zig zagging calories


Has anyone had luck using the zig zag calorie technique? Is it more efficient than eating the same number of calories each day? Thanks for your help!


Do a search under "BFFM" ( Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle), or go to the Check-in forum.. there is a lot of information on ziz zagging calories in there. Good Luck!
It was very effective for me. I used the zig zag method averaging the same amount of calories per week (around 1500) instead of eating 1500 each day and I lost close to 10 lbs. I wasn't overweight before I started the zig zag method, but I could stand to lose some body fat. And I did.
I was so intrigued by the positive comments that I just downloaded BFFM. Wow, this makes so much sense! I just want to say how glad I am that I found Cathe's workouts, this forum, and now BFFM. It's all starting to gel...thanks!

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