Feb. 08 rotation check in

Hey guys:)
I'm am following the same concept of this rotation but different workouts. Today I start the first week i'm doin HSC then coremax tough abs. OH and i just got my hair highlighted it's in my picture trail.
Kathy, how did S&H legs and shoulders go? I haven't been eating great and I did lose a few pounds last month doing the rotation and so far this month I'm about the same.

Chris, yep, S&H is certainly slow-paced. I do miss my cardio, too. I don't feel like I'm getting a good workout unless I'm hot and sweaty! But, I'm trusting Cathe! I actually fold laundry during the 1-minute breaks. I got two loads folded and sorted yesterday! I did add on All Step after the Legs and Shoulders workout the other day.

Yesterday I did S&H biceps and triceps, so I completed all three S&H workouts. I'm the most sore in my triceps. My legs aren't really feeling anything. I'm taking my rest day tomorrow and I'm planning to do Imax3 in the morning, subbing for Imax1, cause I love it so much now!

Randi, I love your hair - so pretty. Oh, and I had to peek at your dog - he's gorgeous! What kind of dog is he? His face looks just like my dog's. Same look in his eye! Oh, and how did you ever get the guinea pig and the dog to get along. My son wants a guinea pig, but I think the dog would eat it!

Hi Joanne
Thank you for the comp. She is a chocolate english lab meaning they are more stalkier and their coat is thicking, and more mellow then a regular lab GREAT DOG! She loves everything and everybody. Especially my guinea pig, they are so cute together:) Her name is Bailey. Guinea pigs are great pets but you have to kind of care for them like a dog not like some little hamster they require a lot of lovin and cleaning out the cage like once a week changing water everyday fruits and veggies everyday and playtime and cuddle time:)
Hi ladies!!

Checking in today with S&H tris and bis...I did survive the legs and shoulders. My upper body is really sore now. My legs aren't too bad. I will be happy to do cardio tomorrow for sure!!!
Randi: Love the highlights..Did you get it foiled or pulled through the cap..Cute pooch too. We have a beagle!!
Just finished HSC i'm changing the rotation just a little but keeping my cardio and circuit the 1st 3 days then doing my gym or slow and heavy weight work.
Thank you guys, I get it pulled through the cap
Slow & Heavy Legs & Shoulders: DONE!

My chest is sore from yesterday... THOUGH I managed to do 20 minutes of Yoga in the afternoon. I'm so proud, and I'm LIKING it and looking forward to it, actually! I did a thing from Comcast-on-Demand called: Zen in your Den. Good stretches!

The S&H went pretty well today... The pace is still something to get used to. LOL about you folding laundry, Joanne!! I found myself standing there and yawning... LOL!! But I know my legs and shoulders are going to be talking to me tomorrow!

Randi... LOVE the highlights! you are *very* fit too! Have you always been that way or is there a transformation story somewhere? Would love to hear about you! AND.. I also have to comment on your guinea pig. I have 3 boys (12, 8 and 6) who are just crazy about wanting a pet. But my 8 year old has had allergic reactions to dogs. So we can't get one (even though we all absolutely adore dogs!). I was thinking maybe something like a guinea pig... BUT..I'm petrified of mice and rodent-sized critters. Do you think a guinea pig is more "pet" like? Do they interact with you? easily?

Kathy... Did you do IMAX today? How did it go??

Will check back later for check ins!!

Checking in with Imax3! Tomorrow is BodyMax2.

Chris, my 11-year-old has had reactions to dogs before, too. Although only certain breeds. Have you looked into any breeds that are supposed to be less allergenic? We now have a dog - she's a german shorthaired pointer mix and he has no problems with her. I've thought about the guinea pig, too. My 8-year-old would be besides himself with excitement if that happened. The dog, not so sure!

My triceps and chest were the most sore for S&H. Looking forward to the gym styles in a couple days. I remember legs being killer.

Hi everyone!! I survived Imax today...Body Max 2 tomorrow..This is a tough couple of days.. I am trying to stay healthy.. Hubby and kids are all sick..I really think exercise has kept me healthier. That and eating right..

Hope everyone is doing great!! stay healthy!!!
It's ALL Cathe's workouts that got me in shape, nothing else. For 3 years very clean eating and disipline. I'm liking this rotation it's different to get the cardio out of the way the first 3 days hehehe. Today was kickmax, love that workout!
Guinea pigs are great pets love the sqeeks they make:)
Where is everybody?
I'm getting ready to do coremax then Imax 3. I'm drinking some "fast twitch" by Cytosport to get me pumped up! I kind of had a long night last nightx( Went to a club in downtown Kansas city. Had a lot of fun, had some drinks, but it's always vodka and diet soda (I still watch my calories). I had two drinks only and I feel kind of crappy. So i'm trying to sike myself up!
I'm Here!

For my Saturday check-in. I did S&H , Bi's and Tri's this morning. This is the workout with one of my favorite Cathe sayings. During the tricep dips, she comments on how bad her muscles are shaking, "Like a chihuahau!" Love it and it always makes me laugh (and my tri's are always quivering too!)...

I have a feeling my triceps and biceps will be the most sore, like you said, Kathy. My legs aren't bad this morning, and I haven't noticed my shoulders being too bad. But I still feel my chest from 3 days ago!

That's great, Randi...it's motivating to hear that it was all cathe that got you in great shape!! Do you do rotations all the time or just mix and match? I've been doing mostly Cathe for about a year now. I'd been working out for 5 years prior to this. I'm okay with 'me' now , but if I could get that toned , I'd be even more okay with me!

2 drinks and you feel bad this morning? Sounds like me! LOL! I sometimes will have a 1/2 glass of wine while I'm cooking, and I get all 'happy'/'silly'...LOL! I'm a very cheap date these days...

thanks for the info on the guinea pig too. I'm still debating. I have a HUGE fear of mice (one of those things that you don't plan on , but it just overcomes you and makes you irrational!). I know my boys would love LOVE any kind of pet.

My son also reacts to just some dogs (so far). And I haven't pinpointed yet which ones they are. Well, I know it's Boxers and a Boxer mix he had the reaction to. Could be more? I've looked into hypoallergenic dogs. We're not really a small dog kind of family (my boys can be pretty tough and I'm sure a small dog would be overwhelmed by them). And the hypo ones I've looked at , don't seem kid friendly (poodles) or easy to find and expensive (labradoodles, etc).

I'd just hate to adopt a dog, and then have to give it up!

So anyhow..speaking of my rough and tough boys, they're begging for lunch...

Have a great weekend!

Hi Chris
It would be easier to stick with a guinea pig. Your fear of mice, guinea pigs dont have a tail. They love affection so make sure your boy's play with it a lot if you get one.
Yeah I do follow rotations every now and then. I'm following this month's but changing it up a bit. I like cathe's older ones but the music ruins my motivation, so I dont do them anymore. I have all VHS I don't know if anyone would want them to trade. I tried on videofitness.com but it's not workingx(
Almost getting ready to workout:)
Hi everyone!!

Checking in today with Body Max 2..It wasn't as bad as I was dreading it to me. That one is so long and using the 8" step gets me..But, it was good. Tomorrow is powermax as some abs..
Checking in with another rest day (wasn't ready to face BodyMax2 yet!) and Body Max 2 today. I felt good through most of it. I remember the last few times doing it I felt like I wasn't going to make it to the end, but today was good. Tomorrow is PowerMax - a blast from the past! Gotta run...

Hi everyone!!

Well, I am still healthy..Except for a cramp in my calf. I did PowerMax today and got all the way to the last step segment where Cathe puts it all together and I stepped wrong off the step when we were doing repeaters..My upper calf is aching alot..Good thing tomorrow is a rest day and the rest of the week is gym style...I am put icy hot on it and hoping that it is better...

The family is still ill though. Lauren was feverish all night. Which means I didn't sleep very well. Hubby is getting better but not 100% yet. chris seems fine too..I know I will be taking Lauren to the dr tomorrow to see what was up with the fever..

Have a great evening!!
Good Morning :)
Yesterday was GS bi's and tri's went heavier then cathe on some exercises. But I know Cathe is way stronger then me!!!
This morning is GS legs and shoulders}(
Joanne Great job on BM2x(

Kathy I hope your family gets better soon. And sorry about your calf, that had to hurt!!
How is everyone liking this rotation so far? It's a good change, I never thought of getting cardio done first then heavy weight training I LIKE!!!
I'm still on week one my rest day will be wed.
Anyone order STS yet? I'm waiting on my tax money to get here :)
I really need to get a barbell any ideas were to get one. I know walmart has one online but it doesnt come with enough plates.
Have a great day
Kathy, I know how it is when everyone is sick! We went through strep throat about a month ago, and then the horrible cough/fever thing a few weeks ago. My last son is just getting over it. I hope your family feels better soon and you don't get it! Hope your calf recovers quickly. That stinks!

I like this rotation so far. I did PowerMax this morning and then the PS abs. I don't have Ab Hits, so I used that instead since it's on the same DVD. PoweMax was one of the first Cathe workouts I learned. I remember it being so hard to get through that last combo. I've come a long way since then!

Randi, did you try Amazon for a barbell. I got mine a long time ago, I think I got it through them and it was pretty inexpensive. There's also fwonlin.com. I think that's right. Mine goes up to about 80 pounds, but I'll never use all that!

I think I may take the plunge and order STS. Those last pictures have put me over the edge! I like how it's only three days a week and you can add your own cardio.

I start Gym Styles tomorrow. Chest and Triceps first. I remember that one is so tough. Everyone have a great day and stay healthy!

Hi everyone!!

Thanks for the well wishes.. My calf is still a little tender today. But, feels alot better. Glad it is a rest day...I am going to do some yoga or a segment of stretch max.

Randi: I have already preordered STS...It looks really good. I don't have a barbell either. I am thinking about it though. Right now I just use dumbbells and match as close as I can to Cathe's barbell weight..

Tomorrow is Gym Style for me too...Have a great day!!
Hey girls!

I had my "Rest Day" yesterday... which is primarily rest only from workouts, since I work back to back 12 hour overnight shifts.

Today I did Interval Max. I like the original, esp. on Mondays, because the moves are basic (tough but basic!). And I don't have to think too much. Definitely got my HR up there!!

Kathy... sorry about your calf injury. I can relate! Definitely rest and STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH, that helped me tremendously when I hurt mine. Sorry too about all the sickies there. I hope they are better and you all get a good night's sleep!

Joanne and Kathy... BM2 is on my schedule for tomorrow! YOu both have me psyched for it!! (97 minutes though.. oh MY!) I don't have Power Max, so I'm planning on doing Rhythmic Step instead... do you think that's a proper sub for it?

Randi... This is definitely a different rotation! Doing ALL the cardio beginning of the week, and then all the strength. I think I like it too!! Just when I get weary of one way, the other one starts up.

I've pre-ordered STS. It looks SOOO cool in the blog photos. It looks like cathe has come up with new moves or moves with different twists. I love that!

I was lucky enough to have a husband that had a barbell set as a teenager, and still has it! It's certainly not the most elaborate, but it's a bar and it has weights. I'm not even sure how heavy they can go, but I've not ever used near all the weights for it.


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