Feb. 08 rotation check in

Monday Check In:

You guys are crankin on the workouts!

Joanne.. are you still out there?

Sunday was my "rest" day. I did absolutely nothing for a workout, not even a stretch.

I had a tough weekend at work, plagued by sinus pain, ... I'm not sure if I'm fighting something off here or what. But I was pretty miserable Saturday night. I slept Sunday during the day and finally woke up without a headache!

So today was IMAX 2 to start Week #3! I was excited, yet apprehensive about it. My calf felt FINE, but I've also rested it for the last 4 days. Starting into the 2nd interval, BAM!,.. it happened. My freakin calf muscle pulled AGAIN! ZING! So, I salvaged what I could , I ended up taking out Turbo Jam's Fat Blaster (intervals). My calf was tender, but I modified. Still with modifying, I got my heart rate UP to it's max. (high 170's during the interval). I did 7 intervals of FB, and then went back to IMAX 2, and did 2 more intervals without the step. It was weird doing the moves on the floor, but it still worked, and I eeked out 10 intervals!

I added the abs from Maximum Intensity Strength on the end.

I think I have to give up on Step for a while. I will either modify it on the floor or use a different workout for the rest of the rotation.

That makes me very sad. Step is my first love and my favorite form of cardio.

Does anyone know about injuries like this? And do you think I'll ever be able to get back to step? Or how long I should stop before my calf will heal?

Oh ... I have 2 more comments!...

Kathy.. thanks for the comparison of Circuit Max to Cardio & Weights! that's what I'm going to substitute for CM tomorrow!

And do you think or find that your cardio seems more intense/challenging splitting it up like that with weight work?

That's it!,
Chris: I am so sorry to hear of all your pains...I love step too. But, I like to mix it up with hi/lo too. But, I feel for you. It would kill me to put my step away for any amount of time. You are welcome. The only difference is that cardio & weights uses the step the whole time during cardio and CM does hi/lo and step intervals..Well, I am not sure if about the cardio being more intense. But, I like splitting it up the way the rotation has it. I really like this rotation. So far it has been my favorite rotation...May have to pull it out again in the future...

Hope your calf heals soon Chris. Glad to say that mine is holding up pretty good..Take care of it!!
Tuesday Check In:

Kathy: Thanks, I appreciate you understanding. I've decided I have to give up on step for a few weeks, maybe up to 4-6 weeks. I will get back to it, one day. And the only way I can is to let my calf heal. When I start back, the weather should be nicer, and I can mix it up more with running and kickboxing/hi/lo. I did a search on the boards, and Cathe answered someone's question that very way, saying if you do the same type of movements (i.e. step) all the time, you risk injury. that it is best to mix it up. I'm relieved to hear your calf is fine! Be careful!!

So I did "Cardio & Weights" today in place of "Circuit Max". I did it without the step! Funny, but do-able! My calf was a little sore, but it was ok doing everything on the floor/carpet. I guess it probably wasn't quite as intense as it would be with the step, but I have to modify for now. Just wondering, would you say that this is one of Cathe's easier circuit workouts anyways? There wasn't much lower body weight stuff. It was all compound movements. I love the music though! Fun!

Tomorrow is Low Max. I have it, but not sure how it would work without the Step. That's going to be a tough one to substitute for. Any suggestions?

Have a good one today!!!

(P.S... I agree, this is one of my favorite rotations so far too!!)

Chris: Just make Low max intense. Strong movements. Put your all in it and I bet you will get an excellent workout..I do agree that cardio&weights is one of the easier ones.(if you can call it easy!)

Checking in today with Slow & Heavy: Chest and Back..I also added segment 1 of stretch max..

Have a great day!!
Hi all! I'm still here! Got sidetracked a bit this weekend with a cold - just felt really run down, so I thought it was best to take a couple rest days Friday and Saturday. Sunday I did Imax2. Fun, fun!! Monday was Circuit Max. I do like the cardio in that one. Today I just wasn't feeling like doing Low Max. I enjoyed it last month, but just wasn't feeling it today!! I think my other DVDs are getting lonely. :p So, I did Kelly Coffey-Meyers StepBoxing. Her second one. It has a bit of leg work and some intervals, so it was an OK substitute for LM. But, I really enjoyed it. Tomorrow I'm due to start S & H again. I may substitute another weight series for it. Either Pure Strength, or even the 4DS. I'll decide by tomorrow morning! So, I'm straying a bit from the rotation. I do like the concept, though. And, I feel like I have more energy when I do the cardio just the three days, than when I do it for 5-6 days in a row with some weights thrown in.

Chris, be careful!! You don't want to injure yourself more. I'm so sorry to hear your calf is hurting again. Maybe you could do some type of low-impact cardo and then a leg workout like Butts and Guts to sub for Low Max? Let us know how it is if you try it on the floor.

Kathy, great workouts! I think Cardio and Weights is one of Cathe's "easiest", but it's all relative!! Easy for Cathe is way different than just "easy". ;)

I'll check in tomorrow with whatever I decide to do!

Good Morning :)
Sorry i've been MIA been busy and tiredx(
Ok this week was S&H sun: chest and tris, BM2 abs, mon: legs and shoulders, tues: back and bis. Today is my rest day but i'm going to do coremax abs.
I ordered STS FINALLY!!! I wish it was shipping now! I'm so excited!
Have a great day
Wednesday Check In:

So I tried Low Max without the step. It was VERY slow for me, too slow. The leg drills were good, but the "non" step portion was not intense enough. So after 2 intervals, (I did the killer lunges at least), I switched over to Turbo Jam: Cardio Party. MUCh better! Intensity was good. And I forget how much I love TJ and the music. It GETS me moving and INTO it! My heart rate was UP there from really getting into it. And I know I'm going to feel my core tomorrow... the original Cardio Party REALLY concentrates on core work.

And I did not even feel a TWINGE in my calf during CP. So, it's definitley the step I need a break from. *sigh*

I'm looking forward to switching it up to weights tomorrow. But also looking forward to subbing some Turbo Jam stuff for the cardio next week!!

I'm lacking on the stretching this week, but my boys are home from school all week, so it's harder...

Kathy: Thanks!!!

Joanne: Great to see you back. Sorry you were under the weather!! You just can't work out when you feel so crappy...

Randi: You are crankin the workouts out. How are you liking this rotation so far? Congrats on ordering STS! I know I'm SOOO excited about it too, all the talk on the boards about it, and the blog, has me wanting to do it NOW too!!

Ugh!! I posted a reply and it is gone...Let's try again..

Joanne: Get better soon!! Glad you are still able to get those workouts in.

Randi:Congrats on getting STS ordered. I ordered a while back and I am excited to get it too. It will be nice when filming starts..

Chris: Glad you were able to find a workout that "works" for you..Good job listening and letting that calf heal...

Today's check-in is Slow & Heavy: Legs/shoulders and I did segment 1 of total body stretching..I think it was called basic stretching..It is helping alot for me to do these extra stretches..

Anyway, talk to everyone later..
Another nonworkout day for me. I just felt really crappy after work last night and was running a slight fever. So, I decided to skip the workout this morning and sleep in. Well, of course I woke up at my usual workout time and couldn't go back to sleep. So, no workout, but I do feel better. Hopefully I'll get back to it tomorrow.

Chris, it's fun to do some other workouts once in awhile. Sometimes I forget what else I have (and it's quite a bit :eek: ) Glad your calf is feeling good.

Kathy, how are you liking slow and heavy the 2nd time through? I'm still debating whether to do it or something else for the weights this week.

Randi, I think I'm the only one who hasn't ordered yet! I'm still deciding! I think it's the percentage weight increases that's holding me back. I don't know if the weight plates would work with my dumbbells and I don't want to buy new ones!

Have a good night everyone!
Good Morning
Just finished BM2 cardio blast premix and coremax 2.
I ordered a barbell set from walmart 55 lbs i'm thinking i need more plates. I havent recieved it yet though.
Have a great day off to work
Randi: OOOOOHH!! A barbell set. I want one of those too. I am working up to that. Hubby thinks I have so much workout stuff in my corner of the family room already. But, he didn't protest too much. I think he sees himself using it too..

Joanne: I am enjoying S&H this week. I am trying to push myself and lift a little heavier than usual. It is funny. When I started working, I remember the 8s being so heavy and 15s forget it. Now, I can do alot of exercises with the 20s and 25s..I am happy about that and know it is all because of Cathe's training..

Anyway, today's workout is going to be S&H: Bi/tri and I may add some ab work and/or stretching too....

Have a great day!!
Randi, yea for the barbell set!! I've got mine behind the couch in the family room. If anyone sees it sticking out, they usually think it's DH's!

Kathy, I'm finding I'm able to match Cathe's weights sometimes now where they were really intimidating in the past. It's a good feeling. I have one 25 lb. dumbbell, my highest pair is 15 lbs. I'd like to get some 20's, but they always seem so expensive.

This morning I did the chest and back work from 4DS and then the 1st half of Traceys' Step Sweatfest. The shorter weight work left me time for cardio. I think tomorrow I'll either do S&H legs and shoulders or 4DS legs and shoulders. I wonder what Cathe will come up with for March??
Hey Guys!

Checking in with Slow & Heavy: Chest and Back today!

A nice change back to weights. The S&H is quite different, but I'm with Kathy this week, I've decided to push it and go heavier than I usually go. Which I did today, and it was ULTRA challenging. My chest muscles were QUIVERING for a lot of the reps (that's good, right?) .

I have the Adjustable Dumbell weights, which I just LOVE for the heavy lifting.

Joanne: sorry you're feeling bad again! Maybe you should see a doctor? especially if you're running a fever. (even if it's low grade). In the Fall I just blew it off as me having a 'bad cold' and when i went to see my doctor for a scheduled check-up, he said I had a whopping sinus infection... put me on steroids and antibiotics! I was really sick, but "in denial". take care of yourself!!

Randi: Excited for you on the bar bell set! It is a whole different world for me when I use the bar bells. It's a great purchase!!

So today could be very exciting for us. We're going to a cat shelter to possibly adopt a cat! My 3 boys are so excited. I'm a little leary... We haven't had a pet (and never a cat) for 10 years!

Wish us luck!

Hi ladies!! Hope eveyone is getting and staying healthy!!

Checking in for today with Slow & Heavy: Biceps and triceps..I can feel them already.. I am ready to start week 4 tomorrow!!

Chris: I would love to get another kitty...I had a kitty when hubby and I got married and gave her away when my second child came along as I did have time to give her attention. Good luck!!

Joanne: How are you feeling today? I hope better!!
Good Morning
I'm opposite of everyone, i'm doing gym styles this week:)
I'm on my 3rd week. This morning i'm doing drill max! I think after this rotation i'm going back to the 4DS. Or I might do the same concept as this rotation and go back and forth from 4DS to Gym Styles, hmm thats a thought:)...4DS is what jump started my results:)! What's everyone else going to do?
I'm feeling pretty good today - cough is hanging on a bit, but I'm about 90%. This morning I did the Legs and Shoulders from 4DS. Also, most of the Kickbox cardio. I started to do the Core work from the shoulder workout, but got interrupted by my son spilling a glass of chocolate milk all over the floor (just last night he spilled a glass all over his project he had been working on for an hour x( ) and my dog trying to take my ponytail holder out as I was "crunching". I'd had enough by then and called it a day!

Chris, did you get your kitty?? How fun! I love having a pet and probably won't ever be without one again.

Randi, alternating GS with 4DS sounds like a good idea - it's kind of what I'm doing at the end of this rotation by subbing 4DS for SH. I have lots of new DVDs coming next month - CIA's, Amy, and maybe Traceys, so I don't think I'll start a set rotation cause I'll want to try the new stuff. But for weights I may stick with 4DS and GS for splits and maybe one total body per week.

I'm kind of bummed about STS. I was reading about platemates which you'd need to incremently increase your weights and they don't work with neopreme dumbbells, which I have. So, I'd have to buy a whole new set of dumbbells to do the system right. Ugh!!

I'll do 4DS biceps and triceps tomorrow and try again to get some core work in and then start week 4!! I don't have Step Max, so I'll probably sub Step Blast.

Have a great weekend all!
Checking in with S&H: Legs and Shoulders..

After a restless night (yes! The kitty is here!), I amazingly felt awake enough to do this workout. Today was hard, all my boys were home, and with the new cat in the house, ... oh my, things are a bit turned upside down (my 2 youngest, 8 and 6, are OBSESSED!).

But I got it done. Some definite quivering going on here! Mostly on the static lunges and then on the shoulder presses.. holy COW! Definite muscle building going on there...

I think next month I might do the 4DS too, Randi. Maybe substituting some of the cardio w/Turbo Jam or whatever I have when the Step stuff comes up. I'm wondering if I should go back and follow the 1st 4 DS rotation? Or.. maybe I'll be super excited about March's rotation, and want to do that. But that's my tentative plans....

How do you post pictures here? Would love to show you our new baby!!

Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Sorry this is huge! But here is Samantha. She's 14 months old, on the smaller side. She's very very friendly, always seeking out someone to play with or to be touched/petted by. She's so good with the kids too!

RE: Sharing our new kitty's Picture

Chris: Oh my gosh!!! I love that kitty. She is soooo cute....Enjoy her!!

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