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    Knee sometimes feels like something is out of place

    Does anyone else sometimes feel like things are out of place in their knee(s)? For me this comes on suddenly, often on stairs, and can last from just a minute to three days. As far as I know I've got good leg strength--can get through LL weekly, and very good flexibility. What more can I do...
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    Bobbi--plantar fascitis

    Hi Bobbi, I saw this article and wondered if it might be of some use to you. Go to --Karen
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    CTX Upper body split: warm-up?

    Cathe, is a warm-up necessary before doing CTX upper body split? If so, does 5 minutes on my stationary bike do it or do I need to be targeting upper body in my warm up? Thanks! --Karen
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    Question about "All-Sep"

    LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-02 AT 04:28PM (Est)[p]Cathe, this question from Sue got lost in a Maribeth thread in the open forum so I'm pasting it here: reporter Nov-29-02, 02:47 PM (Est) 3. "RE: Maribeth, yet another question..." Dear CATHE, I hope this message reaches you. I really enjoy the...
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    Question on "All-Step"

    Cathe, this question from Sue got lost in a Maribeth thread: reporter Nov-29-02, 02:47 PM (Est) 3. "RE: Maribeth, yet another question..." Dear CATHE, I hope this message reaches you. I really enjoy the video "All Step." However, although I've been into aerobics religiously for 21 years...
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    Biceps work=sore shoulders?

    I'm finding that working my biceps leaves me sore along the tops of my shoulders. Does anyone know if that's normal, or a sign of poor form or of trying to lift too heavy? Thanks! --Karen
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    Walking progress

    I wanted to thank Honeybunch and other walkers who have posted for your encouragement--I am learning to love this terrific exercise! I decided to put a lot of emphasis on walking for two reasons: even though I was doing a lot of step workouts and kickboxing, I discovered (while on vacation and...
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    Got caught "showing off"

    I just got back from a neighborhood aerobics class I'm taking along with my 19 yo daughter. What fun to see how well my videos have prepared me for anything the instructor throws at us. But my daughter and and I have a special challenge in this class--the class is in German and we don't speak...
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    Plyo and impact question

    Are plyo moves better for troublesome knees than regular impact? Or are they likely to still cause problems? It seems to me that the sort of gradual landing involved with them would be more gentle than regular jumping and also would tend to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint due to...
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    Weight Watchers question

    What is Weight Watchers like these days? I haven't done it for at least 25 years and back then there was nothing to count, instead it was like a menu pattern. Breakfast was an egg or an ounce of cheese or half cup cottage cheese and a bread and a fruit or something like that. Now it sounds...
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    Black Diamond Yoga Mat?

    I saw this mentioned in another post and am curious about it. I don't know what kind of mat I have but my hands keep slipping on it (feet are OK). I've started wearing biking gloves when doing yoga 'cause they'll stick to the mat, but they dig into the area between my fingers during...
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    rotater cuff exercise

    I really appreciate the rotater cuff exercise in the S&H shoulders section. I want to continue to do a rotater cuff exercise weekly even after my S&H rotation ends. Do I just keep doing this one or do any of the shoulder exercises on your other tapes work for this? None of them say they do...
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    Leaner Legs and back workouts

    Since the Leaner Legs workout has so many deadlifts in it, do I need to put a day in between doing it and doing a back workout? --Karen
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    Not built for t-bar rows?

    Hi Cathe, I'm wondering if there is anything comparable I can substitute for the t-bar rows in PS BBA. At first I wasn't feeling much back work with them and they made my knees hurt. Then I searched the forum for help and tried the holding the bar in a towel sling to increase the range of...
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    Modifications for problem knees?

    I would love to hear what modifications any of you have found useful for keeping fit and strong even though you have problem knees. What do you substitute for lunges, power scissors, etc.? Anything that has helped you for either cardio or strength training would be appreciated. Thanks! --Karen
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    Muscle just quit

    This morning I did my cardio work and then put on my Slow & Heavy Triceps and Biceps. I got through the triceps section fine, but when the biceps started, my right arm just quit--it wouldn't lift those dumbbells at all. I switched from my normal 11 lb. to 8 lb and squeezed out a couple reps...
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    How do you measure your body fat percentage?

    I'd like to get some idea of my body fat percentage, but depending on the method I use (calipers, Omron machine, various measurement formulas found on the internet) it comes out as anywhere between 18-28%. Too large a range to be useful. What methods do you all use and trust?