Jogglers August 2010 (aka New Runners)

Good mid-morning to you all!

Alisha - Ouch! Why is it when your upper body is sore, you can still kind of function, but let your legs get DOMS and WOAH, down for the count! Enjoy your rest day! Hopefully, you'll be back in action tomorrow!

I've just posted a new . . . uh . . . post, I guess for lack of a better word, on my blog. Yes, I have started blogging! I've been embarrassed to announce it, but am slowly letting people in on it! It's nothing fancy and probably won't become one of those highly read, famous blogs, but it's another outlet for stuff.

The surf report was extremely disappointing - waves 0-1'. Woo. Obviously, we didn't go to the beach. Neither of us is much for just basking in the sun! Considering going for a bike ride a little later, who knows.

I'm counting on all of you to keep me moving! BTW, I blew my clean 10 weeks yesterday. DH is such a bad, and I mean BAD influence! It's okay. I'm back on it. Made some homemade marinara sauce for the first time last night and it was delish! I had always wanted to try that. Canned sauces are so high in sodium. I may start doing this on a regular basis and not use any canned sauce anymore. Fresh maters are so much better!

Have a great Saturday!

Lisa - I'm sure you're having a great day riding!

Hi Cindi and Jane!
Hi ladies,
I rode a double yesterday and rolled hay (through the mud!!) so I didn't workout. This morning, I took Chip out for fun and had a great long ride. I also took him over to a friend's house and worked on getting him to go in her trailer. Her trailer has a ramp and he seemed to like that a lot and made good progress. Now I'm hot, tired and beat. I need to take a shower and get cracking on school work or house cleaning or something but would really like to nap.

Tricia - I'm excited about your blog. Can you post a link to it or do we need to navigate our way there via the directions would posted on FB? Bummer about the surf :(

Cindi - That stationary bike sounds like lots of fun.

Alisha - Have fun with the tivo ;). I haven't been fishing lately - just riding, riding. The weather has been bad the couple of opportunities that I have had.

Jane - Hi!

Oops! Forgot to post the link:

This will take you directly to Wine-a-Runner which is my blog. Laugh away you guys! Not that I'm any kind of comedian, just that it's so lame! LOL! It's a work in progress, but I trust it in your hands!
Hi Everyone!

Here is my workout for today. I did this one in the morning with lots of humidity and my creepy whistling neighbor. LOL!!!

20 reps of each of the 20 exercises

Suitcase Deadlift w/2-25# kbs
Jump Squat
Sumo Squats w/25# kb
Weighted Sit ups w/18# kb
Crush Curl w/25#kb
Ball Slams w/25# med ball
Weighted Step ups w/10kg sandbag
Overhead Squats with 10# plate
Med Ball Swings w/25# med ball
Push Press w/2-18# kbs
Box Jumps
SDHP w/25# kb
Swings w/20kg kb
Thrusters w/2-18# kbs
Jumping Pull ups
Bent over Rows w/35# barbell
Push ups
OH Plate Walking Lunges w/10# plate

Tricia ~ Sorry the surf was a bust. I will check out your blog. I'm almost positive that it's not lame!

Lisa ~ Sounds like you had a busy day. I vote for a nap. You deserve it.

Alisha ~ Enjoy your rest day.

I didn't do too much today. Worked out, went to mom's and did some cleaning, did some shopping and then crashed.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Wow, Jane! What a workout! Whistling neighbor, huh? Next time, offer him a KB! LOL!

Glad you got some rest, too!

My kitty is, at this very moment, talking to another kitty outside in the kitchen window. It's so cute! I love the kitty talk voice!
Hi ladies,
I did a 3-mile dog walk on the beach, PUB (all the upper body work, subbed in CC Pump abs for the abs) and now I'm headed to the beach.

Tricia - I enjoyed your blog. It's not lame at all. If your goal is to run a 10K versus reaching some incredible PR, I'd say go ahead and run 2 days a week (one long, one interval), lift 3 days and do your HIIT 2 days.

Jane - I looked at your workout and said to myself, "Hey why don't I do that today?" Then I looked at it again and said to myself, "That's why."

Cindi - Hi!

Alisha - Maybe fishing tomorrow. You guys will be the first to know if I do.


I anticipate doing RS later tonight. I'm watching old movies with Mom. Earlier this morning I did chores, helped a friend move (got two paintings out of it.) and stopped at the grocery store.

Lisa- I love kitty talk!

Cindi- Hi!

Tricia- Thats plenty of work.

Jane- Thats a tough workout!
Hi Fellow Jogglers!

This joggler didn't jog today, but did "pull out" a Cathe workout! Yes, I've been missing Cathe so I did CTX 10-10-10 all cardio. Whew! Got a great sweat out of that one! I was feeling pretty energetic, so I really pushed myself. It felt good!

Lisa - Good workout! Hope you had a nice time at the beach! I really miss those southern beaches!

Alisha - Old movies with you mom sounds fun! I love old movies!

Well, this will be my first ever race so whatever time I come in at will definitely be a PR! I'm confident that even where I'm at right now, I could come in just under an hour. I'll be happy with that! I really enjoy the bodyweight/tabata workouts so I don't want to entirely give them up. I'm going to use them as add-ons on upper body days.

Tomorrow is PS - CST and a 20 min. tabata. I've been sleeping in a bit more due to the shorter routines, but I'll have to get up earlier tomorrow! Hope I don't over-snooze! LOL!

Baked a small batch of chocolate chip cookies today. Yes, I know, I'm supposed to be eating really clean. Well, I haven't been able to get cookies out of my head for 2 days, so I gave in. DH will take care of the majority of them for me!

Hello Cindi and Jane!
Hi Jogglers!

I went out for a 8 mile joggle this morning. It was humid as usual and a tough run but I got it done.

Lisa ~ I'm sure you could have handled that workout just fine. It actually looks more daunting than it is.

Alisha ~ I love old movies too! Watching them with my mom is always fun.

Tricia ~ Nice workout today. Finishing your race in under an hour is fantastic. I should be so lucky! I'm sure you'll do great.

Chocolate chip cookies!! :eek: Yum!! I love them...warm and chocolately right out of the oven. Double yum!!

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!
Hello Jogglers!

My life is too busy and I'm not happy about it. GRRR. Work is just out of hand this past week and coming week. And all the back to school preparations - it's just too much. I'll be ok - just needed to get that off my chest!

Disk 7 last night, spin on Saturday. Today will be Disk 8.

Tricia - I love making fresh sauces for my pasta. So much better than the jarred stuff and much tastier. I think your blog is great - not lame. :) I love when my kitties talk to each other, they are so cute. They also bathe each other. SO CUTE!

And I think all husbands are a terrible influence!

Lisa - I always feel like I had a breast lift after PUB (ha ha). And a walk on the beach sound so nice. No beach here - although I suppose we could drive an hour or so to go to Lake Michigan. It's kind of beachy in spots and looks like an ocean since you can't see the other side.

Jane - I'm with Lisa your workout wears me out just reading it!

Alisha - RS may be my favorite Cathe step - I always switch between Step Blast and RS.

Chocolate Chip cookies - YUMM! I made corn chowder yesterday. It turned out pretty good. I had a lot of potatoes and corn to use up so it had to be chowder. Made pickles yesteday too. Oh and more zucchini bread last week.

But now I want cookies...maybe I can get Honor to make them. She loves to bake.
change of plans

Instead of RS I did an hour of yoga. I will do RS next Saturday. It was the old iBS thing. I went for a 600 cal. burn joggle with intervals this morning. My throat is sort of icky right now.

I will catch the personals tomorrow,

Have a great workout day!
Good Morning!

I'm doing the following circuit this evening.

Three Rounds of 40 seconds work/20 seconds rest
Pullover Sit ups
Squat Jumps
Jump Rope
Squat Thrusts
Box Jumps
Shuttle Runs

Cindi ~ I hope your week goes smoothly with all you have to do. Come here and vent whenever you want!

Tricia ~ I love your blog!!

Alisha ~ I hope you feel better!

Lisa ~ Hope you get to go fishing.

Mom finished her radiation today!! Another bridge crossed. Yay!!
Hi Ladies!

Alisha - Great joggle! Hope your IBS is better soon! Yep, RS is one you need to be sure and be at your best for!

Jane - Great workout! Thanks for reading my blog! I'm trying to add a new post each week. Congrats to your mom for finishing her radiation treatments! I hope she's feeling well!

Cindi - I love corn chowder! Mmmmmm. I hate when life gets so hectic! Hang in there! Once school starts, things should calm back down again for you, hopefully! Didn't mean to start a domino effect cookie craving! LOL! Hmm, boob lift from PUB, huh? I think that needs to be my next weight workout in my rotation! I could really use it! Thank you for the kind words on the blog! I hope my writing gets better! I also need to get more pics. I'm not much of a picture taker - from either end of the camera!

Did Pure Strength Chest Shoulders and Back this morning and tagged on a 10 minute tabata at the end. Tomorrow I'm running. Probably about 5 miles-ish.

Hello Lisa!
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I found the corn chowder recipe on Food Network. I did add some carrot and celery because I had it.
Hi ladies,
Fishing was postponed until Tuesday (today) so yesterday I rode for fun and went to the beach. Last night I got a phone call from my boss that I need to be home for a meeting tomorrow. Um, I'm not supposed to have to be home until Thursday but whatever. I'm lucky to have a job. So today I'm packing up to leave instead of going fishing. Yippee or whatever.

Jane - Funny thing is that I don't like bodyweight moves. I got AOS Brooklyn and really like everything but the bodyweight moves. Weird but true.

Cindi - All of your cooking, pickling, etc sounds fabulous! Yum.

Tricia - That sounds like a great workout too!

Alisha - Hope you are feeling better.

My challenge today will be not eating Cheetos in the car on the way home.

Jane - I'm so glad your mom is done with radiation! How many more chemo treatments does she have? 4??

Lisa - I know what you mean about being lucky to have a job. It gets in the way sometimes but the alternative could be much worse.

Did you guys read or hear about the flight attendant who quit his job last week by cussing out the passengers on the PA system and deploying the exit shoot? Too funny.

My work is still crazy this week, but I know it will be better by Friday so just counting the days. Kids start school on Tuesday.

I have to do all this cooking becuase we get food shares from a CSA and I have to use it up. It's getting kind of tiring to keep up! Yesterday's box had a lot of tomatoes so I made gazpacho and marinara sauce. I try to make stuff that will keep in the freezer/fridge for a while and we can pull out for dinner whenever. Oh - we got a big yellow watermelon and peaches too. The melon was so good! It really does taste different when you get local organic food.

Disk 8 last night. I don't think I can get to spin class tonight because I have a phone call with Australia. But I will do some kind of non/low impact cardio.
I did Step Jam this morning. I burned about 600 cal. I'm working on video editing today. I also need to do some tech journal reading.

Cindi- That CSA sounds so tasty!!!! I love melon. I had cantaloupe this morning. I don't think I've ever had a yellow watermelon.

Lisa- Thats so true, actually having a job is a tremendous blessing even if it is an irritation sometimes. Good luck avoiding the snacks in the car, if I have them, I eat them, even if its healthy. Its like I'm a locust.

Jane- That looks like a great workout.

Tricia- mmm cookies. My favorite cookie is chocolate crackles. mmm.
Skipped my run this morning. I still have to work on getting over my nervousness about going out in the dark!

Lisa - At least you got a nice fun run and some beach time in before you had to leave! Hope you're Cheeto Challenge is successful!

Cindi - I looked into CSA here, but it looked just way too expensive, especially right now! The melons sound wonderful!

Alisha - Yay! Step Jam! I hope this means you're feeling better!

Well, I'm up for Pure Strength Back and Biceps for tomorrow. Again, tacking on another tabata at the end.

I was going to try to get my run in this evening, but ended up with a lovely headache by around 3 this afternoon and it isn't gone yet, even after 2 Advil about 30 minutes ago. It's also hot and very humid out there! I'll have to do a makeup run on the weekend.

Hello Jane!
Got to spin last night (YAY!). Doing disk 9 tonight.

Tricia - hope your headache is gone and you are feeling better.

Alisha - The yellow tastes just like the red. :) I've seen them at the store occassionally but of course they are more expensive so I've never bought one.
I went for an easy hike this morning. I have MMA Boxing for tonight.

I guess thats like the blue potatoes just taste like normal red ones.

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