(((((GOT CHINUPS?)))))

Judi - Hope your shoulder starts feeling better. Nice Workout! 30# Flyes with a bad shoulder is pretty impressive! Fortunately for me as soon as I stop working out my shoulder doesn't hurt, hope that doesn't change.

Catherine - Like Judi said...Whatcha up to?
I finished Meso 1 today with disc 11 :eek: Overall I feel pretty good about it. I was able to increase wt on everything to 70% with the exception of a few calculation errors I made :eek: For some reason my brain can't add what's on a barbell after I've done a few sets of exercises :confused: On chinups my first set was 5/7( up one assisted than last week) second set was 4/5 (up one unassisted) and finally pullups 7 assisted (same). Try as I may I can not pullup after all of those exercsies. Then I added a set of 7 assisted pullups at the end.

Judi, you are doing great!! Are you seeing any physical changes?

Linda, work! Sorry about the heart rate!!

I am psyching myself up for surgery. Actually, I am looking forward to doing nothing for a bit- just not the pain LOL!!
Today was Triceps and Biceps. I don't know what my problem is, but even though I feel like I am working hard and I am, my heart rate does not spike during these workout except leg day. In fact it plummets during the ten second rest.:confused:

IMAX2 through first blast as warmup.

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off each exercise.

Ran during two minute rest between each set.

Close Grip Barbell Press:
40# - 8 sets/11-8 reps

Lying DB Extensions:

15's - 8 sets/ 9-7 reps
***Left wanted to give up long before the right.

Double Arm Kickbacks
8's - 8 sets/ 14-12 reps

Dumbbell Curls:
15's - 8 sets/9-8 reps
***Added a turn at the top which was toasting my biceps

Reverse Up, Curl Downs:
12's - 8 sets/8-7 reps
***This one will make my massage therapist happy. But my right elbow was hurting a bit, have no idea why.

Hammer Curls:
15's - 8 sets/11-8 reps

Then did Combo & Blast 2 from IMAX 2 and stretch from 4 DS HIS. Workout was 1:02 minutes and burned 456 calories.

Have to run and get my haircut.....be back later.
Linda, you are just becoming immune to your w/o's :p

Judi, what are you planning to do when you are done with STS?

No w/o for me today. Foot just too bothersome. I was hoping to get in a final cardio session before surgery :( Tomorrow evening I will be busy getting the house in order, laundry etc so I doubt I will w/o. I am missing working out already. I was watching STS plyo legs this evening **sigh** I wonder when I'll be able to do that. Sorry to be so whiney. Hopefully soon I'll be back to upper body stuff and maybe even some floor work for the legs. I will still be checking in with you gals ;)
Today was Plyo Legs disc 29 followed by SB abs. There is no way in h*ll I'll ever be able to do those one legged pikes:mad: I tried to lift one leg in the air after getting into a pike but I couldn't hold it. They are freaking hard! I forgot to post that I did Imax2 yesterday-

Catherine- Sorry you couldn't get in your workout. Just look forward to how much better your foot will be after the surgery and to be able to do a workout without pain. Go ahead and whine....I've done my share of that here as well;) I haven't decided what to do after STS...any ideas?

Linda- How long is your tabata rotation? What are you going to do afterward?
Judi, how are ya liking plyo legs? I did one of them a little while back and really liked it.

About the one-legged pikes-I was attempting them the other day and I actually moved a little :eek: Got so excited and then promptly fell lost it :p I will just keep attempting.
Catherine - Sp are you all ready for tomorrow? In case I don't get to talk to you again. Good Luck, I'll be thinking of you! Hopefully after you recover you'll be able to do all the things you want to.:D

- I am doing the Tabata for two more weeks to make a total of six. And Honestly, I have no idea what I will start next.:p

Today was Cardio and Abs (Tabata Style) for me. I did BM2 Cardio Blast Premix.

Side Plank
8 sets to each side (this was harder than I thought, especially on my shoulders)

AB Wheel Roll Outs
8 sets/ 6-5 reps

Workout was 1:17 and burned 562 calories. Now I have to admit that I have been dealing with this pain on the inside of my lower left leg off and on. Well, today half way through BM2 I just wanted to quit, of course I didn't. Walking is fine, but running & step aerobics is when it bugs me. May just have to go low impact here for awhile.:confused::mad::(
I could not wait to get home tonight to share my story with you....

I was at work this evening and my jeans kept slipping down, so I fixed my belt and went on with what I was going. It wasn't until about 1 minute later that it dawned on that I just adjusted my belt down to one notch lower than where I have been wearing it! WooHoo! :eek::eek::p:p:D:D:D:D:eek::eek::p:p:D:D:cool:

- Once again, good luck!
I could not wait to get home tonight to share my story with you....

I was at work this evening and my jeans kept slipping down, so I fixed my belt and went on with what I was going. It wasn't until about 1 minute later that it dawned on that I just adjusted my belt down to one notch lower than where I have been wearing it! WooHoo! :eek::eek::p:p:D:D:D:D:eek::eek::p:p:D:D:cool:

Catherine - Once again, good luck!

Woo Hoo!! Thanks for the well wishes.

I will check in with you all sometime tomorrow and update. Just excuse me if I make a typo (pain meds ;) )
Hey ladies I am home. I've been snoozing. All went well and I am a bit sore especially when I get up. Which is only to go potty. I will check back in later.
Today was Shoulders. Thanks for the suggestions for the leg. I actually rolled it out a bit on the foam roller last night. And today I kept it low impact for the most part using 4DS LIS for warmup and LIC Blast in between sets (extending them a bit to make 2 minutes). Leg did well, some very minor discomfort during warmup but after that it was fine. Will be taking it easy on it for the next few days, probably skip calf work tomorrow.

Thanks for understanding my excitement last night! BTW, scale said I was down another 1/2 pound this morning.:D

4 DS LIS through first blast as warmup.

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off each exercise.

Did 1 of the four LIC Blast for 2 minutes during rest between each exercise.

Dumbbell Upright Rows:
15's - 8 sets/12-9 reps
***This started out easy.:confused:

Dumbbell Overhead Press:
10's - 8 sets/13-10 reps

Lateral Raise:
10's - 8 sets/12-10 reps
** Elbows were bending more & more as the sets went on.:p*

Bent Over Straight Arm Posterior Delt Raise:
(think Slow & Heavy)
10's - 8 sets/11-10 reps
***Stayed at the top of the motion and these burned. Loved this exercise, hit the rear delts hard without feeling like my shoulders were vunerable to injury. Does that make sense?

Dumbbell Shrugs:
20's - 8 sets/15-13 reps
Then finished with Combo 1 from LIC and some stretches on my own. Workout was 1 hour and burned 425 calories.
Catherine- Glad to hear everything went OK. I hope you are not in too much pain. Take it easy and relax.

Linda- I like doing the posterior rear delt raise especially since I can't do rear delt flys without pain. They are my "go to" substitution for flys and I really feel them in the rear delts.

Well Ladies, I ended up at my massage therapist today since my shoulder was really aching. She said she has never seen me this knotted up before. My traps, rhomboids, lats, levator scap, neck, shoulders were a mess. She used hot towels, hot stones and really worked out the knots. I'm sore but it is no longer throbbing and aching constantly. Ice and Advil are helping but I'm taking off a couple days to be safe. I only have 2 weeks left of STS and don't want to stop now.

BTW, I did CCV8 on my elliptical today. Love that workout!
Well Ladies, I ended up at my massage therapist today since my shoulder was really aching. She said she has never seen me this knotted up before. My traps, rhomboids, lats, levator scap, neck, shoulders were a mess. She used hot towels, hot stones and really worked out the knots. I'm sore but it is no longer throbbing and aching constantly. Ice and Advil are helping but I'm taking off a couple days to be safe. I only have 2 weeks left of STS and don't want to stop now.

BTW, I did CCV8 on my elliptical today. Love that workout!

Judi - Please be careful! Sounds like you are working pretty hard to be that knotted up!
I'm resting my upper body so I did LowMax this morning. I have no pain in my shoulder when I lift my arm overhead but I still have aching in my mid back where all the knots were. I don't think my shoulder is the issue, but rather the surrounding muscles that are too tight and pulling on the shoulder. Time will tell...

Catherine- How are you doing today? I hope you got a restful night of sleep. Keep us posted on your progress.

Linda- What is on your agenda today?

Wish me luck.....I'm taking my mother shopping for an outfit for my niece's wedding. It is going to be a loooooong day:confused:

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