies on the rough day!

You are absolutely correct about Cathe workouts decreasing stress. Stress and the inability to sleep that went with it is why I started working out again in the first place! Sometimes I still have to force myself to workout but then I remind myself how much better I will feel afterwards. It's nice that people like Cathe makes such great workouts that you can do in your home without having to go to the gym. I thought about joining one but I felt kinda bad about my son. I would be picking him up from the daycare at the school just to take him to the daycare at the gym. It didn't seem right to do that to the little guy!

Have a great night everyone!
Good morning ladies :)

Yesterday was supposed to be TBT UB, but for some reason, I wanted to go a bit heavier.......enter Muscle Max (UB only). I got my push-ups in alright. 20 (10 second rest), then I was only able to do another 5 off my toes and dropped down for the other 5. The bonus burn, I attempted off my toes, but failed. This was after I chest pressed 40 lbs. That woman is CRAAAZZZYYY! The 4 count down, 2 count up just killed me. I did them all on my knee's, but I'm not sure how many people could successfully do them after knocking out chest presses w/heavy weight. I guess that why it's call bonus burn.

Great push-up counts!!!! You STS'ers are such enabler's!!! I love GSL. What a way to work the legs. I never used to do legs 2X/week, but I find my legs need the work more often, plus it's cardio too so you get a double whammy. Plyo legs was fantastic! I have download #26. BTW, your doggie is SO cute :). My daughter would die to pet him.
Walking Dead is a series I've been meaning to watch. I heard season 1 was awesome and season 2 sucked though. I don't care, I'll give it a try anyway. Do you watch Breaking Bad? Love it!

Have a good day :)

**I just came back to ask everyone a question. I have to do some of my workouts at 8pm, finishing at around 9pm. Yesterday was strength training, and since it's pretty late at night, I did not have anything to eat afterwards. If anyone has worked out in the evening (preferable strength) do you take in a post workout snack? Stacie, I know you workout at night too. I'm in bed by 10pm-10:30.**
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Good morning!

Yesterday was a rest day. Today I did Intensity for the first time. I did the long premix which was the whole workout plus bootcamp. That first step segment is killer (and that's just the regular step, not step max). Once I got through the step portions, I actually thought it got a bit easier, especially low impact Hiit and Bootcamp. I did have to throw in 2 extra breaks, 1 for about 40 seconds after the first step, and 30 seconds after step max. I looked on the workout manager, and it says MET 7?!?!?!??! That's what it said for CCC, both of which kicked my butt. I must have been tired this morning as my heart was pumping good. Usually the workout manager over estimates my calorie burned as compared to my heart rate monitor. This time it was about 100 calories less on workout manager. Hmmmm....

In the bootcamp segment there were pushups. I was extremely fatigued, so her first set was 24 regular. After 20, I know my form suffered and I dropped to my knees for the last 1. Her 2nd set was 12 regular pushups after about 30 second rest (if that... it seemed to go by FAST), all of those were on my knees. I am going to try to get another round of push ups in later today to see how I do.

Natty - Thanks for the links to the other LB focused rotations. I am not sure what I am going to do. I think I want to do a fat blasting rotation with a little more focus on upper body, switch back and repeat the Feb 2012 rotation, and get cracking on kicking on STS. I might do the December 2011 rotation based on your results. I think I am going to post a thread on open discussion and/or STS to see if anyone wants to kick off in May or June. Maybe that will kick me in the rear to get going. Part of me would rather do the STS/LIS rotation, not sure if it's better to do STS one time all the way through or not. OOOOOHHHHH the decisions and the procrastination. I am scheduled to do Muscle Max on Thursday. I didn't realize that was heavier than TBT. I guess I am in store for some fun!

Heartymax - GREAT job on those pushups! That is fantastic!

Stacie - sounds like good news on the car! Out of sight out of mind... that's what I say, but you are probably right in getting it checked out just to be safe!

Have a great day!

Another workout day was missed last night! I had to change around my calendar again because of this. I am going to have some catch up workouts now. I was simply just too tired from not sleeping much the night before. Tonight though for sure. I don't care if a tornado drops down right in front of my apartment complex. It will have to take the weights and me with it!

My son got another bad note from school. It made me think about what Natty said and the Canadian school system. I think boys do have a harder time in school now that most have cut out physical education. Although, I will say that it was a little GIRL that threw a marker at me the last time I volunteered in the classroom. I have never had a boy do that! Anyway, I know he was tired too from not sleeping well so I wasn't too surprised about the note. I did punish him for it since I have to be consistent (no karate class for him last night). Hopefully today will be a better day. I made a deal with him that if he was good he would get $0.50 a day. Maybe the thought of new legos will keep in line...

I liked both seasons of the Walking Dead myself. A lot of people thought season 2 moved too slowly. Season 2 really picked up towards the end IMO. The season finale was last Sunday so we will have to wait until October to find out what happens next! If your local library doesn't have Season 1 on DVD (it was a really short season) maybe Hulu has them for you. I haven't watch Breaking Bad. What's it about? I saw some previews for The River. I wonder if that's any good...

I usually do not eat after I work out unless I feel super hungry. Then it might be a bowl of cereal. My bigger concern is getting some energy before the workout. Midway though Meso #2 I started to feel sorta quesy during the lifting workouts. Since I started Meso #3, I have been drinking a glass of orange juice before all my workouts and no more queasy feeling! A surprisingly good after workout drink is a glass of milk. I should get back into the habit of doing that. It is a great way to rehydrate as well as get some protein into you. Most women need more calcium too. A triple beneficial drink!

I also think Cathe does some crazy stuff. It is insane how good of shape she is in! She is simply amazing.

I am keeping my fingers crossed about the car! So far so good...

I have Intensity and have not tried it yet. It was nice to read your post to get a feel for what will be in it. I keep putting it on my rotation but by chance it keeps falling on days where I take an unexpected rest day. I usually schedule for only one rest day but sometimes life happens and the juggling of the workouts begins! I walk the dog every day so even on those unexpected rest days at least I still get some form of exercise in.

Have a great day everyone!
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Wow this weather is unreal! I can't believe 2 weeks ago I was in my full winter gear, cursing Canada :D. I was able to take a lovely walk around the neighborhood and then dropped by the store to pick-up some of the ingredients for the homemade Luna Bars on OD. I make the protein bars on Cathe's newsletter and they are very yummy :p. Oh, and I could not resist Jillian's new kickboxing DVD :eek:. Tonight is LBB, but I will test that sucker out soon. I have a soft spot for Jillian :eek:
So many rotations, so little time :D. If I had STS, I would be doing the STS/Shock cardio one for sure! But I would mix in LIS, alternating weeks. Let me know which one you pick. Intensity is awesome! That was my 2nd Cathe purchase......I didn't even know step!! Crazy me :eek:. I had to back off for a few weeks until I got better at step (basic step/body fusion). No way a met of 7!! NO WAY!! That thing is flawed I tell ya!! I love the hiit in Intensity better than the other 3 hiit's Cathe has. They don't have a dread factor for me and they are fun too. OMG the last blast w/the plie jacks, holy crazy!! The bootcamp is great too. I would love Cathe to make Intensity2.
Thanks for the tip about eating afterwards. I think a nice glass of milk is a great idea. You're right, women don't get enough calcium, especially now with everyone having dietary restrictions/allergies, ect. Don't stress about not working out. If I'm totally sleep deprived, I can't put forth 100%, not even 50%. Last week was a write off for me, but hey s**t happens and you take it and move on. I'm sorry to hear about all that stuff happening with your son at school. I'm sure it's very difficult for him and you too. Boys love lego's. My nephew who is 8, also has difficulties at school, but man when he gets Lego's, he is so serious and focused. He does the ones that are aged 14+, very complex.

Have a great day everyone :)
I have had such a hard time sticking with a workout routine in the past that I do sorta freak out if I miss too many days. That's how it started in the past...a couple days turned into weeks and then weeks turned into months! It really does help to have all the equipment in my home now. There really isn't an excuse for it any more. Plus, due to space limitations I keep everthing in the living room. Although it doesn't look great for company (we don't get that much anyway), it is a constant reminder that I need to work out!

I am so jealous that you made the protein bars in the newsletter. I have been meaning to for about a month now. I searched the stores for the coconut flour to figure out where to get it for the best price. I want to try the Lara bars too. It's only four ingredients which seems easy enough! I am hoping that maybe my little guy will like them too and I can use some for his daily snacks that have to be sent to school. It's really difficult to find healthy snacks that will make it through the day. Little containers full of fruit tend to open up in his backpack and make a HUGE mess!

Thanks for sympathies about my son's school troubles. He does get a lot of bad notes sent home but the issues are not really major. 95% of them or more are because he is a talker...he can talk and talk and talk! I know he needs to work on it because the kids need to focus but I think it's much better that hitting or any other aggressive behaviors. His karate instructor is terrific. If I tell her that she is having issues with school, she will talk to him and back me up 100%. She tells me in private that his talking problem is minor compared to the problems she hears from the other parents! I still prefer no notes though....it helps keep the stress levels low.

I had to edit this because I forgot to put in this link about milk after a workout. I had read it before but I thought you might like the good info in the article as well. I had missed the part about the sports drinks while lifting. I do drink them during a workout now and then. I think I will stick to water after I finish off what I have.
You all are great!
I originally planned to skip my workout but after reading everyone's thread I decided to push myself and go for it.

Thank you for your motivation and inspiration!

By the way, I am 41 and I can do 8 fantastic pushups; used to be 12-15 but for some reason I just can't without pausing anymore... guess we can all work on it together:)
Natty---I am a morning exerciser so I can't give you any suggestions for a PM snack. Our golden retriever is getting ready to turn 5 years old next month. He is fun and funny:D.

Jennifer---Welcome to our newly formed group. Each of us is at our on stage of push ups. We all have the same goal---TO IMPROVE!

TRSTACIE---Being able to workout at home is such a privilege. Some people don't understand how I can stay so motivated to workout at home. I don't understand how they cannot be motivated to go to the gym which they pay all those monthly fees. :rolleyes: I had a gym membership briefly before I had kids. After my first son was born, I realize it wasn't going to work for me anymore. In Fall of 1999, I came across a FIRM dvd in Walmart or Target and my home workout story begins there. Move forward to 2012 and I don't regret one moment that I chose to workout at home!

Susan---O-----M-------G!!! You did the long premix of Intensity. It would take me two days to recover from that. I rarely do the workout as designed. I do like the bootcamp segment but I usually choose the Step and Lo Hiit. You must have been drenched in sweat when that was over. A good feeling of accomplishment--- I am sure.

Before my workout this morning, I had to pump myself up for the 8 sets of pushups with a 45 second rest between that were on schedule for today. I did 10,10,13,13,10,10,9---the last set was suppose to be at least 25 but I struggled to get out 16 and then dropped to my knees. This morning was Meso Week 3 Plyo Legs. I love the cardio effect of the workout. I can envision the fat burning off my thighs.:D
AHHHHH STS IS ON SALE!!!!!! :eek: :eek: $152.00 (with discount). Tell me to get it girls!!! I want this BAD. Last night was LBB. Love that workout. I had sweat dripping down my arms and stomach. A sure sign of an intense session.

Going out to the park to enjoy the wonderful summer-like weather. Tank tops here I come :cool:

BTW, I made the Lara Bars and they turned out FANTASTIC! Super simple and very tasty. Two thumbs up!

Welcome to the group! You have got to be the sweetest person on the forums, honestly. You "like" so often, and I always smile when you do. I think people should be a little less stingy with the "likes" ;).
8 push-ups is great! Are you doing Cathe on a regular basis or something else?
Again, your push-ups counts amaze me. You are one strong cookie. Plyo legs is awesome. My butt was aching for 4 days afterwards, not kidding.
STS I know!!! Thanks for the tip about the milk, so interesting. I had a glass after my w/o last night. It felt good after weight training.

Have a great day ladies :)
Good morning! You all have been busy!!

Sorry I've been MIA the last couple of weeks due to travel. But my push-up count is now 5! And I started the LIS rotation on Monday. AfterBurn REALLY exceeded my expectations. WOW. Today is Cardio Supersets. Can't wait!

Natty - get it, get it, get it!!! I don't have it but i know you've been wanting it & what a deal right now! Let us know what you decide. Oh & happy belated bday to Izabella! And congrats for making it through the party ;)

Jennifer - welcome! Nice job on your 8 fabulous push-ups. I can only do about 4 fabulous ones & one not-so-fabulous one. :)

Kara - Congrats on making it to 20!

Keep up the good work everyone!
Natty - of course you need to get it!!!! Maybe we can start it together.

For you fellow STS users - what do you do when the recommended weight is in less than 5 lb increments. For example if it says you should use 21 lb dumbbells? And then when you go up 5% it says now use 22.5? Do you just use 20 and then jump to 25?

Sorry so short ....gotta get back to work. Today is another rest day so I will check back in tonight or tomorrow. I did do pushups yesterday but my count is at home. I'll include it in my next check in.
Good morning everyone! Last I did my STS workout! Hooray! I did not do a premix of Cardio + Weights, Abs, or pushups as planned. I did however have 15 minutes on the elliptical during a break from work.

I have a short pushup story from karate class last night. My son's karate instructor joked that I would have to do pushups if he comes late. I almost said "Bring it on"! I think I will wait until my count is higher first...lol. The kids are a riot to watch when they do pushups. Their form is horrible. My son does not even bend his arms. He just moves his hips up and down!

Great job on your pushups! You are so dedicated! I need to be more like you. I am glad I have this group at least. I think without it I would only do them if they were in a workout.

I have never tried a firm video. I know alot of people really liked them for a long time. I know there is a large upfront cost to having a home gym but if you take care of your equipment, I think that you save money in the long term. Some people like the thought of being around other people...a little bit more of a social thing. My cross fit friend kinda wants me to join a gym so I can get out and meet more men. She cracks me up because she is always trying to set me up with people. She has even told me that if we lived in her hometown she would already have me married again!!!!

I have an STS question for you. During Meso #3, Cathe says to select weights that you can do 8 reps with (or 7 depending on the workout). I have become so much stronger that for alot of the exercises that would be weights higher than my 1RM. After the back pain from the first week due to my miscalculation, I have been mostly sticking to what the workout cards say and increasing the reps if I can. Do you think that's ok or should I increase my weight values instead?

Fantastic job on the pushups!!! What a huge increase in such a short amount of time! And welcome back!

All of my weights can increase my 2.5 lbs. I have a set of a 25lb adjustable weights that adjust in 2.5 increments and now some plate weights with the smallest plate being 2.5lbs. So, when Cathe increases her weights by just a tad, I either stay with what I have or jump up to the next weight level. Sometimes my weights are unbalanced due to this but I personally have not found that to be a bad thing. It really makes you think about what you are doing in regards to your form because the balance is slightly off.

I won't lie....STS is amazing! $150 is a great price on it too! Although, I will have to be honest, she will probably put in on sale again for the after Thanksgiving sales for that same price with another 30% off coupon if you purchase over $200 (which is only one more DVD). That's a long time to wait though!

I kinda wish someone would have mentioned that Cathlete Appreciation month was in March back in February. I know I would have waited on my presale order (Pyramid Upper and Lower was just on sale for $10 less than what I paid two weeks prior). You will have to let us know what you decide!
Stacie----Love your story from the karate instructor! I think you should be late on purpose one day soon! :D If I were you, I would just increase the weight if you don't think it will bother your back. Strength wise is sounds like you can handle it, but you don't want to injure our back. Unfortunately, I have never done my 1RM-----so I start out with Meso 1 with predictions and increase the 5% as recommended an more or less depending on how I felt about my selected weight in Meso 1. My shoulders always feel funny when I do chest flys, so I either sub push ups or choose a lighter weight for that exercise all the time. The lighter weight was not doing the job this week so I went heavier for a change and my shoulder was okay afterwards. Kind of like you---I was skeptical.

Susan---I have 1 1/2 pounds wrist weights that I use. I also have the 20lb. weighted vest and I take out the 1lb. weights and hold slide one of those inside the wrist weight as I wrap it around my wrist or hold the 1lb weight in my hand with the dumbell. I have learned to be creative. I have even adjusted the vest down to 10lbs. and wrapped it around my barbell to increase the weight there also when doing deadlifts. Not sure if it will work for you ----but it has worked for me.

Natty---I am probably the wrong person to ask if you should get STS. Of course I am going to say YES because I love the program so much. I remember purchasing mine on sale too but can't remember exactly how much I paid. I purchased mine in January of last year I think. If you don't get---definitely put it on your Christmas, birthday, mother's day or some list. :D

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