Getting Our Licks In!

A nice quiet Sunday morning. Toby is napping and I had my Sunday morning phone call with my mom. Today is Yoga Relax and my body sure is ready for some relaxing exercise. Yesterday was HIIT 30/30 and STS abs w/ no equipment. My legs are feeling the workouts from the last week. How is it that Cathe just knows how to put these rotations together to get certain results? I finally bought a FitBit Charge/HR Friday night. Started wearing it yesterday. It's a neat little gadget and I'm having fun with it. Right now my goal is 10,000 steps a day which I easily surpassed yesterday. Today might be more of a challenge to get to 10,000 steps. Might have to take some walks w/out Toby since it is going to be warmer today. We had puppy kindergarten yesterday morning. Saturday morning's classes focus on socialization and impulse control; Monday night's classes focus on obedience and impulse control. We are building skills that should eventually lead to getting the Canine Good Citizen certificate which includes 10 test items. We also are having fun which is most important.

Waves to Cindy, Kathy, and Janie. Hope everyone is having a glorious weekend and getting their licks in!
Where does the time go! Been doing yoga cause it seems to really help me with my strength, balance and limber.

Been super busy. My sister came to visit me. My poor sister, when she came here last year and saw her here again a couple days ago, been noticing a mental problem in her. I've always suspected it for a long time now, but this time there is no doubt. She has an attention disorder. She always wants to be the subject, drama (OMG!), center of attention always. She finds ways to make everything about her. She does strange things for attention, she asks people if she can harass them and then hugs them. Mind you these are cashier, my friends... and she will see things on the road and makes me stop to pick up garbage so she can reuse it in her crafts. It's hard for her to focus on other subjects and many more examples...It was one of the most stressful times I've spent with someone. I love her, but it was very difficult and so sad that she has deteriorated in such a short time. I yie I!

Read everyone's posts and it seems everyone is on track. Good for you.

Take care,

Saturday I did STS M2Wk4 (chest/shoulders/triceps) using my squat rack to do barbell chest presses. I have major DOMS still. Its been quite a while since I did this one. Sunday was Turbo Fire EZ 55 Class. I had so much fun w/this one. Loved it. Tonight's Legs using my squat rack for squats/lunges/plié squats & then switching over to Butts & Guts floorwork. I like to keep my muscles guessing. :)

Cindy: How did Lily do w/her performance? I'm sure she did well. Hope you had good weather for your BBQ.

Michelle: What do you have Toby doing now that he's graduated to kindergarten? Those are hard workouts you did. Is this from the new rotation of Cathe? I hope your legs don't fail you w/HIIT 30/30. The easy PiYo workouts are the upper & lower body ones. The hardest ones out of the entire package is Drench & Hardcore on the Floor. I purchased the bonus workouts which use the discs. Those are hard too. But it does increase your flexibility. The more times you do it the better you get. Go check it out. You might like it.

Janie Sis: I guess your very busy building your craft room.

Weekend was quiet & relaxing.
Take care everyone!
Worked my legs last night doing squats & plies with a 70# bb 4 sets of 12 reps. Also did Bulgarian lunges using my high step & holding 20# dbs. Next did the floor work to Great Glutes. My legs are toast today. Tonight I'll do KCM's Stepboxing #1 + RWH Abs #1.

Its pouring rain here today. Very gloomy. Kind of day you just want to stay in bed curled up with a good book.

Have a good day everyone!
Friday night was Athletic Training and I upped my step height. Saturday was off but I walked a lot, Sunday was KickMax Low Impact, and last night was RWH Low Impact + abs 1. I'm taking today off because my wine club is getting together for a wine tasting but then I'll get back to it on Wednesday.

Had a great weekend, Lily was a trooper through the rainy parade and had a lot of fun at the festival performing and playing.

Michelle - Those classes sound fun and I'm sure Toby will pass with flying colors! PiYo is definitely a unique blend of Pilates and Yoga, I swear I have more flexibility when I do it regularly.

Janie - So sorry about your sister, that's hard to see someone you love slipping down a slope. The hard part is there isn't a lot you can do unless you know her doctor and are able to give a heads up. Keep up the Yoga!

Kathy - You are hitting it hard! I am going to try to focus on weights next week :)

I never noticed Michelle's post until today. Those classes of Toby's sound like such fun not only for him but for you too. You have been hitting it hard especially on the legs so don't blame you for doing something more relaxing & easy.

Janie Sis: We must have been posting at the same time. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. It is stressful & like Cindy has said if you have a relationship with her doctor perhaps he can steer you in the right direction to help her provided she understands she needs help in the first place.

Last night I had a fun workout w/KCM's Stepboxing #1 + RWH Abs #1. Tonight's STS M2Wk4 (back/biceps).

Cindy: You had great workouts & I'm sure you enjoyed your wine club. What wines are you partial to? I lean towards German Rieslings, Chilean wines & the petite syrahs. Glad Lily had a good time even though it rained.

Have a great day everyone!
Been doing my yoga and it feels sooooo good to my body. Strength, balance, breathing, calmness...I need this right now.

Cindy, Great job on Athletic Training and uping the height. Good for you! And for the walking on Sat. Sun KickMax Low Impact and RWH + abs 1. We all need at least one day a week off to prevent injuries. Very proud of you.

Kathy Sis, Great job on KCM's Stepboxing #1 and RWH Abs 1.

Take care all,

Last night was STS M2Wk4 (back/biceps). That was some workout! Tonight's PiYo Hardcore on the Floor. Do I dare do this one again? LOL At least its not Drench which is the worst one out of the bunch.

Janie Sis: Good for you for keeping up w/your yoga routine. How's the craft room coming along? Is it finished yet?

Waves to Cindy & Michelle!
I just delivered a two volume report to the Marine Corps so I'm celebrating by checking in. I'm into week 2 of Cathe's August rotation--focus seems to be on legs this week and I'm feeling it, although the upper body GS workouts are keeping me mindful of the upper half as well. Toby and I are walking for at least an hour every morning and then again at night for another 30 minutes. Mind you, we do a lot of stop and go, but his spurts of "go" are getting longer. He usually gets some puppy play time in with some of his dog buddies too--so the pup is staying active and keeping me on the move as well.

Kathy: have not had a chance to check out the PiYo workouts yet. You are definitely mixing things up on your workouts between PiYo, KCMs, and Cathes.

Janie: focusing on yoga sounds like a good thing. Hopefully it is helping after your visit with your sister. The normal aging process is hard enough to try to defy on a daily basis; so sorry to hear about your sister.

Cindy: I'm impressed you upped your step height. I usually stay at one riser for most step workouts. Off the top of my head, To the Max is the exception to that general rule for me. Gotta love those RWH cardios--quick but effective.

Last night I did PiYo's Hardcore on the Floor. It was difficult for me when Chalene went into the V-sit section. My poor hammies were sore from Cathe's back workout my legs wouldn't go straight up in the air. They did last week though. LOL I find the PiYo workouts difficult on my wrists due to my arthritis in both hands. I can't for the life of me do all the reps that Chalene does. Its still all good though whatever I can do.

I purchased a new program by Ingrid Romero called Edge Booty Extreme #2. Haven't previewed any of the workouts yet. I'll be starting tomorrow w/Legs which I hear from Video Fitness ladies is brutal. I read the 68 pg. booklet & will need to go back to prepping all my meals again like I used to. It usually takes me about an hour to do the prepping so its not too bad to do. I have to also do 20 min. of cardio after my leg workout. I'll probably do a KCM cardio w/out the warmup or do one of the X10's but only do the cardio portion. Wish me luck.

Michelle: Toby's keeping you busy w/his walks & your workouts sound hard. You certainly are burning quite a bit of calories every day aren't you. That was quite a workload you had. I know your glad its over with.

Going out to dinner Saturday night w/DH to celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary. Have to decide on a seafood restaurant. Probably will go to the beach on Sunday as starting tomorrow all through next week it will be 92 degrees & HOT, HOT, HOT!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hello to all.

I know I am an irregular poster here and I am on the top floor of my condo building so I started early in the morning, and did Rock Out Knock Out, and the lower body portion of High Reps.
Did more yoga the last couple of days. Some days longer than others. Eventually will create a rotation doing yoga and using Cathe's DVD's. Especially when she is done making ICE. Then will incorporate that series for sure. Have it half assed on paper and will tweak it for awhile until I like it. I have a lot of different yoga instructors and will incorporate most into this rotation. I'll be going to Shelton on Monday to get the rest of my yoga DVD's and will concentrate more on this task when I get back to the BH. I think it will be good for me and where I am in life. I'm getting excited about it. Gentle but effective strength training on the many ways Cathe has created her DVD's, cardio such as fast walking the beach/cardio machine, step ups, and yoga in so many different practices. Can't wait to get started.
I know I can't do advance workouts anymore, my body simply gets hurt if I do those kinds of workouts. And it's OK. As I get older I may one day have to do beginner workouts all the time, but I'm not there yet. But I use beginners as a stepping stone to get to intermediate.. I will move always, as long as my body will allow me to. LOL! I'm babbling.

CDPotier, it's always nice to you here. Great job on Rock Out Knock Out and lower body portion of High Reps.

Kathy Sis, Great job on PiYo Hardcore on the floor. As long as you are moving and doing what you are doing, you are fantastic and an inspiration. Some days are stronger than others. Who knows really why. Let us know what you think about your new program by Ingrid Romero. Wishing you luck. You are much more braver than me. After a leg workout the next day you do cardio? Wow! Happy 32nd wedding anniversary. Enjoy celebrating and try to stay cool with your 92 degree weather. Yikes!

Michelle, Seen Toby with the neighbor dog. So cute! Good going being in the 2nd week of Cathe's August rotation. Aw, wish I could walk with you and Toby. Yes, yoga helps with stress for sure. It's a keeper.

Take care everyone,

Coming up on the end of the 2nd week of Cathe's August rotation. Yesterday was GS back, shoulders, and biceps; today was S&H legs plus abs from S&H bi*tris. Thank goodness tomorrow is a yoga day. This morning also was puppy kindergarten, and that was after an hour walk with Toby, and about 20 minutes of off-leash training. Toby was tired after school this morning. So was I, but I'm still rolling along.

Janie: I like the idea of a yoga rotation. I'm not sure I could hang with one longer than a week. At some point, I need to try to add in some short practices from Shiva Rea before I go to bed at night.

Kathy: sounds like you are continuing to kill on your workouts. The combinations of workouts that you have been doing lately make me have sympathy doms just reading your posts. Looking forward to hearing about the new workout series that you are going to be starting.

Caitlin: nice to have you drop in again. Nice job on ROKO and HighReps.

Waves to Cindy!
Toby and I did the "long walk loop" this morning--it's a little over a mile and a half and it took us 1 hour and 15 minutes to walk. Way longer than it should be we are still in stop and go mode and I'm trying to keep him walking on my left side. So we keep on walking and working. It is very warm here today but the humidity remains in check with a real nice breeze blowing. Don't know how much longer this is going to last before the humidity streams back in, but that's August in the mid-Atlantic. Today was yoga practice: yoga max with Cathe.

Kathy: I finally checked on Chalene's PiYo. I have to admit, it looks quite intriguing. Might have to put that one on my Christmas gift list.

Waves to Cindy and Janie.
Walked the beach with Rolly and had a great time.

I forgot about PiYo! I have that one.

There's some pretty great things in this series. Will have to go back and view it.

Michell, Great job on you and Toby doing the long walk loop this morning. Stop and go mode is good. Also good job for doing Yoga Max.

Take care,

I started my new rotation using my new EBE2 which was Legs + 20 min. cardio (KCM's Cardio Pump cardio only). Ingrid has you doing supersets 2 exercises back-to-back 4 sets 12 reps each. She does quite a bit of stepups. There's a cross over step up which I found unique. Never did that before. There's no rest & let me tell you YOWZA is all I can say. What a sweaty mess I was at the end. Not to mention the heat! Sunday was Upper Body which again is all supersets. Shoulders were hard doing the front raise into a lateral 4 sets at 12 reps. I had to take a break in between otherwise my form would've been compromised. Had to do cardio again for 30 min. so chose Cathe's X10 low impact but doing only the cardio. Tonight's Glutes which is 50 min. This one uses the band for the first 2 exercises. Thank goodness there's no cardio w/this one. Ingrid's very likeable & has a good sense of humor too b/c you need it to do these workouts. You have to prep some of your meals beforehand too. You have to do the nutrition along w/this program. I'm eating 6 meals a day. Its a LOT of food! Her snacks & recipes are excellent. I'm glad I purchased this.

Michelle: Good job on the long walk loop. That's serious mileage. I'm glad that you had a chance to view PiYo. Its an excellent workout. I hope you purchase the program for Xmas.

Janie Sis: You actually have PiYo & never done it? Get to it & do the rotation. Its excellent. I'm partial to Chalene anyway. I love everything she's ever put out. Glad you enjoyed your walk on the beach w/Rolly.

Waves to Cindy!
Sorry I've been MIA, last week was busy at work and this week will be the same with college starting next Monday! I was on top of exercise all last week but took Friday off since we headed out of town to watch a Wilco concert in Missoula with the kids. Spent Saturday visiting family and camping then yesterday we hiked the Big Hole Battlefield (a very sad reminder of how Native American's were treated when Reservations were formed) before heading home. Tonight I'm doing Muscle Max Upper body and need to get my diet cleaned up again, had some sugar this weekend and my stomach paid!

Michelle - You are getting a lot of activity in and Toby is doing great with walks! He's growing in leaps and bounds!

Janie - PiYo is great, it should be a nice addition to your yoga routine. I'm glad you're excited about finding what works best for your body!

Kathy - Do you struggle with getting 6 meals in a day? I have issues with it and sometimes wonder if I'm not getting enough healthy calories in during they day and then move toward the unhealthy!

I'm back again!

Cindy: You had a wonderful weekend. To answer your 6 meals a day question. No it isn't difficult for me to eat that many times. The meals that Ingrid has me eating this week are:

M1: 1 whole egg + 3 egg whites with 1 oz. of goat cheese, 1 slice of Udi's bread & 1 slice of tomato. Top this off with the egg mixture.
M2: 1/2 can of tuna w/broccoli & salsa
M3: pre-workout meal: chicken + 1/2 sweet potato + broccoli
M4: rice cake smeared with 1/2 avocado & 3 slices of turkey breast + 2 slices of apple
M5: post workout meal: protein shake with a banana + mixed green salad
M6: protein shake with coconut water + 1 tsp of L-glutamine

You can place any of these meals any way you wish b/c everyone's schedules are different. I'm never hungry. I believe I wasn't eating enough & always reaching for the sugar right before lunch. This way of eating seems to be working for me. Next week Ingrid changes up the meals again. Plus her workouts are intense & I need the fuel to keep me going.

Last night was EBE2 Weighted Glutes. WOW does this workout catch up to you. Your doing quite a bit of band floor work but its the way Ingrid has sequenced all of the moves that I have major DOMS & I do mean major. I was only using 15's & 8's. Ingrid always has 1 move that's absolutely brutal. I just couldn't do 12 reps but managed to do 4 sets of either 8 or 10 reps. That was good enough for me. Legs were killing me & couldn't get to sleep until 1:30. :O I'm sure tired today. Hoping for a speedy day at work.

Tonight's just 30 min. of cardio thank goodness. I'll do KCM's Stepboxing #2 b/c its easy. And easy on my poor legs.

Hope everyone has a good day! Its another scorcher of a day here 96 degrees & a lot of humidity. Stay cool!
Last night I just did KCM's Stepboxing #2. Nice & easy workout. Thank goodness. Legs are back to normal. Tonight's I'm back at it w/EBE2 Upper Body. I'll be increasing the weights. Hope I survive. I may have to drop down the weight once I get into it. We'll see.

Everybody's busy I see. I'm in this party all by myself. LOL

Waving to you all!

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