Hardcore Fitness Maniacs checkin for July

I wanted to do a leg workout today - 4DS to be exact, but after looking at the exercises on there and my knees still in a little pain, I decided not to do it or any other leg workout. I walked on my treadmill and that was good for today.

Walk was for 60 minutes, I walked 3 miles, burned 310 calories and went 7558 steps. Avg HR 97, Max 122.

Diane Sue - Dang, you only weigh 116? You go girl! I weight between 123 and 127, depending on how my eating that week goes. I try not to get above 130. I've been maintaining this weight range for a couple years now, very happy with it and I feel good at this weight. Nice job on your workout. I also like 4DS Kickboxing, it is short, sweet and intense. She does a lot of jumping jacks so after I did a few I just did the step outs from side to side. Those jacks kill me. So give me your recipe for the protein powder and dark chocolate concoction, it sounds greats! What do you do to make it?

Jolie - Glad you son's eye looks better, that's gotta suck. And what is it with these kids and fighting? I hope that crap is resolved soon, that is ridiculous.

Roselyn - I'm glad you are liking the tower workouts. Glad your parents are doing good. :)

You all have a great weekend, I'll chat with you on Monday!!
Today I did Kelly Coffey's Plateau Buster both workouts combined mix, 49 minutes, 300 calories, heart rate 120 average/ 150 max. I wanted to check out what the bonus buster was on the premixes so did it too, 22 minutes(this includes the warm up again and a nice stretch) 102 calories, 108/150 heart rate. I really like this and wrote down the premixes as she did not have them listed on her website for this one. I could have done the workouts with the bonus buster in them but would have had to do one then do the other, I think. Total time 71 minutes, 402 , 4161 steps.calories,
workout all weights are done as 12 reps
heavy dumbbel squat with press 15's
step front reverse fly 15's
cardio jumps and jacks -12 jumps then 30 seconds jacks
Heaby dumbbells/ side lunge with lateral raise 15's
squat with bicep curl at the bottom 15's
cardio lunge back toe tap to jump 12 reps repeater knee 30 seconds repeat all left
light weights lunge front and push dumbbell front 8's
stir the pot 8's
repeat sequence
heavy dumbbells squat with single front raise lift 15's
side lunge stance: single rows 15;# 20#second round
cardio pendulum knee pops 12 reps pendulums 30 seconds repeat on left
heavy dumbbells hip drop high pull 15's
reverse lunge , pause bicep curl 15's#
cardio split switches 12 reps/ ski jogs 30 seconds repeat on left
light dumbbells step out alternate dumbbells front 3 12 reps /shake the paint 1 10# DB 30 sec repeat
repeat sequence
BONUS Buster
12 roll attempts
30 sec alternating side lunge tap floor
dumbbell squat thrust or just squat thrust
dumbbell flys with leg raise 15's
pommel horse 30 seconds
12 weighted pop squat 12#
pullover crunch 12 reps 12's#

Debbie, good idea to avoid the legs today. I like the 4 Day Split workout though. The one where you pick up the weights from the floor position may be a bit hard if your knee hurts. I do not like drinking my protein so I melt some Guittard extra dark chips or some bittersweet chocolate in a bowl, add my protein powder and some honey to help moisten it, stir it together, and sometimes add unsweetened coconut or a few nuts or dried tart cherries. I usually eat it with a spoon. you can form it into balls or flatten it out in a dish and refrigerate it and eat it that way. I was adding some nut butter a lot of the time and skipping the honey, but it adds an extra amount of fat that I am trying to cut down on a bit. I have tried adding some coconut milk but it then becomes sticky in texture.
Today I did Les Mills Combat 30 using 1 pound gloves. I ended my workout with Power Hour Biceps and Triceps. Also, I stretched, this helps a lot with my lower back and my pain. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 457 calories. Average heart rate was 125 and my max was 183! I dont feel like I was working that hard. I have to think that number is wrong. It is very humid here again today so I was absolutely dripping after my workout. It felt so good to kick box again and look forward to seeing how my back feels later on today. So far so good!

Debbie, nice walk on the treadmill today. I love to just walk sometimes, it is a good workout but it also gives your body a break too!

Diane Sue,
nice workout today. I do not have that workout so I will go on YouTube and check it out. You have been getting some great calorie burns lately. I cant believe how much you weigh! I haven't weight that since I was in the 7th grade. How tall are you? I am 5 feet 10 inches and weigh 159 right now, I am fat! I have struggled with this for the last year and then hurting my back didn't help either. I know I gained about 5 pounds being out of my routine. I just want to get back to 150 and I would be ecstatic! You have now just become my motivation! I have to get back to making my home made protein bars and doing some food prep so I don't just eat crap because I am hungry and I have nothing prepared. I watch athletes on YouTube food prep and it really makes a lot of sense. If your going to cook, you might as well make a lot at one time. I think I will go some grilled chicken breast, asparagus, and maybe a Greek salad using tomatoes, red onion, cucumbers and feta cheese. Yum!

Have a wonderful day.
Jolie, it is good to see that you are getting back into your weight again. I think you did remarkably well with the walks after hurting your back. I doubt very much that you are fat as tall as you are and that weight. I am 5'4" Food prep helps a lot. I try to bring my veggies and fruit home and clean and cut up stuff right away. When I cook chicken I dice it all up and put some in containers in the freezer for soups and other recipes. It is nice to have to top a salad. I keep pineapple cut up and some red grapes to grab after aw workout if I am real hungry to avoid the temptation to head for something I shouldn't eat. Check Pinterest for healthy meal prep ahead stuff. They have a lot of it. Particularly with low carb and paleo popularity. Whole 30 and Wild Diet have a lot of prep meals ahead stuff. My husband eats different than me, so it helps to have stuff made ahead for myself. I made tacos for him and my daughter and granddaughter and cooked up some extra taco meat for me just to make a taco salad like they do in the Wild Diet book where you top it all with the peppers and avocado etc. and sprinkle with lemon juice.
I need to find more recipes and ideas for zucchini and yellow squash. My daughter keeps bringing it and I cannot eat all of that by myself. It needs to be made up in dishes that can be frozen. I made backed zucchini slices with parmesan cheese garlic and some avocado oil. I made a lemon zucchini bread that my husband really liked, I made Well Fed zucchini Noodles Aglio Et Olio which I really do love and once in awhile I will throw some chicken into it. If I don't eat it all in one sitting I save back some of the almond meal flour crumble bits that they sprinkle on it for next time. This is another cookbook that gives lots of options like for this recipe you can toss in grilled shrimp or chickenor add scrambled eggs to it. Also gives other recipe main dish items to serve it with or switch out the crumbs for different sauce recipes.
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Toned legs was good, it sneaks up on you!!

Today I decided to start STS again it has been a long time, I will alternate with Live cardios, there are so many to choose from I cannot wait!! Today was disc 1 chest, shoulders and biceps, I have missed doing these time to shock my body:)

Also can you please send some prayers, my cousin (who was 65) had a stroke 2 weeks ago and passed away last night, he had surgery that stopped the bleeding but unfortunately never regained consciousness again, he will be deeply missed, so sad his two children had to make some gut wrenching decisions.
Today I did Low Impact Series Step Challenge Extreme, 74 minutes, 509 calories, heart rate avg. 144/ max 177. I then did Strong and Sweaty bonus abs, 13 minutes, 56 calories heart rate 109/146. Total time 87 minutes, 565 calories, 6,814 steps.

Roselyn, sending prayers out. That is so tough. Good idea to use the live cardios with STS. It should make it fun.
Roselyn, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. I will pray for the family that is left behind. So sad. Great job on starting STS and doing Cathe Live cardio 0n alternating days. You are going to be in such great shape! I might have to do that too. My favorite is STS Meso 2.

Today I walked outside for 5.5 miles, burned 657 calories. My parents came to visit today and I had a great time. Yesterday I was at a football tournament all day so I had to take a rest day.

Diane Sue, Great workout today and nice calorie burn too! I think I am going to try some abs this week, absolutely no crunching. I will only do exercises that my spine lays flat on the floor like leg raises, modified bicycles and planks. Kicks during kick boxing really work the lower abs so I might kick box more. I felt good after doing it on Friday so I think I can get back to doing it.

My son gets his stitches out tomorrow. I hope the eye healed correctly so he doesn't have big scars.

Good night!
So after doing the Kickboxing workout last week from 4DS, I decided to do 4DS this week. These are fun workouts. Today I did 4DS Back & Chest.

Round 1

(warmup): hate these but did them anyways
One Arm Rows (warmup): 12#/16 reps
One Arm Rows: 25#/8 reps
Pushups - Full/Partial – 7x’s (love these!)
One Arm Rows – 30#/8 reps
Pushups – 8 singles/8 bottom/8 top

Round 2
Underhand BB Rows
– 60#/2 sets-7/8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flyes – 25's/12 slow reps
Underhand BB Rows – 60#/2 sets-7 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flyes – 25's/12 slow reps

Round 3
One Arm Rows Palms Back
– 20#/12 reps
Decline Pushups – 12 reps (did these off my step)

Round 4
Incline Pullovers
– 20#/8 reps
Incline DB Chest Press – 30's/12 reps
Repeated this doing Pullovers wit 30#

Round 5
Back Pulls w/Band - Instead I did Pullups with the assist band. Did 8 reps and then 6 reps

superset w/
Y’s w/Band - Skipped
Around the Clock Pushups - love these, wish I had room to go all the way around

Workout was 39 minutes, Avg HR was 76, Max was 131 and burned 93 calories.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 2.25 miles. Was only going to do 2 miles but I'm reading a really good book and I had to finish the chapter. LOL!! TM said I burned 255 calories.

Roselyn - Prayers to you and your family. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. Have fun with STS!!!

Jolie - Glad your son is getting better and that he is getting his stitches out. Also glad you had a great day with your parents!!

Diane Sue - I bought squash and zucchini from Amish country with all intentions of making some good thing with them. They sat in my fridge until they went watery. Dang it. I hate when I do that!! I love those vegetables. I'm must too lazy to make vegetables and I really should eat more of them. Can't really do that if I don't use them!!! Nice workouts!!
This week I am going to do one or two body parts per day. I want some slower pace workouts, its is hot at night and I am not sleeping well. I do not wake up feeling refreshed so I don't have the energy to do anything fast paced. I would like to lift a little heavier too. Today I did Shoulders and Biceps. I had a great workout!

DB Overhead Press-
20# x 12, x 10, x 9, x 12 TF

1 Arm Lateral Raise-
12# x 12, x 10, x 8
2 Arm Lateral Raise-
10# x 13 TF

Rear Flies- (could have gone heavier but this exercise is tough on my lower back so I went light with higher reps)
10# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 13 TF

Upright Rows-
15# x 12, x 10, x 8, x 13 TF

Traditional Bicep Curls DB- ( could have gone heavier but didn't want to push it)
15# x 15, x 13, x 12, x 15 TF

Hammer Curls-
15# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 14 TF (could have gone heavier)

Preacher Curls-
12# x 12, x 12, x 12, x 13 TF ( could have gone heavier)

I am amazed that I really didn't loose any strength during my back issue. One great thing is my tight hamstrings released and I am feeling so good. They have been tight for years and all of a sudden they just let go! go figure...

Debbie, great workout today! I love 4 day split. I wonder why none of use have done those workouts lately, I mean for years? I have to go back to them soon. I am not going to do Barbell rows for awhile because they are hard on my lower back. I guess I could do more 1 arm rows and horizontal rows instead. I also have a lat pull down machine so I could add that exercise too. I cannot read while walking on the treadmill, not sure how you do it. I would fall off... I just preview workouts and listen to music so I can put together new workouts for the future. It can get pretty boring so good for you.

Roselyn and Diane Sue, I will check back in later to see what you all did for workouts today.

I have a terrible sore throat and stuffy nose today, I seem to get this crap every summer!!! strep throat is going around my boys football team and Mano again!!! Great....

Supper Hot here again today, I already have the air conditioner on and its only 9 a.m.

Have a nice day.
Today's workout was Kelly Coffey Athletic Conditioning premix triple rod + abs, 53 minutes(actual 45 minutes but took time to adjust weights and log) 107 avg/ 148 max heart rate Fit Bit , Polar says 120/148 Hmmm! I used the Polar average though. 244 calories. I then did Fit Tower Advanced Bootcamp cardio and legs premix, 30 minutes, 154 calories. I used a heavier band and added ankle weights for the front leg raise moves. Total time was 83 minutes, calories burned 398. I had some sort of virus all weekend, and still not feeling great.
Athletic conditioning 10 reps 3 rounds all exercises
squat and curl 15's, 15's,15's
standing pec dec 12's, 15's, 12's
pommel horse 10 reps each round
shoulder press with reverse lunge 15# 5 reps right 5 reps left all rounds
cardio split switches 10 r
lawn mowers side to side lunge 15#,20#,20#
overhead triceps extension 15#, 20#,20#
pop squat/figure 8 15# !5#,15#
crescent into curtsy 10r 5 llft 5 rt
overhead rainbow 15#,15#,15#
curl and press 15#,15#,15#
bear crawl row, flip and press 5 rt and 5 lt 10#,12#,10#

Debbie, nice workout today. 4 Day Split was always a fun workout. I have so many workouts I forget it is there.
I just saw the Fit Split workouts Cathe is already taking pre-orders. I don''t know how I feel. Of course I will order eventually. The thing is that they sort of remind me of 4 day split with the cardio and weight work. Probably a different format. Maybe not as long?

Jolie, we must have been checking in around the same time. I just have felt so tired the last few days when I get up in the morning. It is hot here too. Not feeling well has not helped. Although Saturday night I slept over 8 hours and then napped during the day. The busy week last week wore me out I guess. Last night though, I woke up off and on all night. That is why my workout was not heavy on the cardio activity this morning. Maybe there was a link between your back issues down to your hamstring tightness. I have a tight hip flexor on my right leg. I spend more time stretching that one out. It comes and goes. Oddly the leg that I had the knee surgery on does not have that problem.
Yesterday I did a metabolic workout from Live and today was STS disc 2 back and triceps I will start posting my weights so bad about that. I do love STS too, Jolie, starting from the beginning!!
Today I did Cardio Coach 6 with Sean and had a great workout. I like this one. Tough workout, I was sweating like crazy. My HR stayed in the 170's for all the challenges today. That was odd.

Workout was 51 minutes, I burned 376 calories (TM said 479 which still seems low to me), I ran 3.57 miles and went 7263 steps. I was wiped out after this one.

I will probably get those new workouts. I like the 4DS ones and these look similar. I will wait until some clips are up to see what it's like before I order, though.

Jolie - Hope you are feeling better. And when I read on the treadmill I'm only walking at a 3.2 mph pace. It makes the time on the TM go by so fast.

Diane Sue - Hope you are feeling better. I wonder what virus is going around this time of year? Nice workout and interesting on how your Polar and the FB showed about the same numbers. Sometimes I don't get these devices. Several times when I looked at my FB it showed no HR. That is what my Polar's used to do and it drove me crazy. Not sure why that happens?

Roselyn - I may start STS again soon, I love that series. I just wish they weren't so long. Meso 3 is my favorite.

Have great workouts everyone!
Well, I went to bed last night totally sick!!! Congestion, cough, sneezing, sore throat the whole works! I probably picked something up when I was in the 3 different hospitals with my son last week. I took cold medicine last night and It killed me. I break out in hives so bad so I hate to take it. I must of woke up 20 times during the night to blow my nose or something. Needless to say, I am wiped out today. I did a Chest and Triceps workout, STS Meso 2 Disc 13, excluding the shoulders since I did those yesterday. 1 minute rest between sets. I did not go too heavy on some of the exercises so I added more reps.

Warm UP Chest Press DB-
15# x 15

Chest Press DB-
25# x 12, x 10, x 8

Chest Flies-
20# x 12, x 10, x 8

Incline Chest Press DB-
20# x 15, x 13, x 12

Incline Chest Flies-
15# x 15, x 13, x 12

Lying Triceps Ext. DB-
15# x 12, x 10, x 8

Cross Body Ext-
12# x 12, x 10, x 10

Triceps Cable Pull Downs instead of kickbacks to avoid back strain.( 1 count down, 3 counts up)
30# x 15, x 13, x 12

Workout was 44 minutes and I burned 268 calories. Average heart rate was 114 and max was 145. I wasn't working too hard, just trying to get through it.

great cardio workout today. I bet you burn as many calories as your treadmill states. I noticed my Fitbit isn't syncing with my phone anymore so I have to go and do it manually. There are quite a few days where is has 0 for my stats. I haven't seen the new workouts yet, but I too will probably purchase them in the end. I love variety! I also like to take ideas from a lot of workouts and put together my own workout. New DVDs always give me new ideas. When I do STS, I always skip Meso 1 and go straight to Meso 2. I don't like the first meso at all. This way it is shorter in duration and I tend to stick to completing it.

Diane Sue, I guess we posted at the same time yesterday. I hope you are feeling better than me! I am wiped out and getting no sleep doesn't help either! Nice job on getting your workout in anyway. I am downing Colloidal Silver, Ester C, Grape Seed Extract, Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Pepper. What else am I missing?

Roselyn, great job on the workouts! I don't like Meso 1 for whatever reason, I love Meso 2 and Meso 3!
Today I did Susan Chung Rapid Fire Results using 1.5# weighted gloves and 5# dumbbells for the metabolic weighted drills. Total time 77 minutes, calories burned 509. I was pleased with this today. I have my grandson here so that was enough. Between playing I worked with an AT&T agent online to trouble shoot my phone again :confused: They are sending another one with some instructions to avoid the problem next time I have an update. I hope it works. I could have let them work on it with the techs but then I would be dealing with a poor running phone. I can't even hang up after a conversation without a lagging black screen first. I tried soft reset, hard reset to defaults and still the same problem exists and I lost sleep two nights in a row.

Debbie, we had some people behind us in church visiting from Wisconsin. They looked sick and kept coughing on us. My husband said he could feel the guys breath on his arm. Anyway, I am thinking that is where it came from. We hand sanitized when we got to the car and used antibacterial wipes. But you shake hands and introduce yourself. Anyway, it is still there a bit and I am tired on top of it. So, I guess there is some summer cold type of thing going around. So far I have not had my Fit Bit lose my heart rate. It sometimes doesn't register the correct time and information when I have charged it and I have to turn it off and back on to reset it. Right now with the phone issue it won't register my info between my fitness pal. I don't get that. Odd though that the devices will give different calorie burns at the same heart rate. Polar has always been bad about dropping out or giving a huge heart rate that is unbelievable. My polars always tended to drop out when I would bend over to pick up weights or extend my arms as in kickboxing. I got pretty tired of it. I will probably purchase the new workouts but right now we have to buy new tires for my husbands car after he hit something on the freeway. and discovered they all need replaced.

Jolie, I had similar, scratchy throat, felt terrible, coughing, sneezing, runny nose. I knew it was not allergies this time. I use apple cider vinegar and lemon juice every day. I accidentally took double doses of my greens powder the last two days and figure it probably wasn't a bad thing since I need the nutrition to help get over this. Funny, I generally do not like Meso 1 that much , but for some reason this last time I did it I rather liked it. Maybe because I was up for something more active.
Today I did 4DS Biceps & Triceps. Had a great workout. 4DS is fun, I'm glad I pulled them out. Very intense workout.

Round 1
Slow Dips
Seated Tricep DB Extensions - 15#/20#/25#/30# - 12/10/8/6 reps
Standing Hammer Curls w/Twist - 10's/12's/15's/20's - 12/10/8/6

Round 2
BB Lying BB Tricep Extensions
– 35# - 8 reps; 2 ct. down, 6 ct. ups
SS w/
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions – 8's - 8 reps/3 sets partial reps
Barbell Crazy 8’s – 30# - 8 full/8 down/8 up
SS w/
Reverse Dumbbell Curls – 12's - 10 reps

Round 3
Stability Ball HS Dips
– 8 reps/16 high end reps
SS w/
Tricep Incline Pushups
Inc. Hammer Curls w/Twist
– 12's - 12 reps
SS w/
Hammer Curls – 12's - 8 reps

Round 4
Tricep Pressdowns w/Band

SS w/
Kickbacks w/ Band
Hanging Concen. Curls
– 15's - 12 reps (don't like these much)
SS w/
Wrist Curls - 5's - 16 reps

Then I did the Ab work from the Kickboxing workout on 4DS. I liked that one, it was fun.

Workout was 48 minutes, Avg HR 77, Max 130, burned 130 calories.

Also walked on my treadmill for 2 miles.

I'm sorry, I have no time for personals today. I will try to get back on here later. Have great workouts everyone!!!
No workout for me today. I am just too tired from no sleep, major congestion and sneezing all night long. I went to the store and got some sinus medicine for today, I just couldn't take it anymore.

Debbie, nice Biceps and Triceps workout today. That is a pretty good calorie burn for an arm workout on top of the treadmill workout

I will check back in later...

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