Feb. 08 rotation check in

Thanks Chris...The calf is still a little tender. But alot better than yesterday.I hope the sickness is gone soon. We are going to the dr in the morning to have my daughter checked out..BM2 is tough. I always dread it. But, thankfully it wasn't too bad this time around...RS would be a great sub..Have fun I love that workout..

Good night everyone...Talk to you tomorrow...

Oh I forgot to mention..I did segment 3 of stretch max. I love that one..it uses the band!!!
Checking in with Body Max 2!

What a great workout, really. It's so all inclusive, you can't beat it!! It is long, but always moving into something different. It goes pretty quickly. BUT.. I'm starting to feel my calf again today. A bit tender. (Did you jinx me, Kathy? LOL!). I took it easy and backed off of the jumping, and lowered my step height. I DON'T want to injure it again, but I also don't want to miss a workout! Grrrrrrr!!

The Stretchmax Band workout is also my favorite! You get into some really good long deep stretches with it! ahhhhh!! I hope I can fit in a stretch today...

Supposed to get some crappy weather tonight, about 3-5 inches of snow, followed by freezing rain. Oh joy. It probably means my boys will have no school or at least a delay. More joy! They have ALL next week off for vacation. And I really wanted to get some stuff done this week. Oh well. I'll deal with it, I have to!

How's your workout today? What did you all do??

Hey Chris and everyone to follow!!!

Checking in today with Gym Style Chest & triceps!! My arms feel like boulders already..Those gym styles are so tough!!

Oh Chris!! I hope I didn't jinx ya!! Mine calf is feeling alot better today. But, I am nervous about doing GS legs tomorrow. I am going to baby it and hope no more flare ups!! We are suppose to get yucky weather too. Freezing rain or something I think.. I am hoping to add in another stretch or yoga later to help out that calf..

Have a great day!!
Chris and Kathy, take care of those calves!

Chris, BodyMax2 is long, but it does go fast since it has so much variety.

Kathy, I did GS chest and triceps today, too. I had a hard time lifting my arms in the shower to wash my hair afterwards!

We've had nasty weather, too. I'm so over this winter!! Only one snow day so far, though. It takes alot to close schools in Chicago.

I think RS is a great sub for Power Max. Both are steady state step, pretty much. I don't have Step Max so I'll be subbing in RS or step blast when it comes up next week I think.

I'm so close to ordering STS! I really want it, but the cost is just scaring me! It's reasonable, but still a large chunk of money. Maybe I'll do the three payment option.

I'm a bit apprehensive about GS legs tomorrow. I remember the floor work as being really tough.

Stay healthy and warm!
Hi ladies
Getting ready to do GS chest back and coremax 3.
Did GS legs yesterday, I'm always sore after that one!
Wednesday Check in!

Just finished Rhythmic Step..and then I did the standing abs from Turbo Jam's Ab Jam. Those are great! I can so feel my core on it and I bet i'll be feeling it tomorrow too!!

RS really is fun! I get so into getting the steps and moves down, the time flies. It feels great when you can get it all together at the end, doesn't it? (though I end up missing a step here and there..LOL). My calf is still "off". I know if I did something high impact on it, it would pull. I had to modify a few things on RS on that one leg. At least the next 3 days are all strengthing and no jumping around. I hope with that, and stretching, I'll be ok!

How are you guys feeling with GS legs? I'm oddly looking forward to the weight stuff the next 3 days! (I'll probably be taking that back after GS Legs though!).

The crap weather ended up hitting us. We got 3-4 inches of snow overnight, followed by freezing rain. The snow has this thick crust on it. Ick. Thankfully my DH is off from work and able to use the snowblower on it. But also home are my 3 boys, who will be in all day, since it's raining now, and supposed to rain all day... Will have to dig out some good movies, and take some time to make out Valentines too!

What are you guys doing for V-day tomorrow? Anything? I'm making my boys a nice dinner , Glumpki's. It's my hubby's favorite, which I make maybe once or twice a year. And then I bought some HUGE strawberries that I'm going to dip in melted dark chocolate for me and the boys. I'm also expecting a big box of Godiva's (I can't help it, I'm a chocolate addict!!). I'll eat them sparingly over the course of the next few months, though.

Chris, yea, you might take that back after GS Legs!! I did it this morning - ouch!! I fully expect to be very sore tomorrow. Those slow pulse lunges are killers. I just can't do the roll-ins on the ball. Maybe one or two. My calves really feel it and not in a good way. I thought of the calf injuries on here and figured I'd better rest while Cathe finished them!

Chris, we'll be doing Valentines tonight. About 60 of them! I'm so behind. I need to go out on my lunch and get the kids some treats to pass out with them. Mmmm, Godiva's! I don't think I could make a box last a few months! DH and I went out to dinner this weekend to celebrate. He works nights, so when I get home from work, he goes to bed for a few hours and then goes to work. So, we won't be doing much tomorrow night!

Randi, are you sore from GS legs? Tomorrow is GS Back, Biceps and Shoulders. Then back to cardio for a few days! I think Imax 2 is first.

HI everyone!

Checking in today with GS legs, Coremax #2 and segment 2 of stretchmax(I figured I would stretch with the ball while it was out)..My calf seems to be ok. I got through the whole workout with no problem. I even did the calf raises..

Chris: I LOVE dark chocolate..I don't think mine would last that long either..Hubby usually gets home late from work during the week. So, we do our dinner on the weekend as a family. The kids had their Valentine Party on Monday with their friends in PE class. They addressed Valentine's, decorated bags, passed out the Valentine's and decorated cookies. I made heart shaped cupcakes to bring. They had a blast...Tomorrow I will make them something yummy for dinner and maybe some cookies as a treat!!

Joanne: Hope that calf is ok..Mine is better. I still baby it a little. Especially since I know Imax 2 is coming up in a couple of days. That will test it for sure...

Hi Randi!! My chest & triceps are feeling yesterday's workout. I am sure I will remember today too..
Hi guys!

Changing it up for the week and did my first strength workout: GS Chest and Triceps. It felt great, I was so ready to switch up to weights, physically and emotionally. Just wondering if I'm the only one that has the hardest time with overhead triceps? (you know, the one where you hold the one heavy weight with 2 hands behind your back?). I can lift heavy for all the other triceps moves, but those overheads KILL me! I end up lifting much lighter than Cathe , MUCH lighter, and still struggle towards the end. ... Hmmmm..

My calf is feeling better. But of course, I didn't do anything with it today doing upper body. Although, I did run up the stairs quickly for something I needed STAT, and felt it "pull". It did go away though, but definitely reminded me it was there... Do you think it could be from the Step heavy cardio for the past 2 months? Is Step tough on your calf muscles and ankles? (my left ankle felt weird yesterday too).

I also just did something really stupid. I got all hyped up about it being Valentine's Day, and I "indulged" in some chocolate. I feel like a piece of crap right now... I feel my body reacting to the sugar...It's horrible... I'm foggy and jittery almost and at the same time feel sluggish. Weird, huh? And I didn't even get my Godiva's yet... There's no way I can have any more chocolate today. I hope hubby isn't offended... :eek:(

WOW...GS Legs *AND* Coremax tomorrow.... !!!

Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

Hi ladies!

Chris: yes, I have a little trouble with those overhead moves. It just gets right in there right away!! Yes, I do think that alot of step puts strain on those calves. But, I thought it was good to do that and that they would get stronger..Hummm!!Hope you get out of that fog!! I am trying to avoid candy..Hubby knows I don't want it or need it. We are doing a nice dinner this weekend with the kids. A family Valentine's..I am sure hubby will understand..

Checking in today with GS back, shoulders & biceps..I hope the calf holds out for Imax2 tomorrow!!!

Happy Valentine's Day ladies!!! Have a great day..
Chris, I definitely have trouble with the overhead tricep thingys! I use way lighter weight than Cathe on those. I think the step might aggravate your ankles or calf if you do it too much. It's probably more the high impact than the actual stepping. But I'm just guessing - I have no idea really!! Don't beat yourself up about the chocolate! Is it time for lunch where you are? If you had it on an empty stomach it probably affects you more. Have a healthy lunch and dinner and you'll be good.

Kathy, I'm sure your hubby will understand the family valentine. We usually try to do something like that, but this year's just a bit hectic. I did give the kids their valentines this morning. They were very excited. They got me a really cute card and some roses. Don't have to worry about eating those!

I did GS back, shoulders, and biceps today too. Looking forward to Imax 2 tomorrow. I have to confess, I didn't look at the rotation too closely and didn't do coremax yesterday. Oh well, I'll try to fit it in tomorrow. Oh, and I did about half of the stretch max segment with the band this morning. Trying to work out some of the soreness from the Gym Styles. My legs are really feeling it today.

Gotta run to a meeting...Happy Valentine's Day!!
Hi ladies;)
I did KP&C today and my legs chest everything is still sore from last week! I could barely punch or kick. Yesterday was my rest day.
Happy V-Day
Friday Check in:

I'm relieved to hear it's not only me on the overhead triceps! I thought I was a weakling not being able to lift that much to do them. Plus, they come at the end of other tricep work, so they're even harder.

So today, I did GS: Legs and 3/4's of Coremax Segment #2. I felt compelled to to my workout, even though I feel like crap. I didn't get much sleep last night because of checking my son's blood sugars frequently. you'd think his sugar would be high after V-Day... (he had a frosted brownie & ice cream before bed!!!!), but he ended up LOW. I swear, you just never know with him somedays. Anyhow..I woke up feeling really bad... a slight headache, head foggy. It didn't clear after breakfast, and after the boys got off to school, I laid down and dozed for an hour. And then I got up and thought I felt good enough for my workout!

I struggled on some of the legs. I did NOT do the calf raises (I felt just a tiny soreness in my calf on the lunges, so i didn't want to push it), but I got through. And then I was going to save Coremax until afternoon, but I threw in the DVD to see if it was the one on the ball, and it started playing, and I figured, "what the heck, might as well get it over with". I did great up until the crunches and pelvic tilts on the ball at the end. they totally made me feel like throwing up, which I almost did!

So i stopped. Going to run to the store for a few things, and then lay on the couch until the boys get home...

Hope you guys feel better than me today!!!

And hey, yeah, I ended up getting a HUGE box of Godiva's for V-Day. OMG... I ate a few, but then put them away (locked up in our basement). Only to be used in case of emergency...LOL!!

Chris: Sorry you had such a rough night...Hope you were able to get a good nap in today..I would never be able to keep those chocolates. They would be so gone!!

Checking in today with Imax 2 and ab hits #2..I felt my calf a little. But, I think it was in my mind because I was able to get through the whole thing without a problem. I think the little spasm I had was due to me babying it a little. Once I stuck to good form I was fine.

Anyway, enough of that...calf is good to go..Hope eveyone else is doing well!!
Saturday Check In:

I still felt crappy this morning. Weird one sided headache and a little nausea. I did NOT want to miss a workout though. (This rotation thing makes me feel like I NEED to do it). Scheduled was GS: back, shoulders & biceps. I figured it wouldn't be too hard, even tough I wasn't feeling great. I did take 2 Advils before i started, and they did kick in!

The workout was challenging. I was relieved it was all upper body. My legs were BARKING big at me from the previous day's GS: Legs. Holy COW, this workout got them, finally! I was happy this workout had NOTHING to do with legs!!

I'm starting to feel better this afternoon. though the weird pressure is still kind of there. I'm guessing it's sinus. (or a tumor!..LOL..can't help it, I'm an Oncology Nurse!).

I thought if I still felt crappy I'd not make it to work tonight, but I'm somewhat better. I will try. ...

Hope you all have a fantastic workout today!!!

I'm on a "rest day" tomorrow, and Monday is IMAX 2. That's a fun one!! And I'll be curious to see how my calf goes, Kathy!! I hope as well as yours!

Happy Weekend everyone!

Hi everyone!!

Checking in today with Circuit Max!! That was a great workout...I forgot that it had such great cardio segments in it..It reminded me of cardio & weights a little..

Chris: Glad you were able to get your workout in. Hope your sinuses get better...My calf is still doing great..I am so happy about that too. I also hate to miss a workout day due to being hurt...I love the rotations...This one is really great!!!
Last night was LM blast only and Imax combos only. I seems to be that LM the whole workout is kind of boring to me. today im doing BM2 abs S&H chest and tris. have a good day :)
Hi ladies!!

Checking in with LoMax done today...Tomorrow is a rest day.. I will probably end up doing some abs or yoga or both..

Have a great evening!!
Hi ladies!! Checking in today with a rest day that I added some pilates to.

Hope everyone is having a great President's Day!!

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