MESO Cycle 1


I need some help. I just finished week 3 of Meso Cycle 1 -- can't wait for next week because I know I get a week off after that!! LOL Here is my you all keep up with Cathe??? I find myself having to hit pause a lot to change out my weights. I'm wondering if I should keep pausing or decrease my weigths so I can keep going. What do you guys suggest? Also wondering if Meso Cycle 2 is the same way. Thanks a bunch! Mare
I too had to pause a few times in Meso 1, but have hardly had to do that at all in Meso 2. In Meso 2, the breaks are 60 seconds, and you work each body part to exhaustion, so those 2 factors make weight changes less frequent. Congrats on getting through Meso 1 -- I hope you love M2 also. Personally, I like M2 better. No more push-ups! :)
I find myself having to hit pause a lot to change out my weights. I'm wondering if I should keep pausing or decrease my weights so I can keep going. What do you guys suggest?

Mare, I experienced the same thing. Cathe is very quick changing out her dumbbells and weight plates on the barbell--much quicker than me, LOL! I find that to be the case in a lot of her weight workouts. But it's no problem--I just pause the DVD if I need a few extra seconds to get myself prepared. My preference is to take the extra time so that I am lifting the weight that will give me the best results. I don't think an extra few seconds will detract from the endurance focus of Meso 1. That's my opinion, anyway.
I just started week 2 of Meso 1, and IIRC, I pretty much kept up during the back/tricep workout (though some longer breaks to set up), but I used the back-chapter (rather than "pause") quite a bit in the chest/shoulders/biceps workout (sometimes intentionally, to give my shoulders--a weaker area--more rest between chest and specific shoulder work). I do keep track in my notebook, however, how much extra time I used (2x break, 3x break).

IMO, these are now "our" workouts, and if we take more time between sets (intended or not), so be it!

(one workout where I definitely can't change weights as fast as Cathe and crew is PUB. With that one also, I just let them keep going, then I back-chapter when I'm ready).

Thank goodness for good chaptering (which is not always the case, as in Gym Styles Back/biceps).
Mare, I experienced the same thing. Cathe is very quick changing out her dumbbells and weight plates on the barbell--much quicker than me, LOL! I find that to be the case in a lot of her weight workouts. But it's no problem--I just pause the DVD if I need a few extra seconds to get myself prepared. My preference is to take the extra time so that I am lifting the weight that will give me the best results. I don't think an extra few seconds will detract from the endurance focus of Meso 1. That's my opinion, anyway.


(but I have to write more ;))
You guys are great! Now I know I'm not the only one! LOL I am looking forward to Meso 2 -- I have heard from a few people that this cycle is the fav of the 3. It's nice to know we're not in this alone:) Mare
I have just finished Meso 1 and I had to do the back-chapter in all workout. I just kept my remote right next to me at all times.
I have repeated Meso 1 many times and I am now to the point where I am actually waiting and ready for the next exercise. The more you do it the less fast it seems to go. I also keep a notebook. Peggy
We have found the more you do the workouts the faster you get at being ready. Like poohpeggy, I find that keeping my workout card close by helps a lot! Just peek & run for your weights! :p

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