Bodybuilding/Sculpting check-in;-)

Today was PS Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I also did the Xtrain 100 rep challenges for scarecrows and triceps and made up my own 100 rep challenge for chest presses.

Great idea Jodi --- What is the purpose of your 100 rep challenge? what type of press are doing?
flat bench, incline/decline--- Lol joking;) with barbell or dumbbell.:)
I love this style of lifting. I've done it with upper body but its been 5 years since I really went heavy for lowerbody. I had joint overuse injury. I'm finally healed up enough to go heavy and get back to running within extreme moderation (once a week a few miles) I now have the ankle /feet stability so back to heavy lifts. :D

I used the squat rack tonight.

I squatted 130lb all 4 set (which is my body weight) :D
deadlifts I moved up to 90lb. I could of went heavier but my hands just didn't like the weight. My dh has the hold hooks they were awkward so I'm going to get me the versa (?) whatever I saw in the fit mag
Front squats I'm going wide and deep I moved up to 75. ( making it more booty focused -yes the glutes are burning)
Then for my lunges I used the smith machine again went up to 115lb.

I did chest and back over the weekend. I pretty much stayed were I was with my last xtrain burnset with dumbbells. I was able to add a bit more cause I was using a bench press but its wasn't exciting like the squats kwim.

Oh and Nathalie I love Petal Power ;) its like a ride in the park :D

Hey to all thanks for the warm welcome.

Great stuff @Cafelattee Running in moderation is good. Years ago I got dragged by work colleagues and started running twice per week.
I actually loved it. I constantly had those horrible stories about ankle overuse my mind. I will get back into running when I move away
from the city. Iam not brave enough to run around the city with my leggins. People here in city are not into running at all!

Wow You do keep a safe and comfortable wide stance while front squatting. :rolleyes::rolleyes: somehow I naturally stand narrow while doing front squat.
I wish I knew the reason ----Hmmm this skeleton of mine:) I need to try again but from what I can remember I did find a bit difficult
to keep an upright thoracic cage/upright tronc.:) I can do plie keeping, wide stance with toes out though.

Those powerful petal look pretty but they do sneak up on your b....le butt with those jumps:D
I love pedal power.:)
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Nathalie - interesting question if some ladies are getting obsessed about building the glute muscle. I personally do not want a rock-hard butt just a tighter one than the average non-exercising butt. I think a woman's best seat is tight but has little jiggle

Ok May be l should post a picture of myself wearing my workout legging at some point. I am not flat Lol but compact enough to balance out my current physique:p


As promised here a blurred pic. Sorry I am not good at selfies!At least this will give you an idea of what I meant by compact.


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Nathalie--I'll have to take a look at that picture! I didn't pay any attention to my backside. I did EBE2 through the first two mesocycles--along with Butt Bible. I actually did a blog post for this rotation if you want to check it out. I don't usually do that but I decided, since the blog is a personal database of my workouts, I should start including other things I possibly want to return to--and that includes rotations. So if I like a rotation enough, I will start creating a blog post for it.

@jengollf Adding your rotations and other stuff is a great way of keeping a virtual, paperless record. Great idea.;):)
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Today for me was chinup/deadlift day. started with chins adding a kettlebell to weight belt 50# x 3 40# x 3 30# x4 20# x5 ( I don't have metric KB's) then 2 sets with no added weight x 8 x 6. Next was lat pulldowns x 10 x 10 x 7 x 8 . I followed with 8 sets of deadlifts and ab wheel roll outs 2 x 25. Have a great day ladies!!
Yesterday was the Upper Body Split premix from CTX. Loved it! My chest and back are particularly sore today. There was no warmup/cool down so I used both from Burn Sets.

Today was the cardio portions from CTX's 10-10-10 and Step & Intervals and the ab work from All Step. After previewing, I have to say I was a little worried because I don't have 10,000 square feet to work out in (ok, I jest, but Cathe is all over the place at times) and, well, there is step work which is not my strong point. But, I really liked it! Not a love fest and I did stumble through some of the step stuff, but overall, I enjoyed it.

In other news, hubby ordered Hammer & Chisel for me for Christmas. :D Well, I actually did the ordering with his credit card because the Beachbody website with all the different choices was too much for him. LOL! Just the basic kit for now, but t I'm sure I'll order the extra DVD when I'm ready to try it. I also sent him the link for that 4-ft barbell so I'm hoping he orders that as well. It will be a fitness Christmas for me!
Today for me was chinup/deadlift day. started with chins adding a kettlebell to weight belt 50# x 3 40# x 3 30# x4 20# x5 ( I don't have metric KB's) then 2 sets with no added weight x 8 x 6. Next was lat pulldowns x 10 x 10 x 7 x 8 . I followed with 8 sets of deadlifts and ab wheel roll outs 2 x 25. Have a great day ladies!!

Hi Tom,

Great way to vary the workout incorporating a kettlebell. As to highlighted above, did you mean a Kg kettlebell?

Yesterday was the Upper Body Split premix from CTX. Loved it! My chest and back are particularly sore today. There was no warmup/cool down so I used both from Burn Sets.

Recover from soreness Jodi. I am recovering from some lat DOMS right now. I actually love having lat doms.
Those pull up and chin up variation in a inverted rows are working. Plus barbell rows on a wide grip. Those work
my back better. I need to revisit these discs more often.:)

I revisited box squats today and added 20# to both the heaviest set and last, longest sets. 115 x8 135 x8 155 x6 175 x5 165 x6x5 155 x 8x8. Next was 1 set of barbell reverse lunges 95# x6 and 2 sets of static lunges 95# x 8x8. Glute bridges 225# x20 x15 x15 and calf raises 95# x 50x30x25. This was a lot less than previous, but I was too tired to change the weights and opted for longer sets!! The box squats I am trying to help me get deeper, and I think it is helping. Hope everyone has a terrific Wed!!
Today was CTX's Power Circuit, everything but the back work, and I also added on the barre bonus from Xtrain Legs. For Power Circuit, I did not like the warm-up and the cardio section which followed. It was too dancy for my taste and again, you needed a whole lot of space to do it. I modified the best I could, but I was not enjoying it and got nothing out of it. Now, once it moved into alternating step work with the leg weight work, I was loving it. Great stuff along with the plank and ab work. I could see pairing all of that with some other leg workout in the future.

No barbell set for me. :( Since it came with all the plates, it was going to cost more to ship it than the price of the set. Just not worth it. I will keep searching!
Today was CTX's Power Circuit, everything but the back work, and I also added on the barre bonus from Xtrain Legs. For Power Circuit, I did not like the warm-up and the cardio section which followed. It was too dancy for my taste and again, you needed a whole lot of space to do it. I modified the best I could, but I was not enjoying it and got nothing out of it. Now, once it moved into alternating step work with the leg weight work, I was loving it. Great stuff along with the plank and ab work. I could see pairing all of that with some other leg workout in the future.

No barbell set for me. :( Since it came with all the plates, it was going to cost more to ship it than the price of the set. Just not worth it. I will keep searching!
Jodi..have you checked your local craigslist? Some times you can find fitness stuff. Also Play it Again Sports often carry used barbells...just a thought! Good luck!
Between work and a sinus infection I did my first workout in a week

Tonight I did Pylo leg 2 and Ab Jam (old turbo jam cheesy fun ab workout) I had to break a bit with the pylo. I'm only on second day of anitibotic so head is still stopped up a bit.
Hopefully I'll be able to get some workouts done this week

Hope all of you are enjoying the holiday season. I finally finished shopping. I hate shopping. I love the season but not the shopping kwim
I did shoulder day today and started with 12 sets of OHP. Wasn't a great day for heavy, but with 12 sets I feel I got some volume in. Next was 3 sets of side laterals, which bothered elbows. I finished my left elbow off with a set of barbell front raises, wasn't good. I have been dealing with tendonitis and it keeps getting worse, but I don't want to rest it...what are ya gonna do??? Next I managed 3 sets of rear delt flys and 1 set heavy barbell shrugs. Hope I didn't ruin arm day tomorrow...will have to see. Cafelattee, hope you get to feeling better..Jodi, hope you find that 4 footer!! Have a great one everyone!
Hi friends,

Cafelattee - I wish you a speedy recovery
Nathalie - Thanks for the photos! Your hard work shows.
Tom - What a great compliment, thank you
I will probably pay for this tomorrow...hope so!!
Hahaha nice thinking!
Jodi - your husband is buying fitness DVDs for you! You , lucky girl :)
DH is treating us to a New Year's Eve in Turkey which is not bad either.
Jen- I'm checking your blog every day . I'm informed about your exercise regimen ;)

I haven't got a shipping notice for my ICE DVDs yet. I think I'm going to purchase Bootcamp Circuit and/or Low Impact Sweat downloads as soon as they are available for sale.
Bootcamp and Circuit are not my most used types of training but ICE Bootcamp looks so incredibly fun. I just can't convince myself I can live without it!

My workouts:

Sunday: Cathe Power Max Doubles - the legs segments from Muscle Max and Muscle Endurance
Monday: Jessica Smith's Better Body (upper, lower,abs) Doubles - HIIT 40/20
Tuesday: KCM Trim Down (cardio premix) , Body Shop (legs premix) Doubles Core Max (premix 3)
Wednesday: LIHI Legs Doubles - Gym Styles BSB (back & shoulders)
Yesterday: KCM Your Best Body w/o 2 Doubles - Ilaria's Bodystrikes 2
Today: Imax 2 Planned Doubles Jari Love Bootcamp (2nd half)

Wish a happy weekend to everyone, and lots of season's joy!
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Today tendonitis finally won! I started with tri stuff on arm day and things were fine, but I couldn't finish the bicep part. I had to cut barbell curls short and couldn't finish a rep on preacher curls or conc curls....really BUMMED! Tried some compression sleeves, but didn't seem to help. I know its been getting worse, so I guess I will have to rest bi's and stick to chest, shoulder, and legs and tri's for a while. SUCKS!!! Enough downer. hope everyone has better wo's than I did!! Svetlana, looks like a great week of wo's! Jodi...any luck on the barbell??
Hello everyone! I haven't checked in in a while but I've been working out every day--as Svetlana pointed out--doing Live workouts and mostly loving them. I have also been doing KCM and barre for my doubles + yoga on Sundays. Very excited that ICE has shipped. I rcvd my shipping notification yesterday. My question (and confusion) is--what about the Users Guide w/ the rotations? When does that post? There has been no mention of that on the forum and no questions asked by others about when it will post and I want it! :p I plan to start my ICE rotation 12/28/15 so I need to start mapping it out! I am so enamored of the Live workouts that I also want to incorporate those into the rotation, plus my new KCM workouts and a few other new-to-me workouts that are collecting dust. I guess I could just create my own rotation using the descriptions and premix breakdowns, but I like to have a set rotation to at least compare it to. Oh well!

Hope everyone is doing well! Sorry to hear about your injury tslop--no fun!

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