CHECKIN--a little early...


Since I just finished my last workout for the week I thought I would go ahead and start the checkin for the week!!! Hope everyone had a good one.

Felt pretty good this week(despite the womanly, monthly kind of thing). I pushed up my calories about 200 a day and that seems to be making a difference in my energy.

Here it is...

MONDAY: PS-Back, biceps, & abs / Dynamic Stretch (2nd section)

TUESDAY: Body Max minus the upper body / Dynamic Stretch (3rd section) This was my first time with Body Max and I really like it.

WEDNESDAY: PS-Chest, shoulders, & triceps

THURSDAY: Hi/Lo Heaven (1st & 2nd sections) How fun is that????
Dynamic Stretch (1st section)

FRIDAY: PS-Legs & abs I was feeling this today, wow!

SATURDAY: Hi/Lo Heaven Just got to learn that choreography. It is too much fun. I wish I could move like Harold. That will never happen but I can dream.

Well that's it. All in all a good week for me. I really did enjoy my workouts and looked forward to them. That is always a plus!

Your turn :)

Great week Kelly!!! Wait till you do BodyMax a couple of times more, you'll be hooked!! Well, at I am! Ok, Not a bad week, just been keepin' up with the same ol' same ol'. I ordered a couple of new yoga tapes and I'm on pins and needles waiting for them to get here. They were just shipped yesterday, but still...... I can't wait to try them out! Ok, onto my week!!

MON: Yoga, PS CST, and Cardio Kicks

TUES: Yoga and Step Works

WED: Yoga, Walk for 45 min., and BodyPump

THURS: Yoga and Mega Step Blast

FRI: Yoga, PS BBA, and 10-10-10(cardio only)

SAT: Power Yoga and PS SLA(when I do these two together my legs REALLY feel it!!)

SUN: Yoga and either rest, or if I have any energy Step Heat

Okey dokey, that's it for me. You all have a great week!!

Hi guys

I didn't follow any plan this week, just did whatever:

Monday : rest
Tuesday : 10-10-10 kickbox only + CTX kickbox
Wednesday: Stepfit warmup, Powermax I, II, and cooldown
Thursday : 10-10-10-CST circuit !!!!
Friday: PSBBA Kathy Smith step circuit
Saturday : tennis with bf, 45 minutes
Sunday: ???? bodymax???
Have a great week!
Checking In

Great week for everyone so far! I didn't do much for strength this week. I haven't been doing a regular rotation, so strenghth training is the one thing I have a problem making myself do! I really need a new CTX series (or someone to tell me what to do everyday!). I've had a hard time trying to do a rotation since CTX. I just ordered the PS Series (decided not to wait for the DVD) so maybe that will help me find a rotation and stick to it! Well, here's my week:

MONDAY: Body Max (I just love this tape! The step and circuits kind of remind me of CTX)



THURSDAY: Mega Step Blast

FRIDAY: Step Works

SATURDAY: Cardio Kicks and Kundalini Yoga (My first time doing this tape, I didn't like the jumping part with bare feet. It sure was different than any of my other yoga tapes!)

Hope all of you have a great week!!!

Kind of a weird week for me....Had to have a root canal and then had problems with it so was constantly at my dentist's office this week...Nothing like tooth pain to really exhaust you...

Monday: CTX Kickbox/Biceps/Abs
Tuesday: 30 minutes bike/10 minues stairmaster
Wednesday: MIS - All Upper Body + Abs
Thursday: BAD toothache...did nothing!
Friday: Interval Max/Rodney Yoga for Beginners
Saturday: Felt totally exhausted, but wanted to do something...CTX Shoulders/CTX Triceps
Sunday: May do a yoga tape today, still feel the need to rest a bit. This tooth thing has taken ALOT out of me!

Hi Everyone!

Another week gone by~whew, they are going by sooo fast. Great week for you all.

Kelly~Caught you~YOU'RE IT!!!! BodyMax is GREAT. I would put it up there as one of my very favs! How do you like the Dynamic Stretch? Is it Yoga? I am still lacking in my flexibility part of my program. I need to expand my library in that dept. Good week for you!

Aimee~Boy, you sure are staying committed to the Yoga. Which is your fav tape? Thanks for the E-mail. It was good to hear from you.

Wendy~I am going to have to give that 10-10-10 & body parts circuit a try. It sounds like so much fun. Maybe tomorrow? Go for it on BodyMax today. It'll make your day.

Bev~I agree with you on the CTX rotation. It was sooo much fun. You will definitely like the PS series too. The time goes so fast when you do them. I haven't done my Kundalini tape yet. I viewed part of it. It is VERY different. I need to give it a try or two before I make my decision. Great week, but put that strength back in. ;-)

Terri~Sorry to hear about your tooth.:-( Hope it is better now. I can't believe you were able to do IMax the day after your toothache. I guess IM will take your mind off anything, huh? Take it easy and get better.

Monday~Step 'n' Intervals, C,S&T

Tuesday~Taught Hi/Lo class with light toning & ABS

Wednesday~SL&A, BB&A(Skipped the ABS since I did them on SL&A), did the spinal erector work, 10-10-10 Cardio, stretch & CoolDown. I love my days off for loooong workouts!

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes with toning & ABS

Friday~CircuitMax cardio & strength, plank work, Jogged 20 minutes on my treadmill, AB section 3 from Quick Fix, Cooldown/Stretch from CM (Another day off!)

Saturday~MIC in it's ENTIRETY!!!:-jumpy Love, Love, Love this tape. It has been months since I put it into my rotation. Gonna add it back in more. 3 sets/15 leg presses on leg press machine, 1st. section of QuickFix for ABS

Sunday~REST!!! Cause we all need them, RIGHT? I decided to do the PS series only one time a week each. That way I can add in MIS or CircuitMax. It was tough fitting PS in 2x/week. This will work much better. Have a great week everyone. Anxious to see all your workouts. Hang in there. They do GOOD THINGS for us in the END!!!:D Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Hi Everyone!

Hey DebbieH,

Dynamic Stretch is just stretching. It has 3 15-minute sections so I usually just tack one onto the end of some of my workouts. It is real simple and to the point. I like Candice (first tape of hers) but she does talk a little too much in this. I really don't use it as a relax thing because it's hard to relax with her talking so much but she gives good advice and is encouraging. The stretching really feels good especially after something like IMax.


Ahhh!! I forgot to email you back!! I'm so sorry!! My brain is gone along with my memory!! I was good to hear from you too! I am loving the yoga!! I think Ali MacGraw's tape is my favorite! Followed closely by Joy of Yoga. I'm waiting for 2 tapes from Yoga Zone, I don't have any of theirs so I don't know what they're like. I can't wait to find out! I'm thinking about when I take a week's break from exercising, I just may keep the yoga up. I never thought I'd get into it like this, but I am! I love feeling of breathing slow and deep and connecting my breath with my musculature(sp?). I can honestly feel my body open and stretch and relax. Wonderful.

Checking in

Hi everyone!

Terri - Imax after a toothache - you are one brave woman!

Wendy - that 10 10 10 circuit with body parts sounds like a lot of fun - I'm going to have to give that a try sometime. I really like circuit workouts.

Aimee - Your yoga posts are always so enthusiastic - they inspired me to try yoga and I did, but didn't like it. I am going to try a video by a different instructor and see if I like it better. The flexibility of the people in the video was really incredibly, though - I was amazed. I didn't realize how much work I need in that area until I saw these people.

Debbie H. - your workouts are incredible!!

Here's my week:

Monday:am - Interval Max, GHAS + chest/back from Bodymax
pm - Baron Baptiste's hot yoga level 1

Tuesday: am - Stationary bike/stairmaster - 60 mins., Leaner Legs, Lower Body Sculpting
pm - Baron Baptiste's hot yoga level 2 (45 mins)

Wednesday: Gilad's Men's Arms of Steel, MIC

Thursday: Planned on running, but our road was too snowy/icy, so I put together a too-long circuit combo: Circuit Max cardio working legs only, Power Circuit cardio, Bodymax leg circuits + abs. Ouch - my knees were sore the rest of the day.

Friday: am - slide; pm - BodyPump - just got this in a trade - not sure what I thought of it

Saturday: Run 7 miles, walk/run 1 mile (pooped out before I got home)

Sunday: Run 7 miles, walk/run 1 mile (pooped out again)

I think I pulled a muscle doing the beginning yoga video and it was kind of sore throughout the week. Instead of feeling nice and relaxed from the yoga, I felt very restless - my muscles were nice and warm, but I was done with the video. It was a weird feeling.

Hope everyone has a great week!!

Everyone looks like they had a good week. I am trying a new rotation and this is my second week of the 3-week rotating rotation. I hope to go at it for 12 weeks if I see some results.

After reading all these posts about Yoga, I am getting the itch to try it. Aimee, I might go out and get the Ali Mcgraw tape, but is is for beginners. I am really pretty flexible but I don't know if that has anything to do with the difficulty of them.

Well, here is my week:

Mon. - MIS
Tues. - Cathe's treadmill workout recently posted. One tough workout - I felt it in my legs for two days
Wed. - Angles/Lines/Curves I needed after the workout Tues
Thurs.- MIS
Fri. - MIC with abs
Sat. - Bodymax didn't have time for ab section
Sun. - Usually off but I had time this morning so I got an old
tape out and did Step Heat. Kind of fun, but really
pretty easy. I tried to add some intensity and got a
good workout. Really wanted a light day anyway.

Everyone have a good week!!

Lynn W
Thanks Aimee!

Is the Ali tape available at stores such as Target or Walmart or did you have to order it? I think I'll try & pick that one up. Thanks for any advice. Don't worry about E-mailing me~just whenever! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
What great weeks!

Everyone has been doing AMAZINGLY WELL! I'm really impressed! I have to say on the whole yoga thing: Been there, tried that, couldn't make myself do it, much less like it. Maybe it's the innate lack of flexibility or something. You know how, during a stretch, various instructors say, "This should feel good."? It NEVER does! :) I have given up on all but pre- and post- workout stretching. :) Here's my week:

Monday: Circuit Max The jury is still out on this one. I didn't really enjoy it, however 1st day of the period may have had a little something to do with that. I can be soooo picky at that time of the month. :)

Tuesday: Combo day! IMax warmup and 1st 5 intervals, MIC step, cooldown, and stretch, Step Heat abs. I LOVED this combo! The music was great, Cathe was fun, and I felt really good. Unusual for day 2 of the period. I guess endorphins can overcome anything. :)

Wednesday: MIS, minus the abs. This tape always starts to feel overwhelming to me around the time I hit the shoulder work. Taking out the abs let me tell myself, just biceps and triceps to go,a nd you can stop. After all, I had already done good ab work the previous 2 days. :) This mental trick amde me feel so much more able to deal with the tape, I think I'm going to stick with it for the future.

Thursday:Cardio PArties step section with Franny. Due to interruptions that shattered my concentration ( By my HUBBY, who should know better, GRRR! :) ), I stopped after the 1st 40 minutes and did my own coolddwon and stretch. Once I lost the "feel" for the routine, I just couldn't get back in. Ah well.

Friday: Step Fit. Inspired by Suzanne's Friday "Happy video" thread at VF, I was inspired to pull out Step Fit. I ended it with the abs from Happy Hour Hi/Lo.

Saturday: REST!

Sunday: Cardio portion of Cathe's CTX kickboxing video, followed by Firm Super Sculpting. May I say that this combo was perfect?! SS is pretty light on the ab work, which was made up for by all of the abs in the kickboxing. My arms and shoulders were nicely pre-fatigued by the punching drills, so I really felt like I got in some great work, but the kicking didn't tire my legs out too much to do that great lower body work. I finished up feeling thoroughly worked out, and had a great time doing it. This one's a keeper!

Have a great week, everyone!!

RE: Thanks Aimee!

Do you have a Media Play near you?? That's where I picked up my Ali tape. I'm off of work for the next two days, I will email you then. Also, Amazon has Ali's tape and (of course) Collage video. Ok,talk to you in a day or so.

RE: Checking in

Erica, I've never tried the Baron Baptise's videos, now I'm scared to!! If you do try another one, Try Crunch's Joy of Yoga. That the one I started with and I still use it. It's a fun little half hour tape.

Lynn, I like Ali's tape, but if you're REALLY flexible, I have heard that Bryan Kest tapes are good for that. I do have one of his tapes(#2) and it definately challenges me. Maybe something to think about getting. I'm not very fond of his style though, I don't like how he touches the students, looks like he's carressing them to me. Just my opinion. So when I do his tape, I just listen to his words and try not to watch the t.v.. Just my $.02. have a good one!!

Well, everyone is kicking butt like always with their workout weeks. Gets me energized reading everyone's posts. And I will need some energizing as I am well into sleep deprivation with Brandon still adjusting to a schedule. I am designated burper and I hand him off to mommy when it's feeding time. I am having the time of my life........cant stop looking at him.....such innocence! :)
My week was as follows..doing what I can, when I can.......
Mon. -- PS-chest, shoulders, tris
Tues. -- 30 min rollerblade intervals
Wed. -- IMAX
Thurs. -- nada
Fri. -- leg workout with dumbbells and the step. Did 6 sets lunges off the step with 60 lb. dbs and 3 sets of squats using same weight.
Sat. -- nada
Sun. -- today I did IMAX again.........I really love this tape and am getting addicted. I am a big fan of interval workouts and find them very effective in cutting fat and helping increase my endurance. They also break up the monotony.
Well, take care everyone....Willie Wonka is coming on and I am gonna hold Brandon while watching it! :)
I wanna post some pics but have no idea where to do it. Perhaps webshots? Any suggestions?
Have a super energized, healthy, safe week everyone. SEIZE THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly & Aimee

This forum has already cost me serious money for stretching/yoga tapes, but hey, 'till Cathe releases her next series, what's a girl to do? Do we dare hope Cathe will include yoga/stretching in whatever torture (I mean challenges) she has in mind for us?

Kelly - Do each of the 3 sections of Dynamic Stretch have a different emphasis, or do the sections get progressively more challenging? Most of the stretch/yoga tapes are longer, it would be nice to have shorter sections for those busy days (as if all days aren't busy :-tired).

Aimee - I bought the Ali MacGraw tape after reading your recommendations. Haven't tried it yet, but even a preview makes a person feel more peaceful. Zoga Zone's tape for Conditioning and Stress Release arrived last week and, after having done it 1-1/2 times, I think it's a keeper (I'm a novice yoga practitioner, so I may not be the best judge). Great meditation section, lots of attention to lower back....ahhhhhhh. I'm really interested in your opinion, you are the yoga queen of the check-in ;-) The tape reminds me a bit of Millenium Stretch, also a favorite.

Happy "posing!"


I'm sure there are a multitude of online photo album sites, but this is one we use and several of our family members use also, and we really like it.
Just a suggestion, take it or leave it.;-)
RE: Kelly & Aimee


The first two sections are on the floor and the third is standing. I would not consider any of them extremely challenging. I am intermediate as far as flexibility, not stiff but not extremely flexible, and these stretches are just right to tack on to the end of a workout. It is not yoga, just stretching. I guess you could say each section is a light somewhat total body stretch. She targets a little neck area, the side/rib area, shoulder, back, hamstrings, calves and hip flexors, I believe. It is nothing heavy duty but it feels great to have an extended stretch after a workout.

I hope I explained it well enough for you to get an idea of what it is like. :)

Looks like everyone had great weeks. My yoga practice is going very well. I like the balance it gives me. Anyway, here was my week:

Mon- step n intervals cardio, Yogazone Power Yoga
Tue- Yogazone Power Yoga
Wed- Circuitmax
Thur- Joy of Yoga am, Stepworks and abs from PS BBA pm
Fri-Leaner legs and Joy of yoga
Sat- PS CST and abs from All Step
Sun- PS BBA and Hot Yoga level 2. I looved this tape! Baron's type of practice is exactly what I have been searching for.

Have a great week everyone!


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